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"You're one ugly motherf***er..."
- Major Dutch Schaefer, Predator (1987)

Sorry, just poking some fun at my own drawing. Yes, that is not a very good drawing, but it's the first one I've done in years, AND the first one I've realized on my new drawing tablet.

Indeed, I've recently acquired a refurbished Huion Inspiroy H1060P for really cheap (25$) and so far it's working fine. I've tried out drawing on Clip Paint Studio and this was my first result, tracing over based on reference. Just like with any tool, this will require practice and dedication; I just cannot 'hit the ground running' with this thing.

Still, if I can manage to draw my own stuff eventually, that would be neat. We are still months (if not years) away from that goal. But yeah, neat.

By the way, the drawing is meant to be a character I created and haven't used yet, a girl in a military guerilla group, hopped up on performance-enhancing drugs, crushing Marines and other agents in the heat of the jungle. Hopefully I can do something with her eventually.


My rush to complete the Muscle Bunny Girls game continues, and I ended up editing the existing art for the bodyscissors scene and writing a CG scene for when you fail the minigame. It's a short scene, meant to kick things off in the game, and it's a nice little late addition to the game. I'll make sure to share the build with you when I add the other scene I have in mind that will conclude my work on the uncensored version.


And that's it for now. I usually post these updates later in the week, so maybe that's why this week looks like a slow news one. Oh well. Stay safe out there!




Well that’s not bad at all, you should definitely keep at it!!