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I'm done with day 5, going to fill in some day 6 and 7 options tmr!

I think it's around 30k-40k words at the moment? Because of the narration and how long it is in general. Which is 3-4x bigger than the original E143 already. The editors need to go through it still, but it's nice to have it in this format because I can easily read and know what else needs some working on. 

I forgot that we also talk to Micah in the daytime, laying sideways, so I will probably work on that soon...art wise! Gotta do some more edits and yeah! 

I know a lot of you guys wanted voice acting on Patreon and clips, but I want to do that at the end of the writing, so that we don't have to "waste" any lines. 

The process for me is:

Writing the concept, getting art done for said concept, writing and fleshing out the  work, getting the art done to match the work more cohesively, programming the art and the words, voice lines, then reprogramming the voice lines to match the expressions, then debugging. 

And because of my misunderstanding that I could write the NSFW first and get that out (almost all of those assets are done), we are at the fleshing out the SFW portion of the game. Which is slow. And has nothing to show for it. 

Which is why I'm writing this! Haha! I am grabbing this story by the balls and doubling down on it. Hopefully...it succeeds! But yeah, I want to take my time writing this. 

And oh boy, does it take time. I'll be writing from morning to night, and sometimes, I'll get a couple of dialogue lines out. I'm not sure if it's because I'm slow or if this is the pace that's natural. But oh wells! It's my pace! And all I can do is try!




You're doing great!!! I'm very excited to see the final product, but make sure you take time for yourself :)