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Hey Jamie for more One Piece content you should definitely react to One Piece movie 4 Dead end Adventure. It's probably the best old One Piece movie besides movie 6.


Yeah I really wanted to go through and watch the older OP movies when I have some extra time

Tevin Logan

Finaly wanted luffy or one of the samurais to kill orochi but as long as he's dead I have no complaints

Tevin Logan

Orochi should have know better flew way to close to the sun and the golden rule don't trust pirates so easily especially an emperor of the sea


For someone that is scared about the samurais Orochi sure had no issue talking back to kaido like that... xD It is kinda weird when you think about it.

Jarvis Fowlkes

I doubt Orochi or Kanjro is dead


Tokyo Revengers please 🙏


Orochi at least I'm sure is dead. After all his devil fruit isn't exactly a Logia (like Crocodile's), and there's only two non-Logia that I know of who can survive his head being severed from his body and that's Brook and Buggy. I am 100% on board with Kanjuro though. After all he was leaning pretty far back, then after a dramatic final speech he suddenly collapses on his front conveniently concealing his wound? Very sus if you ask me. Fact is that Kanjuro was an actor and proud of it, and I doubt that he'd let Hiyori outperform him an a death scene.


I believe that is next up. But I need to take a nap but it will be up when I wake up


Very tragic about Kanjuro. If only Oden and the others had found him first rather than Orochi, who was only too eager to feed his madness, then maybe he wouldn't have turned out this way. I'm sure that if Kanjuro had opened up to the others they would have accepted and helped him, but by that point he was too deep in his "role" to even think of breaking character now, his trauma too deeply set for any conventional help to heal him, and that is truly sad.


I wanna see my waifu Ulti more


Man truly lived his ultimate dream, the full-blown Kabuto mini-play, concluded with le epic Samurai Duel Iai-style dash attack conclusion

John tran

Too good to be true. Orochi has 6-9 heads though. Is he really dead? No haki was involve when kaido cuts his head, but why is there blood? Its too early for orochi to die too early in the show.

Komachi fag

If Orochi hadn’t allied with Kaido i think even Kinemon or Kyoshiro could beat the hell out of him


wait is that thumbnail real? Animation be so horny lol

Adam Vialpando

Dude, the Akazaya samurai are on the level of the Tobiroppo. Chopper, Usopp, or Nami could have beaten him. Yasuie could have beaten him. Heck, the only people I can see him beating is Momo or Hiyori.

Adam Vialpando

This is One Piece. The fact it didn't zoom in on her boobs or show any more cleavage than that is what's surprising.

Miguel Jacques

Yamato is so fire 🔥🔥😪


I really hope that they met a good Kurozumi as the pople of Wano made Orochi and Kanjuro. They had originally done nothing wrong, but they where hunted because of their name. What they did later is 100% their fault, but is was not like they where given a chance to begin with. Personally hope it will be O-tama as a Kurozumi and that people will learn that the sins of the father is BS.