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Tevin Logan

Yamato is top tier waifu


Oda already confirmed that Yamato is a girl


The "girl" is here damn this drama about yamato


You can now watch we are one scene 2 and 5

Frdrt -

Side Boob Queen has arrived. Opening 23 : Cleared. One piece special : Cleared

Adam Vialpando

If Yamato was genuinely trans like Kiku I would refer to her as him just like I consider Kiku a girl . But she just really idolizes Oden but is still a girl. Plus I think it's great that Oda finally has a female character who isn't just there to fight the enemy's female. Yamato is right up there with many of the most powerful in this arc and I absolutely love her.

Adam Vialpando

While I have minor annoyances, like Toei treating the Yamato reveal as a big deal even though they already revealed it last episode, this episode still rules. Maybe it's because until Wano I hadn't had to wait weekly for One Piece in a while but the Onigashima part has seemed to drag on. With some of my favorite shit from the manga being sprinkled in between a bunch of filler and dragged out scenes. But I think now things are going to pick up since shit is going to hit the fan real soon.


I love Yamato in the manga, she is cewl


How's the new pc? Feeling the difference?


You're revealing more than what has been shown in the anime so far.


Not a spoiler, yes you are right about Yamato, Oda confirmed so in the latest SBS. She is in a different situation than Kiku that feels like a woman.


Yamato is waifu


I wonder if Kaido drinks because he killed Oden and Yamato wants to be Oden. I mean thats gotta mess your mind up as a parent those 20 years lol

Carter Skjerven

I don’t understand why people think Kaido is good father unless they haven’t read the manga.


???? Almost no one thinks Kaido is a good father. tf lol...

Carter Skjerven

There are people who say that he respects her decision to be like or even be Oden when he can’t stand her wanting to be like him.


Yeah. If Oden was female, so would Yamato, that's the difference rly in comparison to Kiku (and the Okama ppl/followers of Ivankov are a different matter entirely, since they are not rly either 100%, as can be seen by Ivankov & the direct subordinate Inazumi (I think that was the name?) switching between sex all the time, instead of staying either one) who is literally trans (I think she should pay a visit to Kamabakka Ookoku for a 100% chromosomal change entirely)

Ali Cat

I was super confused when reading this in the manga too. I couldn't understand why everyone called Yamato son/him even though it's obvious she's not XD but I guess Kaido might have a reason he's just not telling us yet. But you know what this calls for? Yamato cosplay! You'd look so great as Yamato, Jaimie!

Kay M

they changed alot from the manga during the past few episodes. They werent supposed to reveal Yamato being a girl or her connection with Ace until this episode so the anime spoiled that. Also in the manga Luffy was way more shocked to find out Yamato was actually a girl.

Jimmy Orchid

Episode 1000 comes out on November 24th. There’s a special announcement after the episode, don’t miss it.


