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"Ugh, that was dull. What a waste of time."


As promised, I managed to complete the scene I wanted for the throat lift minigame in The Bodyguard Girl Is Too Strong 2.

I'm getting confused about the correct length for those scenes. If you remember, I tried to make the last losing scene (with Rook) longer, and some of you suggested it was in fact too long. So this time, it goes straight to the point in a faster manner, and it makes the scene more like a companion to the minigame. Which is what it's supposed to be, I guess.

So, this new build 0.2.2 only contains the following :

  • New throat lift CG scene corresponding to the 'bad ending' of the minigame : to access it, progress through the game in this way > Start game > Skip intro > Click on Rook icon in the map > Complete the scene > Click on Captain icon in the map > Complete the investigation minigame > Click on the Captain icon in the map > Lose the throat lift minigame.

  • Various minor bug fixes : I bet you won't even notice. Most important bug was to stop the game from skipping accelerated auto-reading when the throat lift minigame starts.

And that's it. You can download the new build 0.2.2 by clicking here.


I'm just happy to have this scene completed. It calms my mind to know that this is a more 'complete' build now, with the scene after the minigame failure.

As usual, let me know if something is broken in the build or if you can't access the content properly. I hope you enjoy this somewhat gruesome scene. There are no gory visuals, but I tend to exaggerate when I narrate the injuries. I believe that's how you guys like it?

Now, shall we vote soon on which scene/character is next? Or would you rather switch it up a little and let me decide, making you vote on something else instead? I'll give myself a few days to make up my mind about it.

Until then, stay safe out there!




That was amazing, just seeing her casually do that kind of feat of strength, we could always use more of her showing off how strong she is. I personally wouldn't mind just letting you take charge for once and see what you surprise us with next time lol I am surprised with how much more visceral you've gotten with these descriptions but it's good to help pain a clearer picture in my head as to what's going on in the scene. Keep it up! my biggest concern now is that im finally out of save slots so i won't be able to save-scum to get different endings for future drops and go back to my favorite parts lol


Haha, being out of save slots is an interesting problem to have. I suppose one way to remedy this would be to add a 'replay' or 'memory' menu to the game. But seriously, finagling with the UI in Visual Novel Maker is such a hassle that I'd rather not. Even though it's a standard option in visual novels. I'll see what I can do.

Walker Thompson

I am totally new here and i am really impressed with especially this figure of you, Vivian. Did you ever concider making comics with her !?


Hi! Glad you’ve joined us. Your support is very appreciated. As for comics, I have to commission all of the art, since I’m not an artist myself. Making a comic is not impossible, but it is costly, making it less tempting. At least with the visual novel / game format, I can spread out the visual assets and get more value out of them. If I was the one doing the drawings, I might think differently, but for now that is my position. If anybody want to draw or commission their own fan comic with my characters, I encourage them to do so. I’d be curious to see what other people come up with.