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You will have seen in some of my recent posts that I have been using natural light in my studio space. For these shoots I have made use of window in my studio, through a sheer curtain for privacy (it looks out onto the street and for most of my shoots the curtains are firmly closed). However, there are two problems with this. Firstly I can't get even full length coverage as there is a dining table that we have moved in front of the window to give me space to shoot. And secondly, and far more importantly, it only really works if it's a bright day outside. And then, if there are shifting clouds, the light quality can change in an instant.

But I love the softness that natural light gives and so I thought I would try something new. I mentioned in a recent post, that I had set up my Lastolite HiLite for the first time in ages, in order to get a blown white background. I also mentioned in that post that I had read that it could be used as a key light, as if it were a huge softbox. And I am very pleased to report that it can indeed be used like this.

I have added two lighting diagrams above. The first image was shot with the HiLite at right angles to the backdrop and the model. I really liked the shadow in produced on Sasha's right hand side, but felt that the style of outfit required a little less shadow. So I shifted it so it was at an angle, as you can see in the second diagram, and you an see it gives a little more even light, but still with some nice shadow for depth.

I actually own two of these HiLites (long story) and this is the 6' x 5' version and has long been on my list to sell. However, that plan has now changed as my larger HiLite is too big for this set-up, and I intend to do many more shoots in this style.

I will be posting the full set of these images on here later this month so please watch this space.



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