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Full explanation of events below, but TL;DR I won't have tomorrow's early access chapter up on time and possibly not at all this week.

Here's the announcement that's going up with today's RR chapter:

So, basically since my last update everything has exploded.  What was supposed to be a three-day trip turned into eight days after my car broke down on a holiday weekend in the middle of Utah.  Then as soon as I reached my destination the AC unit sprung a leak and flooded the ceiling.  The cherry on top is that I tested positive for Covid yesterday.  So long story short, I have not had the time or energy to write.  That means probably no update Friday.  If you want to stay in the loop, I will be keeping you posted on the Godslayers discord.

Thank you all for your patience.


What this means for Patreon: I'm committed to keeping Patreon two updates ahead of RR, so I'm going to try to get 2.21 out this week.  It'll depend on how sick I am; I have half a chapter to go and probably about 24 hours before I'm too brain-fogged to write.  

I'm committing that by Wednesday you'll either have 2.21 or a post letting you know it's not happening this week.


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