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I have updated my first game, The Bodyguard Girl Is Just Too Strong!!!, to version 1.1, adding a much requested CG Gallery to it. Sorry if it wasn't available any sooner, I'm just working with a very simple software and the CG Gallery had so many issues with it before launch that I originally scrapped it. 

It's back now, and working as intended (as far as I know, at least). You will have to go through the game again to unlock every image, unfortunately (although you can skip through the dialog, so it's not THAT long).

Also, I figured I would give it away to all Patrons. This is the same version as the one sold on Itch.io, so this is just offered out of courtesy, and for future Patrons who might prefer to get it here instead of on Itch.

As usual, you can download this game (and the two others in-development) by clicking here.


Géza Rehorovszky

I like your game. ... Any story with Miss Vivian Tong? -- Vivian Tong in 18 or 21 years old? ;-)


Canonically, Vivian is 23 years old. I have another idea for a second game with Vivian, but she would also be 23 in it. Sorry! However, I hope you will understand my hesitation to create characters that are too young. It is both a moral and legal point of view. 21 is probably the youngest I would go for.


Heya! Glad to be supporting you! I bought this the moment I saw it, and I loved what you brought to the table! I know it's a long shot, but do you think this with potentially any future projects could be playable on phones? If not, appreciate all the work you do anyways, keep it up!


Thank you for the kind words! I got tired of never finding the kind of content I like, so I decided to start making it myself! Glad to see my work finding an appreciative audience, the success so far has been quite unexpected. As for phone builds, I know the software I work with allows the export to Android, at least (iOS and MacOS are out of the question at the moment, since I do not own an Apple Dev ID and won’t have one in the foreseeable future). I might look into how I could build for Android, so that interested players could install it on their own devices (because I doubt I could publish adult games on the Play Store…? Maybe? I have no idea, my personal phone is on iOS so I lack first-hand experience with Android devices and infra). Although I do know that the games I’ve made so far would need some work to be adapted to Android, due to some file formats not properly supported (mostly audio), so perhaps future projects, but it is not something I feel comfortable promising for now, unfortunately.