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OH.. my gosh this show is getting me upset haha

Watch Re:zero on Crunchyroll: https://www.crunchyroll.com/rezero-starting-life-in-another-world-/episode-17-disgrace-in-the-extreme-702433 


RE ZERO 18 reaction/review

Watch "RE ZERO 18 reaction/review" on Streamable.


Matthew B

I love emlia

Theron Hunter

Thank you for actually putting your shoe on Subaru. He's just human and makes terrible decisions.

Ernesto Martinez

Watching this in my hotel after a long day... just hits differently hahaha

GMZGaming .

Why is it getting u upset??


That speech at the beginning was spot on. Exactly how I feel about him, and I can't believe some people would say you're supposed to hate him.

Galen Vaughn

Lol I swear every reactor has the same reaction to episode 18. I still wait for someone to react differently and see it from Subarus view.


He's just being honest with how he feels and it's not like it was unknown that he loved Emilia.

Jev Cor

Yay, another Rem stan who projects their feelings onto Subaru. Brilliant stuff.... I used to like Rem, then I started watching reactions and reading comments, now I detest her.

Theron Hunter

Probably because people he cares about dies left and right. Nothing seems to work and everything feels hopeless.

Galen Vaughn

Bad idea lol, I admit it happened to me a lot with different shows, but ultimately it shouldn’t affect your opinion on the character

Chris Boxall

Maybe Subaru loves both of them but he chooses to stay loyal to who he fell for first. Or maybe he just really cares about Rem and doesn’t want to lead her on in any way. But I also feel that Rem knows Subaru loves Emilia, even as she made her confession to Subaru.. the dynamic between the three seems so complicated!


Subaru is a great character, EP 18 really shows. People need to put their feelings aside and accept that. Good written character does not mean they need to be liked. EP 18 is really great but I feel like many viewers only saw that Subaru rejected Rem. Imo Subaru did the right choice by rejecting Rem, of course he could've dial the salt back. He only confronted her because he thought there is nothing he can do. This is just my opinion on the matter but Subaru likes Emilia because she saved him. While it may not be as out there as what Subaru did for Rem, Emilia did "save" Subaru. In S1E1, when Subaru was first transported to Lugunica, he was beaten in the alleyway and it was Emilia who saved him. As stated in E18, Subaru hates himself very similar to Rem, and for someone to take time out of their day to save/care for Subaru it meant a lot. While his affection for Emilia is often seen as weak or it came out of nowhere, being saved in that alleyway is very similar to the situtation with the mabeast in the forest.

Frank Rosales

It gets extremely exciting at this point on now

Mario Mendoza

Rem rejected him first though 😅 but I get your point of view , awesome reaction


i dont understand, people want Subaru to lie to Rem? It was the ultimate test, if you really love me then you just have to accept that i will not love you back.


I think it's impossible. Rem has gotten more character development and screen time than Emilia which makes it easier to connect with Rem rather than Emilia. What sucks are people who shit on Emilia because their waifu lost.

Daniel Turner

The author did make a spinoff Light novel of what if Subaru and Rem did run off together


so lame how he still likes emilia though, like shes done actually barely nothing for the dude


Fun fact: Otto thought he was sorry for pushing Subaru so he sent the ground dragon back before his death.


Oh wow, I always thought that the ground dragon just kept going ahead! I'm waiting for Season 2 to finish before I read the WN/LN, and while I've always defended Otto for his action there, this adds to his good boy status :)

Josh Buckley

Episode 18 is legendary, when it aired in Japan it didn’t even have an ad break because they didn’t want to cut up the conversation.


Now now chat, lets be civil. :)


Episode 17: So we finally see the White Whale. If you remember it was mentioned in previous loops, it caused a block on the road so each time Subaru got there the cult attack had happened already. This time he made it before the attack, but had to go through the whale's path. I always liked the part where he is talking to himself (but it looks like he is talking to Emilia), you can hear his pain. I really like the ending song playing here. This episode is such a trip with all the Rem stuff. The most important part imo, the witch that granted him his power kills Emilia here. A lot of people forget that in the long run. Episode 18 Oh boy here it is. One of the best episodes of rezero and imo one of the best conversations in all of anime. First off Rem is best girl, if there was ever any doubt up until this point. Second, really like how the show briefly shows bad clips of Rem's death at the beginning when Subaru has control of the conversation, then switches to all the good clips of Subaru when Rem has control of the conversation. I think I was mad when I first heard 'I love Emilia', but I've come to (sorta) appreciate it. Also like you said, his actions show that he really cares about Rem, so while it seems like a giant 'fuck you' to Rem it really isn't. I really like the parallels here between Rem's view of Subaru and Subaru's view of Emilia. Emilia says that 'the version of (Emilia) in your head must be amazing'; Rem says 'what about the Subaru I see'. I think it's true to life that a lot of times we idealize others that we like and sometimes focus on all the bad stuff we did. But the way we see things isn't how they always are. Sometimes we're better than we think we are and sometimes those that we idolize are barely holding it together. And that's the prologue. The reason they use the phrase from zero a lot in this episode is because this is the end of the prologue and start of the series. Some people probably didn't realize but Rezero is a long series. I won't go into too many details, but I will say the series itself has not finished in any capacity. Btw, it's probably better if you do 3 episodes for the next chunk, but I know that's not something that can always be done.

