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Hello my dear Patreons

I hope everyone is well, it's time to give a few news and updates on what's coming up.

This will be divided in multiple sections, please take the time to read them as each one has its importance:

#1: MILFs on May

That's right, last year's gallery focused only on characters who are mothers will be back, for those of you who did not hear about it on Discord we have already discussed with a lot of patrons and I which mothers will be selected for this year.

However I may not be able to finish all the pieces within the month of May, and possibly it will be extended until the month of June because I have been in a course to improve my background in my work, plus in May I will be present in...

#2: FWA

For those who don't know I will be present from May 10th to 12th at the furry convention in Atlanta, FWA, I will be present with the rest of the Bunfan Games team, this means that my activities will be stopped for a small period of time, but those who plan to come to the convention and want to say hello I would appreciate it very much.

#3: Folder Reset (VERY IMPORTANT)

As many of you may have noticed, with each month that new works are added more art folders have been created for a specific month, this makes getting the pieces in chaos and becomes quite disorganized, that's why I have decided that at the beginning of the next month the FOLDERS WILL BE DELETED.

Calm down, new folders will be created where everything will be better organized and complete, now the gallery folders will be complete and without missing pieces, and the pieces belonging to the Sketch Request and pieces that do not belong to a special gallery will be combined, however these folders will not be sent automatically as it has always been done, if you want access to a folder prior to the month in which we are you will have to request access by direct message.

But why? you may ask, unfortunately leaks come and go, Patreon has become such a vulnerable site that they now leak the content creator's direct chats with their audience. And that's why I'm taking these security measures, I hope you can understand this situation, I don't like it either, which brings us to the last point to touch on.

#4 SubscribeStar!

That's right, starting next month, my future works (and possibly some previous ones) will be available at “ https://subscribestar.adult/ultrahyper ” , here the works will be published DIRECTLY ON THE PAGE, without the need to store them in folders.

I understand that the security measures are more feasible there so we are going to take the risk for a moment, currently only what is equivalent to the Chocolate Waffle level will be available here, the direct access to the Discord server will be exclusive for Patreon for the moment (I plan to change that in the future).

Thank you all for the tremendous support I've received, again I hope these changes don't affect the way you consume my content and make it easier for you, look forward to the next works.



I did fine sifting through folders quite a hassle. I welcome this change, and I can’t wait for more milfs of may.


How do you check the folders?