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After over a year of work and overshadowed by a full blown project funding crisis, today the much anticipated 1.3.0 release finally sees the light of day! 

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(Cross-posted for your convenience :))

And as a special message to all of my Patrons here: This was only possible because of you, THANK YOU!




Amazing work! so looking forward to trying out some of the new features.


thank you Gina ^^


Thank you, can't wait to try the new features. I am looking to design my own UI hopefully that can be accomplished. Cheers. Great work


First, I don't know why but I was somehow removed as a patreon. I thought it was strange not seeing any updates from you for some time and noticed now when i logged in to post this comment that you weren't listed under my creators. I don't know when i happened. But maybe something you should contact the patreon crew about as i t only affected you among the creators i support and might have happened to others. But nice with a new release , Just installed it :-) I must admit i didn't read the entire release notes but I looked at it, and it would have been nice with an warning in the beginning that the custom system part of config.yaml file was going to get wiped when updating to this version. When searching for it i found something mentioning a automatic migrate function. But I dont know how or if it works. Thanks for the great work!


It shouldn't actually have wiped the custom system commands, only removed those that were now duplicated by the new centralized shutdown/reboot/restart commands. You are the second person that reported something like that happening, but I still have not been able to reproduce this issue myself, no matter how much I tried - I added a bunch of additional system commands plus the commands expected to be removed, started up, saw only the redundant commands removed with the rest staying. When it converted your custom commands, it should have created a backup in ~/.octoprint, called config.system_command_migration.yaml I think. Could you mail that to me so I can try to reproduce the issue with your config?