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"You know I'm a martial arts champion. You know that, and yet you challenge me? I do not suffer fools. Instead, fools suffer for me."


Already another weekly update? Well, yes, and that's because a few things have happened over the weekend and monday. Let's go over everything, shall we?

I have received an initial version of the next CG for Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan!!!, of which I offer a little sneak peek in this post. To say it looks sensational is an understatement. I still have to animate the layers and integrate it in the game so you can play and experience it by yourself.

It is shaping up to be a striking scene, and I can only hope that my writing will match up the incredible art.


On a more serious note, I have received update news from Patreon that trouble and confuse me. I have discussed this subject before, so I suppose you are already aware that credit card processors are attempting to shake off adult content on the internet. While it may not be their initial intention (they probably just want to cover their asses legally speaking by avoiding any association with problematic adult content), the bottom line is that there are less and less spaces online to openly sell adult content, or being crowd-funded for adult-oriented projects, such as Peach Punch.

In an email I received on Monday, Patreon warned its adult content creators that we would need to agree to a new set of requirements established by Visa. I've already agreed to similar clauses for Mastercard, so it's not necessary something that comes out of leftfield.

However, I am unsure what it means for a content creator such as myself. The new requirements concern the consent for 'participants' in the content, which I understand when it comes to live actors or voice actors and all that.

But what about me? I write about fictional people. I ask creators, who are mostly anonymous even to me, to draw these fictional characters. I am unsure what it means for my work. Will I need to ask each and every of my collaborators for a proof of consent?

I am freaking out a little about all of this, as usual. While I am not making a lavish living with subscriber sites' financial support, it is seriously helping me reach a balance between my part-time day job and creating these games in the remaining time. The profits made from the games, which are quite humble, are not yet enough to support me and pay for the production of everything needed for the games. I need the support of subscribers to keep doing this, and I would be quite distressed to have this support undercut by a weird technicality coming from a credit card company that would rather I did not exist at all.

TL:DR : Please familiarize yourself with...erm...alternatives to Patreon. Links to such an alternative can be found on my Twitter profile and my Linktree, just in case something happened to my Patreon account and I disappeared from this part of the internet overnight.

Sorry about the rant.


In other news, I have discovered other fun little tools to amuse myself with. First off is Chub Venus AI, another platform for chatbots where I might have created another version of Yumi that I am tweaking whenever I have some downtime. It even has iOS and Android apps, so you could chat with Yumi on the go! It focuses more on elaborate and verbose roleplay, so I feel it lacks the punchy nature of CharacterAI or JanitorAI, but I might share it with you when I feel it is polished enough.

Another one is LeiaPix, an AI-assisted tool to turn images into 3D versions. While it is quite limited and is more of a toy than a tool, the results are fun little images that can definitely emphasize the bodies of muscular and busty characters, so it's a great fit with my work. That said, it exports either minuscule GIFs or MP4 videos, so neither are ideal to share with subscriber sites. I'll see what I can get out of it, it could be a nice way to spice up my weekly updates.


A very quick mention of Hypnotized By My Assassin. The game has now been officially removed from here. It is now only available on Itchio, I will not be uploading it here anymore. This game is done. Read my full rant above to get an idea of why I'm pulling it out.


And that's it. I have a lot of yard work to do in the coming weeks, and I hope it won't impact my capacity to deliver a new episode of Yumi-chan before the end of the month. That said, my progress is going well and I am confident I'll have something very interesting to show in a week or two.

Until then, stay safe out there!



bob bob

I read the consent thing they have in their community guide lines and yeah it seems pretty clear that they are going to attempt to scrub anything with even the slightest hint of no consent explicitly stated which just seems bizarre. But upon reading it closer it is just for sexually gratifying content so stuff like Yumi's teasing would be ok I think but some others wouldn't. As far as AI chats go you should defiantly check out JanitorAI. Has the same feel of old charAI before it went filter crazy.