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Hey guys so I most likely have Covid. I had a fever all night of 102 but today I felt like absolute shit. Took 5 Covid tests and finally one started to show a line so if I am offline for a couple of days I probably am very sick. My editor will help me with my Jojos reaction but he’s been also busy with starting college courses. but hopefully since I am vaxxed it won’t last long. Currently it’s kinda hard to breath though so I’m just going to sleep a lot and hopefully it will pass.

But thankfully I am all finished with Jojos and caught up to COTE besides the ep that aired today I can finally get back to posting Mob and the other reactions I put on hold.




it must only be me but when i had covid 2 weeks ago i was still working out and lifting pretty heavy weights. shortness of breath was a bitch though.


I hope you don’t feel sick for too long. It’s a horrible feeling. Hang in there


Get well soon. Take as long as you need.


Get well soon Jami!


I remember getting covid, not a fun experience, take care.



Jose Luis Membreno

Get well soon jamie we will still be here waiting


Get well and take all the time you need

rafazeta88 Zelaya (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 20:00:53 Take care and don't worry
2023-01-15 20:00:53 Take care and don't worry
2022-09-13 23:41:29 Take care and don't worry

Take care and don't worry


Yeah, double vaxxed and booster. Covid is no joke though this is horrible. I can’t even imagine how bad it would be without being vaccinated


I was hoping if I ever got it since I’m vaxxed it would be easy. But for two days straight all I could do was drink and sleep. It was hell. Now I just have the worst sore throat and am coughing all the time with a migraine but Monday/Tuesday I felt nauseous along with many other symptoms it sucked so bad 😩


my symptom was pretty mild. all i really had was a sore throat with an occasional cough here and there and shortness of breath. i notice that i had covid when my sore throat got progressively worst day by day and when i took the test it came out positive. for me it lastly about 7 days until i was negative.