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💮Watch Attack On Titan on Crunchyroll: 


🔥This Episode was EPIC.  It's interesting what they are doing this season compared to others especially getting both point of views in this war.  It really shows the disparity in both situations and it isn't just one sided anymore.  Attack on Titan's storytelling really makes the me as the viewer question who is really the bad guy in this situation.  There really isn't a good or bad that is how I am looking at this season (others might view it differently and that's okay) because I feel like that is their goal is to make us question and decide who we want to root for.  I can't wait to see how the future episodes conclude this battle. 🔥


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Password: armin




The password should be mappa goat loool

Lye Batenkaitos

This reaction title should be attack on mappa s4


You gotta love how Levi wasn't worried in the slightest that the beast titan showed up 😂.

? Danish Pup ?

There are 16 episodes in the first half of season 4

? Danish Pup ?

There's going to be a second half like season 3


"Eren's become a monster" - Created through the actions of Marley.


Great reaction !


Jamie, if you are looking for another anime to react I recommend Golden Kamuy. It’s a really underrated show


I don't know why you are saying that Eren is a monster lol, the Marley country is working like a Nazi society, people of paradise lived in ignorance and fear for at least 100 years while the people of Marley were safe because of the power of the titans, they needed to attack fast and secure the other titans so they can come back to paradise and tell to the world again to not mess with us again...


The reason that Reiner's titan looks different is because he is not fully healed, but it's also symbolic.Showing that Reiner's form is more human looking shows his humanity while Eren's form looks more monstrous since he's losing his humanity. Reiner had to gain his humanity to help protect his allies while Eren had to let go of his humanity to keep moving forward.


The Anime basicly show the reality of war.


reality doesn't work that way. That way of thinking just amplifies hate and makes an attack even more likely. Even more so because the world fears an Eldian Empire even more than Marley and would likely take Marleys side to stop a potenzial rise of Eldia.


When reiner and the others were killing everyone in paradis Island no one was bitching about how it was fucked up or called them monsters but when eren gets sick of it and lets go of his humanity in order to fight for his people, everyone starts calling him a monster 😂😂 this is a war and the leaders have to let go of mushi feelings and become cold blooded to win freedom... there is no nice guys in war, there are only monsters from both sides and I for one stand with the monster Eren has become thanks to the Marley. People need to stop being soft man. Look back at our history and you'll see that in every war any country has had they had to do evil and heartless shit in order to win and give their people freedom.


Facts 🗣️ a little bit louder please, Eren's determination is just what people don't understand lol Marley literally brainwashed their people into thinking people from paridis island were devils 🤦🏽‍♂️ this people siding with Reiner just don't understand Eren's character!


Look at Reiner and Gabi's character or Falco, well maybe not Falco Cuz he ain't that lost as Gabi is or as Reiner was. now take a closer look and understand their character... Done? Yeah you just like them. because of what? Gabi mentality is just fucked up and people are sidind with her? she only wants to become the armor titan because she has been brainwashed and makes her family proud while Eren is doing all of this because all the friends he lost oh and did I talked about his mother? Umm being eaten if front of him? And being limited into living in fear within a wall? And others stuff that he went through. Eren basically lost his shit and became what people are calling him... "a monster" 😂 People just don't understand determination ig 🤷🏽‍♂️


You have absolutely no understanding of character or nuance. This entire story is sadly lost on you.


No most likely they'll make the last couple chapters into a movie, I think a film will be better so that they don't have to struggle like they did animating the first 16 episodes in 8 months, Mappa needs a break man they brought out like 5 animes in a single year think about the hell they'll go through animated the last couple of chapters of the manga if you are caught up to it


I am reading the manga and I'm still siding with Eren. Eren is the hero in my eyes so that Paradis can live in peace in the future by becoming the enemy of humanity! Don't call a hero a monster when he sacrificed so much of his emotions in return for freedom for Eldia! Don't forget that his time is limited... I honestly don't feel bad for the Gabi and the others because this is war that they provoked years ago!


Why not make a top 10 list of 2020?


Eren is fine with killing everyone else in the world just so the people of Paradis can live peacefully. Obviously, the rest of the world isn't ok with that. There's no right answer to the overarching problems in AoT. Yes, the Paradis Eldians are justified in wanting to fight for their freedom but does that also make it OK for them to commit genocide against the rest of the world? Two wrongs don't make a right. Now imagine that the Nazis, Taliban, or some other equally atrocious group of people all escaped to a remote island and possess the equivalent of a world-destroying nuke that they can activate at any time and to top it off, they're all capable of transforming into man-eating monsters. That's how the rest of the world has been conditioned into seeing Eldians. OF COURSE they fear them, OF COURSE they want to get rid of them. The whole point of AoT is that there is no clear cut "good" or "bad", just people fighting for what they believe in to sruvive

Rudeus Greyrat

Has she even watched 10 animes that released in 2020.... cus shit I've only watched like 6 that came out in 2020

Finn Ryan

Yes as long as she gets past the CGI bears, I think she will find PLENTY of husbandos and also a great story.

Declan Gastineau

Exactly. The thing about it is, the reason Eren came in and killed innocent civilians is because that is what Marley and Willy planned. They purposefully held the speech in the internment zone so innocent Eldians would die so they could blame it all on Eren. They knew they would get attacked and made sure innocent people, not just military, would die so the people of Paradis would seem evil. Eren planned to attack, and wasn't going to call off his plan because the Marleyans tried to make it inconvenient for him to do so.

Carmelo Cintron Rosa

IDK why people keep calling eren a monster. Marley CHOOSE this outcome. If you look back at the past few episodes you will see that Eren was not committed to attacking from the start. You can tell based on his facial expressions during the speech. He seemed like he was willing to talk it out and work for peace, but that option went out the window when willy turned most of the world against him and the paradise eldians. When Mikasa arrives it makes it even clearer that this whole plan revolved around Eren's decision. He Very Clearly Did not want to do this. As for the "innocent Marleyian eldians" i do feel for them, BUT multiple people could have spoken up about the truth on paradise like Rainer, Galliard(who has yimir's memories), Pieck and Zeke. Any of them could have said something Eldians poses the power of the titans. Anyone of them could have chosen to stand up instead of being the dogs of marley. Paradise has been working for 4 years and have other countries of the world that side with them for example the Japanese country (forgot the name) they literally showed up just to make it look like they were attending the speech and left the soon to be battlefield with ample time which makes it crystal clear that they side with Eren. There's obviously more countries siding with them. Yeah feels bad for falco and gabi but this was the path that marley and their fellow senpai eldians chose for them. It's been over a hundred years there's no one alive from the great Titan war only the shifters have memories of that time. Eren was willing to let bygones be bygones in only 4 years after everything he want through, hell he even forgave Rainer and Berthold for what happened, and yet after over 100+ yrs Marley was not willing to work for peace. So yeah calling eren a "monster" after understanding everything makes no sense.


If you're are willing to kill innocent people, innocent children you have to be a monster. Even when there is no other way.


Damn if this season keeps up like that ...absolutely amazing... but it reminds me of this never ending cycle of hatred like in naruto and someone has to stop it 😭


Fuck Reiner


I really like the message of the monsters that you see might hide humans inside (Marley/Reiner), and the humans who you grew up with might hide monsters inside them (Eren).