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That sweater has to be stretchy




Has to be stretchy to contain her. This is something I was wanting to do with my moose girl. Sweaters are the best.


Ohh, with extra fluff this time. As I read the title, I expected a boob reveal picture by streching the sweater down on one side.

Kiryu Satoshi

It's a sketch or it will be completed later ?


It's a sketch, I might complete it later if I have the time and still like it enough :)


Love the sketch would love to see a finished version at some point Very sexy


so good! even if its a sketch I love the details of the sweater

Kiryu Satoshi

Do you accept collabs using your sketches ?

Kiryu Satoshi

I mean using your sketch to finish the picture in our own style or something like this, or make an alternative version etc... Like using your actual sketch but making another outfit to kuro or something like this ^^ I don't know if it's more clear And if you aren't agree, no problems, I'm just asking ^^

Kiryu Satoshi

It seems it wasn't clear enough ^^ I meant more, are you agree to let some other peoples continuing, modifying and/or coloring somes of your sketch as a collab for example ?


Sorry, I didn't respond right away because I'm busy ^^' I understand, but no thanks, I think I'd like to finish this pic on my own eventually

Kiryu Satoshi

Ah no problems it's me, sorry. And I wasn't suggesting to finish it for yourself, but making my own version for you, as a gift or something like this, that would not make you avoid to finish on your own, I think I badly explain what I had in mind sorry ^^ I meant do you accept peoples working on somes of your pictures but not making THE final version of it but just an alternate version or something like this ^^ etc...


Well, if you want to try finishing it on your own, that's ok so long as you credit me too if you upload it somewhere ^^ But I'd prefer if you don't make big changes (like her outfit etc.)

Kiryu Satoshi

I will not post it without your consent and without showing it to you first, but for outfit I made a big changing cuz it was supposed to be an alternative version by me for you and to let you the pleasure to end the Sweater version by your own ^^" So I guess i'll just delete what i've done or keep it for me lol but thank you for your answer. And sorry if i'm kinda annoying or anything like this.

Kiryu Satoshi

So could I show it to you what I've done before to know if I have to delete it or not ? And having your opinion on it ? If yes, how can I show you ? ^^ (Sorry I know that I'm really annoying with my questions ^^")