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So, the Game Ideas Poll is still going on (I'll let it go on for a few more days before closing it), but I feel like there is a clear winner, and a rather interesting Top 3 positions.

For those not keeping track, the cat-girl Kunoichi game snuck its way into second place in the poll in the last few days, and I think it could be a very interesting project to work on.

Don't take what I say here for 100% sure cold-hard cash, but I feel like once The Bunnygirl is done, I might start working on The Childhood friend game in parallel with the clear winner of the poll, so we can have two contrasting experiences (one sweet, the other brutal).

Speaking of The Bunnygirl, I have sent reference images for a headscissors scene, cause I wanted to do something similar to the headscissors scene in The Bodyguard, but as a mini-game, so it should be even better.

My intention is to be able to release a build of The Bunnygirl with two new mini-games in it before the end of the month, probably somewhere between X-Mas and New Year's Eve.

And finally, I started talking with a new artist to work on the new version of Vivian with her tactical bodysuit (I am teasing an AI-generated reference image here in this post, imagine walking through a smoky damp sewer and coming across...her!). I'll wait until the deal is sealed to talk more about it, but I am very, VERY excited I got my 'first pick' of artist for this project, as they were on the top of my list of artists to contact. 

They are not a 'big name' artist, and I stumbled upon them a little randomly, but their work is pretty phenomenal. They have a style of their own, and while they still draw in an anime style, they make thicc, curvy women with generous hips and thighs and it truly felt like a match made in Heaven for Vivian. Based on the other art I saw of this artist, I think we are all in for a visual treat.

Seriously, my heart totally skipped a beat when I saw they finally replied to my initial request after a few days of silence. I am THAT excited about this collaboration. And I hope you will be too, when I have the Vivian character sprite ready to go.

Until then, I hope you all have a great week. Be careful out there.



bob bob

Can't go wrong with a contrast like that. I ended up voting for childhood friend but Vivian was a close second. Light teasing and showing off coupled with some brutal power displays is a win for everyone.


So I sent the reference material and payment to the artist for Vivian’s in-game character sprite and I should have some results within a week or two. After that, either I’m so excited that I decide to show you guys what I got, or I stay focused and work on a ‘new look reveal’ early build of the game. We’ll see…