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Just got back from the doc since things didn't really improve - apparently it got me good 🤧 So I'm still out of commission, working on getting back on my feet and not touching any code until then in order to not break more than I would fix 😞

I hope to be back in working order soon - especially since it feels a bit like 1.3.5 is burning a hole in my pocket by now 😉

For those of you at the $5+ level: It might happen that I'll have to reschedule our OctoPrint On Air broadcast again, should I not be back in shape by Friday. Just as a heads up (oh, and btw: still not a single question for the q&a section 😶).



Get well soon!


Hope you feel better soon. Take care


Die Gesundheit geht vor! Gute Besserung!

Jonathan Charnas

As I'm still getting over the flu myself all I can say is good luck! Reschedule if you need to. I'll try to pop one or two questions in the queue in the meantime


Not coding because of illness, wheres the fun in that and remember "if it isn't broken fix it until it is "


No stress - hope you're feeling well soon. For the q&a session: I have had to stop using octoprint. I am finding that many of my prints fail randomly (not all, just some) part way through, failing with a serial exception error. I've tried all sorts of things to mitigate noise - shorter cables, ferrites on the usb cable, running through UPS, different USB power supply etc etc but still having issues. Would it be possible to have an automatic "attempt to resume" feature in octoprint? Presumably when the serial disconnects, the printer would keep printing the remaining commands in its buffer, and then if octoprint waits like 30 secs or so, then octoprint can safely reset and reconnect to the printer, knowing where it last sent the print head, and then resume printing from there? I know this is like a bandaid and not a real solution for my problems, but surely it can only be a net-benefit? Anyway, just an idea :)


Take care of yourself Gina. From my experience in programming (25+ years) one hour of coding when you feel bad (illness or overstrain etc) cost you later minimum four hour of fixing...


Hey, take care of yourself, the code can wait!