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DEMON SLAYER s2 ep 9 patreon

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It's kinda funny when she said tanjiro gonna be man here 😂


im glad you remembered the komurasaki stuff, her oiran scene/ parade thing was a little more iconic lol. The trio are doing the same thing Robin did if you liked how zenitsu was playing, i recommend wagakki band :D The Trio with the makeup will be a popular cosplay at anime cons forsure Tengen is a boss. I got spoiled on the 3 wives thing .... cant wait what happens next. yes listen to more Aimer , she did the music to other animes like vinland saga, Fate/ __, The entertainment district now has me watching WANO clips lol . Oden -Sama .... if it isn't boiled....

Mozart Waddell

The copious slapstick and caricatures-like animation was kind of drag on the episode in the beginning. I enjoyed the in-depth explanations of the ranks a prostitute in that time period of Japan could obtain. The moment the Oiran warned Tanjiro of the consequences it suddenly hits you that this is glorified human trafficking in which the trafficked girls could "possibly" receive titular titles that offer's the girls no real power in negotiating their freedom. I now see why so many people fawn over Tengen. He's a hot guy. I'm here for Makio all day though 😍. Demon slayer blessed both sides today with fan service. Last but not least the ending. I loved how the ending transitioned away from the enigmatic horror of the upper rank to a series of scenes showing off majestic daytime city scape. Props to Zenitsu as well. I play the Biwa and attempted a go at the Koto and failed miserably. The Koto was insanely difficult for me. I could never grasp finger placement, hurdles of the first string, as well as pitch.