Allow me to be just another comment in the seas of misinformation, (underlying) transphobia and whatever else you will encounter about Yamato, on YouTube and wherever else. I would like to start this by saying that I am not an expert on trans issues (although, coincidentally, my sister does happen to be trans). However, after having read blog posts from Japanese speaking readers, listening to the One Piece podcast (which included a translator from Viz) and critically trying to look at the issue, please listen to what I have to say. Your interpretation on the "Yamato debate" is not incorrect, and I think it is the most logical conclusion to come to. However, Oda has not made any official statements on Yamato's gender (I just read another comment saying that this was clarified in an SBS, but that statement is not true), and the clutch, I feel, comes in how Yamato is presented throughout the story. You have already noticed how Kaido refers to Yamato as his son. But that isn't the only case. Yamato refered to themselves as "Kaido's son" to Luffy but a few episodes ago. In this week's episode they say "Oden was a man, right? So I became a man too." Considering that they refer to themselves as Kaido's son, there's a definite argument to be made for Yamato being trans. (note that people using Yamato's title card in this episode saying "Kaido's daughter" is not entirely apt - Kiku's title card also refers to her as male when it is presented within the story) As a result of Oda's writing, many transgender people have latched on to Yamato as a transgender individual. Many see this as wrong. I don't entirely disagree with them - I think Yamato's reasonings are confusing, and Oda's presentation within the story makes it really confusing. BUT I think there's a very serious risk of the transphobic argument that because Yamato looks female (please note that their robes are of traditionally male temple priests'), she is not trans. This is dangerous. Just because (some) trans men may not look like men, does not make them any less a man, and there's a very serious root of rampant transphobia within the community that believes otherwise. As a side note, well, Yamato's hot. I hate to use it as an argument but I definitely believes that plays a factor as well, which is (partially) why Kiku was spared mostly from this absolutely horrific discussion. As of this month, Yamato's vivre card was released. Contrary to popular belief, these are not made by Oda. It is said that Oda does look at them before they are released, but the exact process is unknown to us. And I do think it must be said that there are tens, if not hundreds of corrections for these Vivre cards out there. For example Shanks's card used to say that he was a yonkou before he met Luffy, but we now know that he only became one 6 years ago. My point is, the Vivre cards can be pretty reliable, but for this discussion many have latched onto it like some sort of holy bible that cannot be altered, even though the exact contrary is true. Still, in this vivre card, Yamato was clearly identified to be a cisgender woman. Other cannonically trans characters like Kiku have their preferred gender listed, and Yamato does not. So despite basically everything in the story pointing to Yamato being trans (again, Yamato *literally* referring to themselves as Kaido's son is, well, a thing), this is seemingly not the case going by all the information we have now. I honestly do not care what you call Yamato. Personally I've opted for them (to try to avoid the discussion, and failing at that), but I know many that follow the story and go by he/him, and many more that go by she/her because, well, because they see Yamato as a girl. Even though there is practically no character within the story that refers to Yamato as a she. Please, call Yamato what you want to call them. But I just want you to know how the story presents them, and how trans people as well as the community as a whole has reacted. Nobody is happy with this. Sorry for the rant. I do hope you at least understand the situation a little better.


Yamato being at the execution and being so big was actually added in the anime and is an error. While she mentions she was there, it was never shown in the manga. She was eight years old at the time and would not have been as big as the anime shows.

John tran

Yamato probably gonna be oden in a sense of way. Join Luffy crew and travel on a journey to that GOD Island since she had that Oden diary. I was thinking momo but he will have to stay back and fix up Wana and become their lord.

John tran

Think about during that age... Women are inferior to men in a sense of way. No woman can inherit their father business and power. It is usually hand over to the eldest son. Maybe that is why kaido is stating yamato is his son.

Kay M

yes i agree with this. in ancient Japan a woman cannot become the Shogun or a samurai or a leading figure. If Yamato is addressed as a son instead of a daughter Kaido could use her for any position he wants since thats easier. This is just speculation btw idk if it counts as spoilers since idk for sure if thats Kaido's intention


Now you should react to the last two opening of one piece, there is no more spoilers


You hit it right on the nail, Yamato's identity is more tied to Oden than it is on a gender, if Oden was a woman Yamato would still want to be a woman too.

Adam Vialpando

Very good points raised. I think Yamato's preferred gender idemtity is a little unsure due to it being more about Oden than it is about gender. Yamato wants to be male because Oden was male. If Oden was female Yamato would most likely want to be female. This is different from Kiku who identifies herself as a female purely because of how she feels. Then there are the Okama, crossdressers that can be, but don't necessarily have to be, gay or trans. Like Bon Clay, who is at home being a man and a woman. Basically, the idea of ones gender irentification is complicated.


Well there’s a reason why Kaido also calls Yamato his son, but that’s spoiler territory. We can bring it up in the future😉


im still convinced that okiku is a girl. izo dresses like a girl but still sounds like a dude and they gave him a male va and for yamato they gave her a female va and getting her to masquerade her voice to sound like a pre puberty kind of guy and okiku has a female va and she has more feminine attributes, only thing missing is the big boobs which Oda has been hiding with loose clothing and what not. perhaps theres a reason shes been trying to fill a male role? perhaps the same reason as Yamato? she looked up to somebody some time ago? idk.

Frdrt -

How can you overthink something that was already been cleared up 20++ episodes ago?