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Thanks Jamie, Happy New Year!


Oh, didn't expect a post today.


Actually Teppei(The Author of Re:Zero) Confirmed that Subaru's parents are still searching for him in his old world, and that they are very sad.

D Reed

I know it was supposed to give Subaru a chance to confront his past but did anyone else think that this was really fucking depressing? Those weren’t even his real parents and he may never get to see them again. He didn’t say anything to his mom before he left and WHO KNOWS where his dad was. They probably thought he was depressed and killed himself or something. Fucking stabs my heart just thinking about it. Poor guy

Frank Rosales

Here comes the rollercoaster


Yeah this was more for Subaru to reconcile with himself. His poor parents still don't know what happened to him and the police have no leads. They are never going to see him again unfortunately. But Subaru knows his parents and was able to recreate exactly how they would react in his mind to help him get through his insecurities and shortcomings to be able to face future hardships. It was a kind of therapy really. So its extremely bittersweet


S2E4 is definitely one of my favorites, definitely up there with E15 and E18. Many isekai really don't utilize the genre to its full extent, and the premise of being in a different world is more often than not to skip the "boring" part of the story; that being the MC's upbringing and jump straight into the fantasy action. Even though it has only been 1 episode so far, it really solidify Subaru's character and upbringing, which imo is leagues above any other isekai. Now, onto the waifu wars. S2E4 really gives us a deeper look into Subaru's character, and a deeper look as to why Subaru replied with "I love Emilia" in ep 18. In episode 1 when Subaru was transported to Lugunica, many people question why Subaru wasn't freaking out/panicking and passed it off as bad character writing. But that wasn't the case as shown in these episodes. Subaru was desperate to escape his old life, to escape being known ONLY as his Dad's kid, and being transported to Lugunica was very much like a blessings. Though Subaru quickly learns that he isn't given the typical isekai MC status (other than mental strength, lets be honest) The world was cruel but Emilia, a random girl he just met saved him, a nobody. She was the first person in this world to show Subaru that someone does care. Though these are just my interpretations, I feel like many people really don't give this scene enough credit because there really wasn't any tension. Unlike the scene where Subaru literally pushes Rem out of harms way, showing her that some people really do care. This was the moment that Rem latches onto Subaru. If we compare the two events, one was very lacking in term of danger and the other was serious and poses a real threat to the characters. Though if we revisit the Emilia scene again but this time try and view it from Subaru's pov, it becomes horrifying. No matter how you look at it, Subaru was just a normal person with no battle experience, and having some thug pull a knife on you is no joke, especially considering how socially awkward he was. But then Emilia shows up and saved him when he was beaten down, almost as if the world is telling Subaru that no matter what happens, he will alway be a failure, and being in a different world doesn't mean anything, but Emilia cared enough to save him. Imo at the time, Subaru felt the same way Rem did, when Subaru shoved Rem out of harm's way. People are different, Subaru saved Rem because she was one of the few people that he has a connection with. Emilia saved Subaru simply because she is that kind of person, even though she has no idea who Subaru is. One scene lacks any real threat and the other is a fight for survival, yet what Emilia did for Subaru and what Subaru did for Rem has to be viewed from the character's pov and what it meant to them. As Subaru stated, Rem loves Subaru for who he is and no matter what faults he has, she will be there for him, yet he replied with "I love Emilia". Imo choosing Rem is seen as slothful, as Subaru will be ignoring the issues he had in his previous life and never get over his inferiority complex. Choosing Emilia can be seen as diligent as it makes Subaru strive to better himself so he can prove that he is worthy of staying by her side. Whether you're on team Emilia or team Rem, I think many people really misunderstood S1E18 and what it meant for Subaru's character and focuses way too much on Subaru rejecting Rem. Also both Subaru and Emilia(moreso) gets too much hate for no reasons after the rejection. On a side note, did you guys notice how affection is handle in Re:Zero? Subaru likes Emilia because she saved him. Rem likes Subaru because Subaru saved her. Ram likes Roswaal because Roswaal saved both Ram and Rem. Emilia likes Puck because Puck saved Emilia from the ice. Emilia also gets another point from Subaru because of the lap pillow, which is why he chose Emilia. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Those little "shocks" Subaru has are pretty much his anxiety kicking in at the mention of school. That's why he waits until noon so he's able to find an excuse for himself, to not have to go to school. I really love his backstory episode, and its message of "value what you have at home", which goes against almost all other isekai which are escapist fantasies. :)

Lye Batenkaitos

Good analysis, i love rem more than emilia so there are some things i disagree with but i do love the analysis on subaru. Being a novel reader, subaru is my favourite anime character and it pains me to see that he doesn't get the recognition he deserves yet. I hope part 2 will show the audience a whole new side to how awesome subaru is!


"I swear her boobs got bigger this season" During the making of Season 1, the author had never specifically pointed out the characters' bust sizes. A while ago though he did say that Emilia has a slightly bigger chest then Rem's, so while not officially confirmed that's probably why they're noticeably bigger lmao


Episode 4 is one of my favorite episodes. It's so bittersweet, we see how far Subaru has come, but at the same time his parents never did. All the growth he had has come after he got transported. The fact that he never said anything to his mom before he left tears me apart and I always tear up at that part. Some lookbacks knowing what we know now: -In the episode where he headbutts Rem calling her dumb for trying to do everything by herself he says something like "slap" instead of headbutt, kinda like his dad saying headbutt but then kicking him -when subaru discredits the knights, he says they use their "father's name" this is from the insecurities he has regarding what we seen in episode 4

Daniel Turner

If anyone was interested Subaru’s posters are from Absolute Duo and Asterisk War


thank you AOT, OP, JJK for going on break so we can get Re:zero content EVERYDAY. 😅🔥


The real sad thing about all this is that this only happens in his dream . In actual reality he never got the chance to talk to his parents, Fact is, the author said that even now his parents are extremely depressed searching for him after his disappearance.


First few episodes seem a bit slow & all over the place but I heard it picks up later.


go to horny jail