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Hello brother. To review:

One of the greatest joys of YouTube is uploading a finished cartoon, and then praying its thumbnail / title will appease the algorithm gods. Indeed, nothing is more spiritually rewarding than watching a months-long-effort get shot down within hours of being release.

HOWEVER, we're now turning to YOU, the virgin brotherhood sticker cult of flashgitz, to help us make the right choice.

Below is a link to a poll with the thumbnail / title options we're kicking around for our next cartoon. Please complete the poll and help us get our trash on YouTube trending this weekend 🙏


Also, BOYS. Thanks to these polls our last two cartoons have been a smash success! It’s been so successfully we’ll probably make this a regular thing for each toon. It’s hard to overstate the impact, thank you for helping out 🙏



Love this amd loved you guys for so long !!!


As a ginger myself I think we should be wiped out for the worlds safety.


I think it's safer to go with "Mickey vs the Gingers" with Mickey holding the axe.