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Woah, what a year, eh?

I don't know about you, but when I wrote my last end-of-the-year Patreon post, I certainly did not anticipate what 2020 would look like at all. I thought it would be the first time for me to leave this continent on a trip across the Atlantic to attend MRRF with many of you. That maybe I'd make it back to 3D Meetup Sweden. That I'd spend some inspiring days at PyCon.DE again and finally end the year on the insane experience that is the Chaos Communication Congress. Instead it was anxiously monitoring infection rates, hunkering down in mid March (and I haven't stopped hunkering down since either), rarely seeing my family and friends face to face and drowning in work. 

But it also was virtual events & get-togethers like the 3D Drucker Online Lab Night, Akademy, The Meltzone Podcast, VERRF, GitHub Nova and Universe. It was building an awesome testrig that since has powered every OctoPrint release. It was becoming a GitHub Star, winning the first ever GitHub Star Award for Community Growth & getting featured in Hackspace Magazine and on KDE.News

It was 6 new stable releases and 10 release candidates, 8 episodes of OctoPrint On Air and 11 Code & Chat live streams (yes, I know, I need to do another one sooner rather than later). It was countless hours of y'all helping each other both on the forums as well as on the Discord server that launched in May. It was still being able to do this full-time thanks to the support of all of you. It was getting a ton of help on OctoPrint from old and new contributors & friends πŸ’•

We can hate on 2020 as much as we want, but there was also a lot of good things that happened this year. And I think this year, more than any one before at least in my lifetime, it is important to reflect on and cherish the good things rather than concentrating on the bad and horrible ones. So that's what I'll do. And sleep and game and binge watch some stuff that I've built up a backlog on. To then return to you in mid-January, refreshed and eager to continue to improve OctoPrint and its ecosystem for all of you 😊

Until then, take care, wear a mask & stay healthy, happy printing and of course Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!






Well said. Honestly because of 3d printing, octoprint, and increased online shopping, 2020 has been the most profitable year of my life. If it didn't kill people I would probably miss the pandemic.


LongCOVID alone for me is reason enough to get vaccinated faster than you can say vaccine (once I'm eligible that is), so I wouldn't go that far, but I get your drift ;)


Oh God yes. To be clear, wear a mask, don't gather in groups, get the vaccine as soon as you can people

Filip Kindt

Well I saw a newer post than this one ;)


Thank you for all your hard work Gina. Here’s to a better and bigger 2021!


Gina, love your work. 2021 WILL BE an incredible year. Thank You!


Thank You for Octoprint and be safe.


Merry Christmas. Thank you for your incredible work