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Thanks to all who participated and joined me on the streams on Picarto, third time in a row with this fun activity, a kind reminder that I selected the comments WITH MORE LIKES in the request post, do not forget that you can leave your suggestions or that you would like to take the activity in the future, but without further ado ....

Selected requests:

  • Clove the Pronghorn requested by: @Whatev
  • Amy Rose (rimming) requested by: @Yellow (I decided to add Tails to the piece because he was also requested by: @Sen 
  • Dulcy the Dragon requested by: @Kent wilson
  • Auroth, the Winter Wyvern requested by: @JohnSS
  • Kazooie requested by: @Raptor1503

Thank you all for participating!






Amazing work on all them!


You made a great choice commenting on Kazooie, she was the one who got the most likes on the comments.


Thanks ^^ she rarely gets drawn, but you executed it so well


3 times in a row John, you should feel lucky, let's see if the next time you comment you get a good amount of likes.


I' ve never seen suggestive art of Dulcy the dragon, I hope to be the first to at least do something competent for her.

Kent wilson

There's art of her, but it's very rare since she's is a obscure character... I will say you did justice for her.


I definitely feel it, lol. Being picked just once was honestly amazing. I also tried to pick more relatively obscure characters I liked. Seems like the others liked them, too. I'm just happy to see more art of anyone's choices, because I just love seeing them in your art style.