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I've recently realized we never see Hannah's back in the game. A shame. An idea for a possible sequel?


Hello, everybody! I hope the first snows of winter are finding you well and healthy.

So it's been a week since the release of The Muscle Bunny Girls on Itchio and while it went well, there were some hiccups. Unfortunate bugs that I should have caught made me work on the game with last-minute urgency, but overall, the game appears to have been well-received.

In terms of revenue, the game itself made about 275$ USD on its first week, and did generate some buzz for older titles on the platform, earning the Peach Punch brand a grand total of about 325$ USD. Which is...not a lot, it doesn't even start paying back for the art budget and everything. Which whipped me into shape into making a Steam release as soon as I can so I can recoup even sooner. 

Which is what I did for a large part of my week. I've been doing good time, my brain firing on all cylinders, too. So that's great. In the end, I've changed some of the events for the Steam version. Examples of these changes include :

  • X-Ray vision and bone breaking is gone
  • Nobody dies (they fall unconscious instead)
  • The Hannah & Johnson final scene has been truncated to instead just knocking him out with her breasts. The bodyscissors part of the scene has been cut completely, it was too twisted
  • No overt reference to severe injuries. Ribs, legs and fingers are 'strained/sprained' instead of broken, blood has been removed, and verbal threats on the lives of the protagonists have been reworded to be less intense / more vague

I've also re-balanced some minigames in the Steam version, following a comment from a player on the Itch store page. The headscissors scene now asks a little less button mashing from the player, the last round of the breasts smother game happens slower now and is more lenient on timing, and the escape room minigame timer for failure has been reduced from 3 minutes to 2 minutes.

I figure I might add those balance changes in the Itchio version as well in a new update later, even if it goes against my initial intention of deliberately making those games difficult, to convey the real struggle against a powerful woman. Oh well.


I have sent TWO commissions this week to artists. I commissioned Manob0028 for a piece starring Vivian and Rook in a bear hug. They are working on a busy schedule, so I am expected to see a first draft by the end of the month, so don't wait on a new version of The Bodyguard Girl 2 anytime too soon, unfortunately. As I like to say, great art takes time.

Similarly, I am expecting the first H Scene for the Childhood Friend Got Buff game somewhere near the end of the month too. I've been accumulating a lot of art for that project, because I want your first impression to be a great one. I am aiming to have a first build ready to go in December. 

I'm still debating whether or not to make it in Ren'py, because I've found it very limiting in terms of animating characters and scenes. I would need to create animations outside of the software and turn them into movies or animated gifs which aren't managed well by Ren'py, at least from my current understanding of it.

Also, I want to change the name of the game. It sounds stupid, perhaps, but I'm uncomfortable with having the word 'Child' in the title. Perhaps changing it to something like  'When Did My Friend Got Buff???' or go with a whole different thing. I'll see. I'm opened to suggestions, as always.


My experiments with animating the character in the mystery game were conclusive. Expect to see a living, breathing character sprite talking to you in the game. It's a nice addition. Perhaps I should start showing you some of the work for the game, so you don't get too frustrated about me working on this mysterious thing. Another update over the weekend, perhaps? Exclusive to subscribers?

And that's it. A busy week for me, and I have met most of my goals, so I am proud of my work. I cannot wait to show you what it's been leading up to.

Until then, stay safe out there!



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