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Episode 8 Reaction + Review!





Episode 9 Reaction + Review!







Clarity TC

Comment from episode 9 on crunchyroll “Regarding the 'cousins' thing: Japan family relations aren't the same as they are in the US. There are a lot of ties/connections that don't have an English translation, so 'cousin' is used (which is obviously very confusing for Western audiences. They're not necessarily blood related; they could just share a connection via a family registry. Fruits Basket has the same issue; the Sohmas are a dynastic clan connected via family registry, but because Western countries don't have a similar concept, they keep using "cousin" because it's the closest word translators can find.”


Loved seeing your reactions, however the video for episode 9 seems to cut off a bit too early (at least on Streamable)

Ryuuji Gremory

Well considering the kind of family they are that could very well be a fitting explanation. Still there is also the simple matter that cousin marriage is legal in Japan and most of the world and that Japan has a pretty recent (in historical terms) history of it being considered quite normal, so it still is represented quite often in Japanese media.


Also Japan has no translation for connections like 3rd cousin twice removed and stuff. The rule is if someone is related to your family registry that is not your parents, siblings, grandparents, aunt or uncle; you call them cousin(itoko). But yeah first cousin marriage is legal in Japan which is weird.


Thank you for the double reaction! Don't worry, Carol and Misaki aren't actually cousins. Carol's family is British and Misaki's is Japanese, but they are both wealthy families that have some connections from the past. The manga describes them as distant relatives, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are blood related. It possible that someone from Carol's family married someone from Misaki's and that (by Japanese standards) would make Carol and Misaki relatives.

Devante Vickers

I mean its weird to us, but they are on an island, they are bound to get with family eventually. There is no way you can not eventually get with a relative in Japan since they don't like mixing race to much.

Devante Vickers

Also, at least it aint brother and sister. That's a big no for me, but i accepted Japan for cousins since not everything is the same around the world. Just won't be doing it over here.


SPOILERS in my reply below for end of manga.


I finished the manga and I gotta say, the really weird moments where they somewhat imply that Misuzu has feelings for Tomo literally add up to nothing and where pointless. Anyone else feel the same? I also don't see it as her thinking she'll lose Tomo as a freind or be pushed aside either.

Ryuuji Gremory

To reiterate first cousin marriage is still legal in majority of the world, including some US states and most of Europe, it was quite common basically everywhere in the world in the past. So it being legal in Japan isn't really weird, it's a pretty common thing for it to be legal. In majority of the world It's a social matter of it becoming less and less common, not a matter of laws, and Japan is/was just a bit slower than some western nations.

Ali Cat

Yes a similar concept is Grand Blue. Where the cousins are related only through their dad being adopted, not blood related.


You're right, but it should be said that marrying cousins isn't out of the ordinary for the extremely wealthy with long-standing bloodlines (just look at the Habsburgs), so being slightly concerned is kind of appropriate.


This isn't a Yuri manga so why do people expect it to be? It's not even as on-the-nose as something like Hibike Euphonium which is straight up yuri bait. There's enough GL/BL out there, yet people still want to make everything else gay for some reason.


Marry a cousin is not a weird thing in Japan. For example Naoto Kan (61st Prime Minister of Japan) married his cousin


Oh no, I'm with you, I didn't want it to be that either, What I tried to convey was that it was super annoying, we get some nice development between Tomo and Jun and out of nowhere(with like no buildup) she's upset about it.

Steven Thomas

Great reaction as always! Just to let you know that the ed changed for episode 10 so would be cool and fun to see your reaction to it, they did a mirrored version so hope you react to it! :)


Hell plenty of ROYALS were cousins of X kingdom's king or queen, and indeed did even sometimes marry said cousins for politics reasons


you should know that the end of your reaction to episode nine was cut off on the Streamable upload, and for some reason I can't access the Google Drive one as it says it's "taking longer than normal to upload."

Jason Huffman

im pretty sure someone told me that they arent reall cousins just its a language thing like they are just family connected friends or something like carols moms best friend is the boys mom and so sorta family or at least thats the way it was explained to me


I feel like the Misuzu being attracted to Tomo bits are just a continuation of the running gag that Tomo is a Lady Killer and people read into it too much.

Midnightrid3r788 (Adam)

Japan has been know for marry relatives for many decades (first cousins). Though, it has decreased a lot since the end of the 20th century. It was mainly to keep their wealth in the family, prevent cultural values from dying out, or keep family ties strong. These practices are still going on today as well. But not as much. To add on, I forgot to mention that most of the world has also done these sort of marriages. Relatives marrying each other for what's best for each others family. It actually is very strong even in todays trend. 2023.


They're not blood related


Marriage between first cousins worldwide is pretty much allowed more often than it is forbidden or even an criminal offence. I mean your from California right? In California marriage between first cousins is legal. As it is in other sates of the US. But let's take the EU. Pretty much everyone allows it. Is it weird maybe, depending on the circumstances yes, but it certainly isn't forbidden in the majority of countries. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/02/CousinMarriageWorld.svg/2560px-CousinMarriageWorld.svg.png


It's literally inbreeding, I'd say it's more than weird. You make it sound like it being legal makes it ok


I had gone back and read the manga from around episode 9 to the end recently, good stuff to come! Realised that the anime does skip a few scenes here and there too, like where Carol and Jun play Badminton in the park, where she calls a drone in to deliver the equipment, and sucks at playing it until Jun shows her how to do an underarm shot, which is then excels at, but is incapable of any other shot. Or where Misuzu called Kousuke out despite him never giving her his number. And nah Kousuke and Carol are distant relatives not close cousins.

Ryuuji Gremory

On the other hand you make it seem worse than it actually is based on facts alone. Yes there is some increased risk but as long as it doesn't happen continuously (multiple generations) it's less dangerous than people make it seem. If it was as bad as some people make it seem it would actually be illegal in most of the developed world.


People aren't concerned about it being 'less or more dangerous'. It's that, because of the risks, humans are naturally/socially disgusted by inbreeding. And I'm not saying the children would be instantly deformed or anything, but my point is, just because something is legal, doesn't make it healthy or safe or any less gross for people (e.g: the age of consent in some countries is disgustingly low).