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Fray, Kuro and Sidurgu from XIV




Kuro looking like she is trying to hold the horny back XD


Oooo, its really nice, I love your art style!


Is there q version where itd just her?

Guardian Ahri

She looks like she's about to pounce on him.


Wait how do I reply to you on my own comment. And also Yay! Uwu and where do you post most of your sketches? I feel like I haven't seen all your work. Unless most of your commission are private here and there


Hello, my friends and I like your cute fox very much. Can we please get your authorization for handling? We will note the source: D


I don‘t think that I like how Kuro is developing. I prefer shy Kuro like we‘re used to instead of horny almost slutty Kuro.


Sorry to hear that you're not enjoying my latest works! As usual, Kuro's demeanor will change in each picture, depending on how I want to portray her. There will always be a mix of shy AND horny depictions, as that is the character.


I mean, I want to make your work known to more people.In our place, many people also like the fox.But if you don't agree, I can't put your works on other platforms.


Damn. You're a real one. Honestly didn't think you would do that. Make me love you as an artist more!