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I think this will be the last announcement.

Due to my health and mental problems being critical, I decided to close the Patreon in February 2024.

I thought so many times about considering it however, the situation I face can't help but push me to close the Patreon.

I'm really sad and sorry to announce this news.

The Fanbox will continue, but there will be no uncensored work because of Fanbox Terms.

I'm planning to get someone else to deputy my real job during my convalescence and I will focus on drawing.

Thank you very much for supporting me so far.

Best Regards




King Crimson

That's sad, really loved your works :( However, health is more important. I understand this decision. Hope you'll have some time for your self to have some rest and feel better

athrun zala

ah, I followed you here vs fanbox FOR the uncensored work. oh well. hope you get better. no need to push yourself to far over something like this.

Morgan Clear

Thank you for being here and will look for you on fanbox but please don't stress it. Changes needed to happen.

Akaito Redwill

Hey you healthy is the first thing you should care hope you get well and i wish you luck on you life my artis stay strong


Very unfortunate, and what a way to end 2023. Oh well, hopefully there's ways to purchase your previous works now since FANBOX version will be censored and censored only. I'll check it out, your style is fairly lovely. Since it's the end of the year and you're taking time off from your work place, might as well spend that time to rest up.


You've done a great job. I was happy because of your great work. I hope you recover healthy and smile. Happy New Year. I wish you all the best this year


Would be possible to buy uncensored works on gumroad or someway? :(


I'm gonna miss your uncensored art. I'd be fine with you just not posting here, and instead, just sending out a link every month.