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"Are you already down for the count? Hm. You are a sad excuse for a training partner. I suppose that, since you're already on the floor, we could practice ground holds. Stay still."


So yeah, I spent the entire week working on the builds I released this week (new build 0.1.3 of Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan!!!, then follow-up cleaner build 0.1.4) so I haven't had time for much else.

As I mentioned in the build release post, I am quite proud of my work on the game so far, and I feel very motivated writing for that project. I can't wait to show you more. And since there might be delays on the other project, perhaps you'll get your next episode sooner than you think.

Indeed, I am sitting on at least one CG scene I haven't shown you yet, which was planned for the original Episode 3, but Rin's arrival changed everything. As she usual does.


What's this talk about delays? The new art for The Bodyguard Girl 2 might arrive later than expected, which is not a problem since I have enough material to continue working on Yumi-Chan instead, if that delay stretches into the month.

Whatever happens, you'll have a June build of something, so no worries.


And that's it. Very, very slow news week. When the news slow down like this, my head fills with ideas of a new game, and so I have to hold myself back from creating yet ANOTHER title. I've done this in early 2023, working on three games at the same time, and it was strangely exhausting. Still, I can't help but let my mind wander...a remake of The Bodyguard Girl 1 but on Ren'Py? My joke game Reincarnated As A Punching Bag In A Gym Full Of Muscle Girls? Maybe one day. Maybe not.

Until then, stay safe out there!



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