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The thirteenth episode of a monthly live broadcast for Patrons which aired live on November 11th 2017. 

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(Cross-posted for your convenience :))


OctoPrint On Air #13

The thirteenth episode of a monthly dev log/Q&A session about all things OctoPrint for my Patrons on Patreon which aired live on November 11th 2017. My Patrons can submit questions to answer during the Q&A session via a Google Form before and - usually ;) - also live during the broadcast via the chat. Expect more videos like that roughly on a monthly schedule. If you want to attend the live broadcast and ask questions beforehand or live on air, consider becoming a Patron on Patreon and selecting one of the corresponding perks - that will also help me with continuing to work on OctoPrint full time, which I love doing! OctoPrint's webpage: http://octoprint.org Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/foosel ---- Links related to this episode: OctoPrint On Air #11 (how to help test RCs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUq6Sxvaw5E&t=436s ---- Intro What I have been up to 00:02:52 OctoPrint 1.3.5 got released 00:05:02 Work towards 1.3.6: Change in update procedure 00:08:04 PYPI change triggering issues with updating OctoPrint on old OctoPi versions, and how to backup/restore on OctoPi image update 00:11:12 Work towards 1.3.6: Plugin blacklist 00:16:00 Work on the new permission system for 1.4.0 What's next 00:17:00 New time management approach to finally get around to do more dev work again 00:21:15 More work on the new permission system for 1.4.0 (and what it entails) 00:24:50 General goals for 1.4.0 Q&A 00:27:39 "Beyond testing RC and being a patreon, what can we do to support OctoPrint? Develop plug-ins? Become the maintainer of existing plug-ins such as FirmwareUpdater? PR for new features or bug fix?" 00:35:50 "I would like to see the temperature of my Raspberry Pi 3 with other temperature (Tool, Bed). For you, what is the best approach to implement that? Building a plug-in? Based on which mixin?" 00:38:34 "In the GCode Viewer, I like to change the settings (check Zoom, show previous layer, uncheck moves and retracts). I have to so this each time. Is there a way to save these settings? I see nothing in the admin part." 00:40:41 "Have there been any further contacts from printer manufacturers wanting to jump aboard the OctoPrint bandwagon the way Aleph Objects has, since the last time you mentioned the funding hunt?" 00:44:04 "How would you feel about an open hardware manufacturer shipping kits with OctoPrint bundled onboard?" 00:45:00 "Anything that can be done to lower latency between line sends in OctoPrint or not? Kamikaze embeds Octoprint onboard the printer, so there's no physical limitation to the baud rate we can handle, but OctoPrint always takes 100ms between sending two lines. […] Any ideas whether this is something in the OctoPrint comm layer, or if it's an underlying library that's causing issues there? And what can we do about it other than trying workarounds (increased buffer sizes, slower print speeds, etc.)?" 00:58:52 "Is there a way to suppress or change the error window on the CONTROL page so that it doesn't show a big black box with the error showing where the video window is [if no webcam is connected]?" Wrap-up



Thank you Gina for all your hard work I am attempting to get a logitech camera model v-u0022 aka logitec tv aka skype camera to resolve I maintains a message of loading stream but it will not could you point were should i go to read about this issue thanks CJ


Sorry, I'm not familiar at all with that specific camera. It might simply be that it's not supported by mjpg-streamer (which is what's used on OctoPi for webcam support). OctoPrint itself doesn't interact with your webcam itself, it only embeds its stream URL and/or uses its snapshot URL.