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So, things happened in quick succession in the last 24 hours. I just released build 0.0.3 of Don't Flex On Me Yuki-Chan!, and my x/tweet about it got shared by a much larger account than mine, so I got a lot of exposure.

From my experience, exposure doesn't give you as big a boost as you would think. If anything, my games are probably more pirated than ever before, hah. But nevertheless, I have seen a small influx of new members on my subscriber sites, which is always welcome. So, let me say 'Hi!' to every new member, free or paid, and I am glad you are here. I hope you'll find my work good enough to justify your support.


Another month, another wave of censorship hitting the internet. Perhaps you have read about Paypal tightening their grip on websites that use their services, and forcing these sites to give up on adult content, or demanding new parameters to accept said adult content.

This week, Gumroad and Fanbox are the new victims of this maneuver to push adult content further away from the public eye. And here on Patreon, new guidelines appeared to make sure adult content creators emphasize on the consensual aspect of their creation.

I hope longtime fans have noticed my dedication to the discussion of consent, which is a personal value of mine that I hold in high esteem. My games dabble in domination, which is a subject that sometimes make consent unclear, although I usually make sure the characters all express their desire to be in the situations I depict, at one point or another in the story. Have you noticed?

That said, I am afraid, as always, that a review of my content in bad faith might arrive at the conclusion that I do not respect the newest guidelines (be that the current ones, or future guidelines) and kick me out of the platform. This would be the worst case scenario.

It also means I might have to permanently delete at least one of my projects from Patreon, which I feel plays with the notion of consent a little too liberally. I won't name it, but I'm planning to make it available elsewhere, for a price. You know the one.


In art-related news, I commissioned art for the Silver's Gym background in Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan! to replace the AI-generated placeholder. Said placeholder was sent to the artist as a reference, so expect it to look not too different from what it currently is.

I'm waiting a few more days before closing the last poll about the next character to star in a CG Scene in The Bodyguard Girl 2. As I stated above, a few new members joined in the past 12 hours, and I expect at least a few more to come, and I want them to be able to express their opinion as well. Good thing too, since the poll, as it stood a few days ago, was at a standstill between Rook and Captain. Once I get a definitive result from the poll, I might expedite a commission to get some art as soon as possible.

Yumi-Chan artist Chayon is pretty busy these days, and I've had some trouble securing spots to commission them, so this might impact the production of the game. Good on them for getting business, of course; I love seeing artists succeed. But just know that perhaps things won't go as smoothly as I want in regards to writing the next episode. I currently have the character sprite for the new girl, but no material for a CG Scene. We'll see what we can work out.


And that's it. Sorry for the dry wall of text, I just had a lot to talk about this week. I released a new build last week in order to make way on my calendar for work unrelated to Peach Punch next week. So don't expect any big news or anything until at least next month, sorry!

Until then, stay safe out there!



bob bob

That really sucks it seems like paypal is just coming for everybody in an attempt to stamp out anything they dont like. I hope it ends up working out cause using this site is really convenient. Watching so many sights just kick all this content off recently is really disheartening.


I share your opinion on this matter. Especially since that adult content isn’t disappearing, it’s just going elsewhere. There will always be a demand for this type of content, It’s a useless fight on Paypal’s end. All of us adult content creators are just waiting for a viable, stable and popular alternative so we can all migrate to it. It’s tough to make a move too early because I don’t want to spread my attention too thin either. I’m currently on two subscriber sites (here and another one, which idk if I can name, but it’s not hard to find) and I wouldn’t want to open and manage a third or a fourth account like this.