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Xenon 1

there are hints in the earlier episodes that ichigo was a quincy. mostly easter eggs though. like a cross being on ichigos bed sheet and a few other hints here and there.

Adam Vialpando

You know people give Kubo shit for retconning things that were established but I think it's actually impressive. He was able to take something we know and change it in a way where it truly feels like it was planned from the beginning. Like with Old Man Zangetsu being his quincy powers. It really adds to the lore and makes Ichigo and his powers so much more interesting. Same with Ichigo's mom being a quincy. I was annoyed at how it came out of nowhere but in the end it made her more fleshed out and not just Ichigo's mom who died. It even gave a new dimension to her death. Kinda lessens Isshin's revenge against Grand Fisher but a small price to pay.


At this point Ichigo surpassed his powers when the final battle against Aizen was happening so that's already crazy since there's no drawback with losing his soul reaper powers. His Mugetsu form is still the most badass tho!

John S

some parts of it may have been planned. The Zangetsu reveal worked too perfectly to not have been. Maybe the Quincy powers were a late addtion, but I do think Ichigos inner Hollow being the actual Zangetsu was planned.

Adam Vialpando

I could definitely see that but I don't think so because of Ichigo's bankai training with Yoruichi back in SS. But in the end whether or not he planned it doesn't matter. The explanation given works very well and adds a lot of interesting ideas. The fact that I'm not even sure if it was planned or not is a sign that Kubo is a great writer who can make changes fit seamlessly into the story. I used to get annoyed at how vague Kubo always left things but now I think it's deliberate so he doesn't get backed into a corner with his writing and can change things organically as the story goes along.