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A quick weekend surprise for y'all: I just pushed a relaunched version of data.octoprint.org

What is data.octoprint.org and why have you never heard of it? data.octoprint.org is the place where you can get a look at fancy graphs generated from the anonymized data collected by the Anonymous Usage Tracking plugin. If you've ever wondered how many instances (opted into said usage tracking) are out there, what versions are run, what printer firmwares dominated, how the Python 2 vs 3 distribution looks like and several other fun stats, data.octoprint.org is where you can learn about all that.

It's been online for almost a year in the shape of an implementation by Aaron Yourk and kindly provided to the project (Thanks!). Since then it has been flying a bit under the radar ever since and was mostly shared on the Discord server

Ever since I started experimenting more seriously with React as a possible candidate for implementing a new frontend for OctoPrint I've been meaning to rewrite that page, using React, Material UI and also adding some more stats to it. I started doing this during the final days before my vacation, and decided to finish it during the final work day before my knee surgery. And this is what led us here ;)

Hope this is as interesting to many of you as it is to me. Not only do I enjoy looking at the stats and trying to spot patterns, it's also such a relief to see hard numbers regarding RC usage and stable versions right after release. Now you can monitor this stuff a bit more easily as well, enjoy!




Asger Vestbjerg

Yep, under the radar...👍🙂


Great! I found me there 👍😎