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Happy Thanksgiving! You lucky lucky boys get the animatic for our teaser we're releasing this weekend - smuggled inside a silly furries thing we've put together (and don't worry, we've also got a full furries cartoon planned for next month)

Let us know what you think in the comments / any predictions! Would love to see how WRONG you all are

And as always, thank you again for your support. This is a very small taste of far and away the biggest project we've ever endeavored to make. It's current runtime is looking like 14 minutes 😬



Cannot wait for this!


Glorious, I twitch and spasm in anticipation!


I never get tired of warhammer bits


When Aliens and Starcraft have a baby and the chestburster comes out a furry


I don't want a hoodie. Can I make a cash donation instead?


Beautiful, boys. Simply ❤️ IRON WITHIN, IRON WITHOUT


My wallet is ready to support the intergalactic purge of the nonbelievers!

Caleb R

I don’t know what’s gonna happen but you’ve popped my tiny, sweet, cherry on animatics with this post and I must say that it’s quite informative. I look forward to comparing it to the final project.

kurt russell

Truely brothers we are on the precipice of greatness!


I had to let it run. I didn’t spoil a thing. You guys are funny. I laughed. Hard. Those girls out of the bag made me tear. I’m about to run it back. Thank you.


This is just fucking awesome lol


I'd rather just pay for some more stickers related to the new cartoon or just give you guys some more money. God speed my brothers!


I just watched the first finish teaser on YouTube, and I'm dying from laughter this show is going to make the emperor piss himself from laughter.