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slime s2 ep 11 12 patreon

Watch "slime s2 ep 11 12 patreon" on Streamable.



I will post Fairy Tail and Tokyo Revengers before I leave to visit my family the next two days I won't be online. those should be up in a couple hours

Dragon Prince

You make great content so take a longer break if you need to spend time with family! We know it'll be great!


Starting my day off right. Thanks for the all the work you put into these videos. Can't wait to see the next reactions and gaming... hopefully kingdom hearts lol


Here We Go!!! Take care on your trip.


Thank you for making my morning great!


Really happy to see the back to back eps on this. You made my day. I enjoy watching these with you. Glad you're enjoying the show.


It's wild because I do think there's a lot of politics and worldbuilding in Tensura that can make it feel a bit slow but I really feel like episodes 10-12 is such an incredible payoff for the entire series so far. But anyway, I'm sure someone else will or already has said this but this actually was the finale for the first part of S2 and during the break is when they aired Slime Diaries. I really, REALLY like Slime Diaries because I really feel like it adds a lot to the characters and details in the main series but it is absolutely just slice of life with no conflict, so I can absolutely understand if you think you wouldn't be into it. Either way, looking forward to more!


Drago Nova is basically the most ultimate form of Nuclear Strike Magic (technically categorized under said category, at any rate)


Time to add Veldora to the list of your blonde husbandos😂


Diablo saying "you are to young" means that the spirit is just not old enough. The strength of demons, angels and spirits are determined (after reaching their highest possible evolution) by age and since Diablo as a Primordial is one of the strongest(oldest) demons in existence, he just play with this young superior spirit. As you might recal in S1 in the fight against the Orc Lord , Rimuru gave the control of his body to Great sage. And if he is in control of the body Rimuru's eyes change the color to red. The same is true here as Great Sage evolved to Raphael he took control over the body of Rimuru again and revived those bodies. The darker blue in color just means that Rimuru isn't awake.


For context in regards to Noir, primordial means first


I understood that Milim's power in general was an unrelated "physics" to nuclear strike. When Rimuru went to analyze the basis of Drago Buster that Milim used against Charybdis (with Great Sage), he was not able to do it. Raphael might be able to do it now, though.


Rimuru doesn't know who Diablo is yet. Also, that whole thing when Great Sage tried to evolve is because Great Sage knows what Rimuru's wishes are--to revive everyone--and it knows that if it were better the chances would improve, and also that Gluttony needed to evolve as well for that. Great Sage always tries to carry out Rimuru's wishes. Great Sage/Raphael kept pushing Veldora to work on the Unlimited Imprisonment as well. In the anime, in Veldora's Journal ep. 2, you can see an example of that. Once Raphael existed it had greater computational space for the analysis.

Carter Skjerven

If you don’t know, Beelzebub is a demon or something that represents/embodies the sin of Gluttony. It’s pronounced Bee-el-zuh-buhb if you don’t know how to say it.

Jacob Elliott

Can someone let me know why episode 9 and 10 are not on Patreon?


Yes, I wish they animated all the Veldora Journals. They are some of best of Tensura. Veldora, Ifrit, and GS/Raphael are so great together.


Well Spirits don't have the same evolution limitations as Demons but yes they are similar. Although it'd probably be more applicable for Diablo to say it lacks ego. Although regardless if had ego or was older it was unlikely to beat Diablo considering he had a physical body and lived near the beginning of creation of Cardinal World. Although I suppose a Spirit King would've likely overwhelmed Diablo at the time. Spirits are weird because they don't follow hierarchy of Primordials (unless Great Spirit are supposed to Primordials) like Angels and Demons do.


Great finish to Part 1/Cour 1 BUT unfortunately a significant amount information is about to skipped in episode 13. So be prepared for a info dump from comments (Yes, its important information). So details about Veldora though: He is a spiritual lifeform that is to say an existence that is essential a mass of sentient energy. He is immortal and cannot truly die. If were "killed" he revive later with a different personality but retains the memories (mostly, it might be hazy). Nkt only is a spiritual lifeform, he is among the four TRUE DRAGONS aka the greatest spiritual lifeforms. Next, that "soul corridor" that Raphael mentioned is important too (that leads into skipped information from next episode). Just know that it is a literary corridor or connection (a halfway if you will) between Veldora and Rimuru. Which means that the closest individual to Rimuru (outside of Raphael) is Veldora.


