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UPDATE : I have fixed the CG Gallery issue. Please look for builds 1.1 at the same link as below. There are no other additions, so feel free to skip it if you did not mind the bug on your first playthrough.


So, errr... I made a thing.

It's a risky little thing, too. An entirely new short game with AI-generated character sprites, CGs and background art. Given the general opinion towards these things in the art community, I'm quite convinced that this is a pretty stupid thing to do. Especially since I depend on the art community for all of my other projects.

But, I got real excited for the AI tech, and I had this idea for a game that was a bit more gory and weird and I wasn't sure any artist would help me with it so...one thing led to another and here is a full game : A Killer Gal.

I decided I would share it exclusively with you guys. I do not plan on selling nor advertising that game anywhere. I will not upload it on Itch or any other online marketplace. I just really wanted to show it to you guys, but by doing this I mean no disrespect to actual artists, which I will continue to employ on my current and future games.

As you will see, there are several limitations to working with AI-generation : art is inconsistent, anatomy is sometimes weird, and I could not make two characters fit in one single image without it looking like a melted horror monster. So, this is most likely a one-time thing. Do not expect anymore AI-generated games from me. If you are disappointed in me saying that, please understand the ethics of using an AI trained on other artists to make money with it. Honestly, if this thing causes any stir at all, I plan on removing it posthaste. So, grab it while you can.

About the game : well, I think it's better if I don't reveal too much about it. Let's just say that if you enjoyed the ending of The Bodyguard, you might find your kick in A Killer Gal. Under its sugar-coated exterior, it is surprisingly violent. I see it as fitting for an October / Halloween / Spooktober VN Jam type of deal. I made it in about two weeks, in a high-motivation daze of overwork, and I think it came out alright. I hope you enjoy.

Also, let me know if you encounter any bugs. It wasn't thoroughly tested. It's built on a copy of the Bodyguard project, so it should be fine. I do know of at least one bug : the 7th picture in each pages of the CG gallery won't show the locked screen, and it will unlock at the same time as the 6th picture unlocks. This is due to the plugin I've used, and I hadn't had time to look into it. The game appears very playable to me.

You can download the game by clicking here (both PC and Linux builds).

Have a good weekend, all!




Have you ever thought of making a fmg game?


I understand there is a demand for it, and I might get to it one day. The issue is the art : it gets expensive to create enough different character sprites to properly communicate the growth. Also, it limits the number of artists I can work with; not all of them want to do fmg, unfortunately. Perhaps later when I’ll have more means. It is always in the back of my mind.

Just Me

Had no issues, aside from the bug you mentioned (picked abs as the option which is CG7 on page 1). Also played it through Chrome on a Mac, works well enough. The assets were more consistent than I thought they would be, guess it helps that NovelAI has a style and can at least keep colors fairly consistent. But yeah… clearly shows the limits for actual content creation at this point. That being said, I'd still say that many artists will come around on this tech, once the "normie fad" is over and your average internet troll found a new toy to get a rise out of people. There are a lot of potential benefits to a professional's workflow, especially with a bit of task-specific model fine-tuning. At least a lot of poor guys crunching in big studios to make Quixel Megascans "unique" will be very happy about this 😅


I can competently create character designs with AI, so it will be immensely useful with my communication with artists in the future. But yeah, may this game serve as proof that the tech is not 100% there yet to make full pro-looking games.

Frantz Lasvignes

I play the game to the end in Linux and he works well, no bug I have tried some IA, I have just obtain more weird than you, so your results are very correct. Witch IA did you use ? NovelAI ? IA will be more and more used in the futur. I'm sure you will change your mind about no use anymore. Not 100% IA but a mix of artist and IA is a better opportunity. We will talk about it again


Glad to hear it works well in Linux! I do use Novel AI, I was a subscriber from way before the image generaton module. It has helped me write some scenes in some of the games, since English isn’t my native language. I wouldn’t have issues using AI in collaboration with an artist, with their consent. Creating reference material in NovelAI to give an artist to re-do in their style is one very possible use. Otherwise, I do not think my stance on AI generation will change in the near future. But they say, only fools and dead men don’t change their minds. So, I guess we’ll see what the far future holds.

Marek Jarecki

Game was awesome. Character very sexy. Too bad no choices at the end and only penis crush, but what penis crush! Superb work


Yeah, it was meant as a really simple game with very little complexity, just to test image AI generation for games. I am glad you enjoyed what little content the game had, though!

bob bob

Loved the game! The teasing while picking your favorite body part was great and so was Mackenzie's whole attitude.


I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it! It was a little experiment, and I think it came out pretty good. Also yeah, I like to include some form of body worship in the games. I’m trying out different methods to implement it (you can see another worship scene in The Bunny Girl game’s early builds), and it is sure to come back in the future!