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Boy do we have a fuckin' doozy of an update for you today. Two weeks ago now, we shared the script for the next episode of Space King. There's violence, evil parasitic alien bugs, weapons made of pure hatred and an entire legion dedicated to blood (and positivity).

We're now fully in the throes of production and have a lot of juicy art and concepts to show you.

Meet the Coagulators:

The Coagulators are a legion that perpetually bleeds from the iron-maiden esque interior armour spikes being driven into them at all times. Why do they bleed? Because they love Space King, that's why.

They bleed in their High Command chamber:

They bleed in their Blood Chapel:

They even dangerously bleed all over the slippery walkways of their flagship The Blood Eagle:

But no one can say the Coagulators are a one-trick pony. They're also really into little boys, and stealing them.

What started as a way to cover for their frankly substantial legion attrition rate (due mostly to wooziness and blood-loss) soon morphed into a fully fledged business enterprise of boy-trading with other legions.

As such, no legion is as adapt or as skilled at the fine art/science of stealing precious little children from their homes as the Coagulators. In fact, they are one of the only legions to make 'Boy-Snatcher' an official and highly desirable role within the legionary command structure.

Bloodhound - A highly decorated Boy-Snatcher - capable of sniffing out a boy from at least 3 miles away.

Unfortunately it is not all sunshine and roses for the Coagulators. Every legion no matter how noble or well intentioned has its problems to contend with. After all, the universe of Space King is an uncaring place. It's very grim, it's very dark.

And for some reason an alien race of blood addicted parasitic space bugs are drawn to the ancient ships of the Coagulators where they feast and nest, multiplying in endless number.

These bugs dwarf the Coagulators, capable of rending through their psycho-armour with ease and sucking out all the scrumptious blood inside...


As we move into the animatic portion of production we start to see the script take on life for the first time. This is probably the single most crucial part of production outside of the script itself. Here are where decisions are made that cannot be reversed and the entire flow of the episode is decided. We will uncover more of this process as we continue into the production of Space King 2.

For now here's a little vertical slice of production lifted from the first 3 minutes of Space King.

The look of a location is concepted:

The animatic is built, showing us what shots will be used:



The background team starts better defining the space with detailed sketches:


This is where we will leave you for now.

We cannot thank you enough for your support of Space King 2. The first episode was a roaring success beyond our expectations and due to your help we are bringing to life the second episode at a scale we didn't imagine possible.

Episode 1 was just a taste of what we can do and Episode 2 will show you we can do it even better. It has almost triple the shots, triple the assets, quadruple the backgrounds, and a lot of other very cool and impressive metrics I can't remember. Suffice to say, we're going fucking hard on this to make sure it's a show you love, and love to support.

+ PRAISE BE TO THE SPACE KING + and thank you again.

Oh also there's a lovely little audio clip of Bloodhound's dulcet tones attached below in case you need some ASMR to help you sleep.



Every time I see an update, it’s a delight. Great touch with the drop ship, you can see people looking out of that window in front

Royce Walker

Are we going to get a printed Space King Compendium with all the troops, weapons and enemies in the near future? Perhaps a kickstarter project? If so, it should have a raised face of the captain on it like the Necronomicon. Made from the flesh of Space King's enemies should be an unlocked tier reward.


When are the jackets being shipped?


Is there ETA for episodes 2?