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slime s2 ep 19 20

Watch "slime s2 ep 19 20" on Streamable.


Chris Barnes

There is misinformation in the last episode Middray isn't as strong as Milim. What he actually says is he is strong enough to be her sparring partner. Meaning he can fight her without getting 1 shotted which is a impressive feat considering how powerful Milim is.

Kevin Schomaker

The x in SpyxFamily doesn't need to be said. It's simply just "Spy Family". Kind of like how HunterxHunter is simply "Hunter Hunter". A bit weird, I'll admit. But yeah, really looking forward to SpyxFamily, Shield Hero, and Kaguya-Sama.


Ah, getting notifications that Jami posted just makes my day


As they mentioned that was not the real Charybdis, just a incomplete and unstable copy that Clayman made by analyzing the real one. Still the fact that Benimaru took it down so easily when even Lady Albis was unable to even leave a scratch (that we could see) just shows how much he has grown as a result of Rimuru's evolution to Demon Lord. Can't wait for your reaction to the next episodes. 😁


OHH good point I didn't even think of Hunter X Hunter having the silent "x" part xD

Jacob Elliott

YAY I love these episodes! super good :D (and not even my favourites in the second half)


Im not completely sure of it but I think I remember that Albis didn't destroy Yamza's Doppelganger in the LN. And that doppelganger did change into a Charybdis as well, meaning Benimaru took down two of them. The reason we see no damage on Charybdis from Albis is because he possesses the skills Ultraspeed Regeneration and Magic Jamming with the later he controls the flow of magicule and without that you won't hit him with magical attacks. Benimaru just made Hell Flare bigger thus ingoring Magic Jamming and than it is just a matter if Hell Flare damages quicker than it can heal with Ultraspeed Regeneration. But your right, pre evolution Benimaru wouldn't have oneshoted him because he couldn't make Hell Flare that big and it didn't burn that hot.


Please please please react to the opening next episode. It has an integration into the episode that you won't really see in any other anime. Doesn't even have to be the full opening, but at least the first 10 seconds or so. Note any spoilers would be revealed this episode so you should be safe but again you can stop watching after about 10-20 seconds if needed.


Nice reaction, and Jamie 🤣LOL you are so funny, from expressing you honest thoughts from S1 that there were no challenges, no stakes , to feeling super nervous before the battle began😆, human behavior is so interesting, Thanks for the nice reactions and keep up the good work 👍. ohh and are you gonna react to slime and fate UBW openings?


I can’t tell if she is being sarcasm or not 🤷‍♂️🤔


I don't remember either what happened exactly in the LN here, but I do remember that in fighting Charybdis one strategy is to use actual fire vs. magical fire. But can you use physical Black Fire, or is always magical in nature?


Yes, Guy's name is pronounced "ghee", and there is an actual reason for that revealed much later. Also, what isn't stated in the anime but Rimuru has taken quite a serious interest in cores and golems and stuff which is why he could create them. Treyni 's physical body was the dryas tree which stabilized her existence in this world, being a spirit, and only her spirit was mobile, but they thought she would need a portable material body to get far from the forest.

Elumesia Elure

It was an epic Beni moment, but gotta keep in mind that the Charybdis which Milim destroyed was far more powerful than this one. Also, what Middray meant was he could spar with Milim, not fight her equally. Subtitles were a bit weird. Still tho, Middray is insanely powerful.


That's an excellent question, Donna, though ultimately it's not as big of a concern as you might think. The reason being is that Magic Jamming doesn't prevent the use of magic so much as it disrupts the flow of magicules, reducing the effectiveness of magical attacks on it. It's the equivalent of protecting a town from wild fires by clear cutting an area around it and using controlled fires to destroy any remaining shrubbery, thus denying the wild fire the fuel it would need to continue on to the town. Now assuming that this knockoff Charybdis did indeed have Magic Jamming rather than that being one of the corners Clayman had cut in the course of its recreation then that makes what Benimaru accomplished all the more impressive as he still one-shotted it despite his magic being rendered less potent. Also non-magical fire wouldn't do much in the light of Charybdis' Ultraspeed Regeneration unless that world had access to napalm, Greek Fire or phosphorus, and considering that the development of such things would likely attract the unwelcome attention of certain beings I sincerely doubt it.


Some good points! I forgot about the ultraspeed regeneration. What do you think of RiShinMarco's theory about making Hell Fire bigger than the Magic Jamming area of influence being all that is required to maximize its effectiveness? Does the Jamming make it impossible to cast any magic inside that range? Which would mean casting is a binary choice of success or failure, while magic effects are diminished. (I know this a pedantic question.)


It's true some things in the anime are explained if you understand at least a bit about the Japanese language.


I wouldn't say impossible, more like very very difficult. If you have the magicules and are at least as adaptable as Great Sage then you could probably manage. It might be more trouble than than it's worth unless you're casting a stupidly powerful spell considering the magicule cost, but it's not outside the realm of possibility.

Adrian Lara

for the spy x spy thing you might be thinking of spy vs spy

Sebastian C. Winding

No I'm pretty sure she is thinking of the new anime called "SPY×FAMILY" that is broadcasting on April 9th. It's a Action, Comedy, Supernatural, Thriller genre. I have not read the manga, but the trailer looks really good.