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Yes... we shall continue.. YIKES

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Hey guys I really need to get some sleep so Overlord will be up tomorrow around noon Pacific time. ( I really enjoyed those two episodes with Brain CLimb and Sebes ) xD I can't wait to post it




I'm actually surprised you did more, since it looked like a lot more people asked for it not to continue, in the last one? xD


Thank you Mecca for giving this show another chance. ignore these snowflakes


She’s literally one of these “Snowflakes” lol she was uncomfortable with it and didn’t plan on continuing. And even if she watches the whole thing doubt she’s gonna be eating it all up like you Edgelords. That being said she can do whatever she wants


Lol don't force yourself. Try Highschool of the Dead or High School DxD. Both are great uncensored shows with actual good plots and nothing too graphic.


People in the comments. simple. If you don't want to watch these reactions. get out of this thread. For the love of god. Thank you Mecca for the content and giving this masterpiece a chance


This show is actual dog shit. LOL. I dig your reactions but this show is horrible lmao.


You brought up a good point about random scenes. It doesn't quite fit here though. It is true that some horror movies will add a random fan service scene with a naked woman before terror strikes her. I've seen it one too many times. It's not really needed. In this anime we are getting more information regarding what happened to Keyaru in his past life. If we don't see these flashbacks, then the anime will be lacking the needed depth and character motivation to further explain why he wants to exact revenge. Without these flashbacks you will be constantly be asking what in God's name happened to Keyaru for him to behave this way. You would without a doubt be forced to believe that no matter what happened to him in the past, he shouldn't do what he is doing. None of the characters have to be likeable. In the end Keyaru is human. He is not Jesus lol


You're acting like this is a masterpiece, flashbacks make sense but you don't need the full acts/the juices/the sounds to make a point. It's just a garbage hentai that's disguised as a garbage tv show.




lol watch the sensored version it is a bit much


Don't force yourself. It's the way he takes revenge is why i can't feel for him. He is to brutal, i was "fine" with the finger breaking. It's just the rape that i can't take. Both the one he did and what was done to him.


LOL ah ah ah

Finn Ryan

Yeah I'm just going to pretend as if this reaction series doesn't exist. It was kind of funny as a one off thing, but I don't want to indirectly watch this show.

Jarvis Fowlkes

Well she got off easy to me be reminded in his previous life all this happened like in 4 years he went though all that and add 6 months in his new life i honestly don't feel bad for what he gonna do to these people


Hey super mecha if you want binge watch all the episodes for this show they are already out on HentaiHaven (in the rape category) you're welcome


People complaining is so annoying....if she decided to continue watching for whatever reason just let her........damn


This show is so messed up, but I gotta admit her reactions are the best part, can't avoid laughing


You truly are a women of culture!! Respect for soldiering on!


I usually dont give up on shows I begin, but ep 4 was the end for me.

Galen Vaughn

Imma give it like 2 more episodes, but yeah I won’t blame smf for dropping it after ep4


I want you to know, you're a legend for even putting up with this show, and if you drop it I'll understand why. But thank you for even trying to understand this um... piece. Just know, I never expected this to start at all and I appreciate your suffering for our entertainment lol


Please do continue with this show, I enjoy watching you barely being able to handle it and cringing every other minute. Don't force yourself though!