It's there tho. Maybe try to click on the Slime tag. It showing me without problem.


Kudos on figuring out that Raphael was piloting Rimuru's body during the Spirit Resurrection ceremony, much like Great Sage was in control during the first part of the battle with Geld, as Rimuru was out cold after his evolution. So before the evolution to Raphael, Great Sage was very much like Google: able to come up with logical responses based on the data available (which is usually rather vast). However, it was unable to answer every question as was shown in the "Hope" episode when Rimuru was grieving and asking those questions of Great Sage, to which its responses were different variations of "does not compute." Now, with the evolution to Raphael: Lord of Wisdom, now he (she? It?) is more akin to Commander Data of Star Trek: The Next Generation; much more dynamic and human-like in its way of thinking, but with the speed and processing power of a supercomputer. So essentially Raphael is going to be much more useful to Rimuru than before (which was still rather useful), and the chances of him running into troublesome spots like he was against Ifrit, Orc Lord Geld and Hinata among others is less likely to be as troublesome as long as Rimuru utilizes its advice properly. As for Rimuru and Diablo, you might have already got it a bit but to clarify that when he summoned the demon Rimuru was passing out, and being half asleep he couldn't remember who answered his summons or what conversation they had. Also, while Noir (as Diablo was going by back then) had been observing Rimuru since Shizu at least this was the first time Rimuru had met him. Finally, this would be a good time to go back and watch the OAD episodes 3 through 5 as they will answer some of the remaining questions you might have come up with as well as explain some things that were brought up in the beginning of the season. Glad that you're enjoying the ongoing direction of the series, as well as Veldora's new form, and I'll be looking forward to your seeing more of them in the future videos.


Ah, the adventures of super simp Diablo begin. He is a fun character, especially as the story progresses. Diablo is way OP, up there near DL Rimuru. The difference though is Diablo understands how strong he is, but Rimuru still has absolutely no idea.


nice nice. it took us a while to get here but we are here now lol.


Chadora has entered the chat.


Most people don’t know what the Primordial archdemons, Diablo and his kin are. Of those that do, most of them fall under three categories of reactions: 1) die of terror, 2) lose their minds from the terror, or 3) faint, as Razen did. Very few humans can knowingly stand in the presence of a Primordial without fear. Shizu was one of them. Although, she had no delusions as to her chances against Diablo.

luis delgado

i knew that jaimi was gonna simp for veldora, well new husbando acquired


One reason that Great Sage/Raphael knows as much as it does is that when Rimuru first arrived at the school in Ingrassia, he (really Great Sage) scanned every book in the library.


I went back and read about Diablo specifically in the LN, because I didn't remember it working that way. All I could find is that the more you know the more terrified you are, and there are several ways that Diablo can terrorize people, especially using his skill Tempter. But it's not like the skill is always "on". Oh, and if he releases his aura, people are terrified.

Elumesia Elure

Remember that excessive aura emitted by strong monsters are already harmful to monsters, let alone humans. In LN 15, Rimuru was releasing such an insane aura that would have instantly killed anyone in the surrounding area with the disaster level of B or below, but luckily there were only elites there at the time lol.


Jami simping for Veldora at the end was priceless XD

Kay M

bruh when this half of season 2 ended we had to wait for 3 months before the second half came out when I saw Veldora at the end of ep 12 I was so sad during the wait cuz he's my favorite character. You are gonna love him in the second half


Hi, am I the only one who can't see episode 9 and 10 of slime?


Ep 9 and 10 are not tagged with Slime so if u search it whitout filter u will find it


Well prior to becoming a True Demon Lord Rimuru was already as powerful as a Demon Lord he only needed 2 other Demon Lords to vouch for him to be considered one.