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Hey guys so last night my cat was acting up and is showing signs of being in pain and sick. Basically all morning I’ve been struggling to find a vet that will take him in today. So uploads probably won’t go up until later tonight for Kaguya/magi/demon king. I’m just really stressed out 😰 I hate when my animals get sick and Hopefully it’s nothing serious but something isn’t right and I need to take care of it today.



Dont worry about it and same hope Sanji gets better

Adam Vialpando

Oh I know the feeling trust me. Whenever my pet started acting unusual or in pain I was in panic mode. Finding a vet to take a walk-in is vritually impossible in my town which made iy even worse. And if it happened on Saturday I couldn't even make an appointment for 2 days because all were closed on the weekend. So take as long as you need.


Hope it’s nothing serious🙏🏽


Yeah, he’s peeing everywhere and shitting. And when he does it he makes a noise. I can’t pick him up either so I know something bad is going on 😩

Sergio Moreno

It’s okay take all the time you need. Your cat needs you right now. I’ll b praying for you both 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


It’s entirely fine. Really hope he’ll be okay, a living creature is more of a priority than our entertainment after all. Could be a stomach flu or something, but I honestly don’t have too much knowledge about this kind of stuff, so I don’t know really. Hope everything works out.


Well wishes for Sanji

Oliver Segelhorst

hope Sanji feels better soon. Taking care of him is more important right now

Knut Anton

Don't worry about uploads, Sanji needs you at the moment. Best wishes for you both.


hey take your time and focused on what's most important.


Cat comes first. Take as long as you need. D:

Midnightrid3r788 (Adam)

Fur babies are beautiful and deserve love and care. Please take your time.


When cats are actually acting sick, you know it's time to seek the vet. Good luck, and I hope it turns out to be nothing serious.