Desto Samuels

Here we go with the comment war, just let people be in the moment of the show at this point.

jac jacob israel

I haven't watched it yet but I can already tell what happened damn guess it was fulish of me to think this was going to be different.


i never once hated subaru because i know that if any one of us were in his shoes, we would act the same way. i actually hated emilia during the whole candidate selection ep.


Decide for yourself. 1. When he heard that Emilia was in trouble, his first thought was he was happy as he could prove his worth instead of being worried. 2. He was actually ACTING crazed. When betelgeuse says the line "Why do you act crazed?", Subaru wakes up immediately and tries to cover his ears to pretend that wasn't true. He even remembers Betelgeuse's name even though he introduced himself when he was "crazy" and was pretending not to understand anything.


For those few in the comment section who're questioning Subaru's taste in women: what are you even talking about? Emilia is one of the few people in that world who's never actually killed (or tried to kill) him. Neither has she ever directly opposed him in any shape or form unlike several other characters in the show. To put it simply: Emilia accepted Subaru when absolutely no one else would. Why is it so weird to fall for the only person who hasn't given you the cold shoulder, who doesn't give you cold looks? Imagine having such a person, such a support system, in a world where you have absolutely no idea who you can actually trust, even within your own circle of friends, because you have actual vivid memories of them humiliating you, betraying you, and/or murdering you in the most brutal ways possible. Having such a person must be incredibly relieving. Emilia is that person to him. Now imagine someone who's mercilessly killed you twice and, at one point, tortured you for information. That's Rem. Rem did that to him. That's never going to change. Even though he trusts her with his life now, he probably won't ever forget his own screams as she bled him for information. If you honestly think you can fall in love with someone who you clearly remember killing you, then I think you're being unrealistic and incapable of putting yourself in Subaru's situation. What I get from you is an actual lack of empathy and understanding.


And that is the main reason that a lot of people don't like subaru :P


As for your reaction, Jamie: Subaru was being so upfront about his feelings exactly because Rem was so upfront about hers. People find his directness cold - which is understandable - but I honestly think that he couldn't have been more respectful towards her and her confession.


Alot of people started to hate Subaru after this episode and I couldn't agree LESS. In fact, this episode only made me love Subaru even more as a character. Not only was his speech on his own lack of character/weaknesses powerful and relatable, he was one of the FEW isekai(in general actually) harem mc's that were straight up and honest about their feelings (I'm looking at you smartphone mc whos name I've forgotten because I couldn't even get pass the first 3 episodes). Just to put this out there but I am all for the Rem ship and I think they look perfect together. However, to hate on Subaru for rejecting Rem is absolutely ridiculous. Yes, Rem went to hell to protect him, yes she is best girl (my opinion xD) but what Subaru did this episode was not cruel at all. In fact, it is far more cruel for others to push their own opinion onto Subaru. If you hate a character because your ship didn't sail, that's just tragic. 99% of other harem mc's would've just left the confession ambiguous and avoided it on the pretense of "dense like a goddamn black hole" and never addressed it ever again til the end of the series. But Subaru has always been a straight forward but very complex/deep character. After this episode it's like everyone seem to forget that Subaru has been to hell dozens of times (Rem literally tortured him in one of those loops) and his mental and physical state should be beyond fatigue but the man keeps on getting back up (with Rem's help this time around ofc). His answer doesn't mean he didn't care for Rem or anyone else but his eyes were simply set on Emilia who was the first to reach out her hand to him when he first arrived in this world. People call Subaru a bitch or a simp for doing so but I suppose in their books, staying loyal to the one you love is actually a bad thing.


The infamous I love Emilia episode lol

Tyreesh Simmons

Definitely went through these same emotions while watching episode 18 lol. Rem is obviously best girl, and there is actually a ‘what if’ story that the author wrote that gives insight into what would have happened if they had run away together but there are spoilers for later seasons in that. I think the best way to see it is that Emilia saved Subaru the same way Subaru saved Rem, and while we’ve seen more of the relationship between Subaru and Rem at this point in the series, Emilia is special in her own way. I think it’s a testament to the well written characters in the show. I would die for any of them, but especial my personal waifu, Crusch, who is secretly best girl and I won’t hear any differently.

? Danish Pup ?

OMG, I love to see quick changes in emotion. I was so excited for you to see ep 18. One of my favorite reactions.


The thing that a lot of people don't realize is that by being direct with her about this he is giving her a way to let him go. Many people in life will not directly reject someone who loves them because they feel bad, but this ends up just stringing the person along because they have hope of eventually being with them despite not having a chance -- it seems kind to not be direct but it is actually cruel.


perfectly explained. couldn't have said it better. 👏🏾


I forgot that this episode legit made me cry and made Subaru one of my favorite MC's. Deep down he is truly who he is and though Rem is best girl forever, Emilia is the one the hasn't done any truly harmful. Sure she put him in his place but that's what he needed. I love this episode and can't wait to see you watch Subaru Suffers.


Episode 18. Top 10 bruh moments in anime.


Also this is becoming my favorite reaction of yours ever. You're so invested in all the characters, it really seems like you feel what they feel.


hehehe subaru is cruel but rem did reject him first


YOU IDIOT. How many must it explained for u to not take Beetelguse's words at face value? Subaru was NOT acting. god u idiots just can't be helped.



Jev Cor

Rem is useless. Anyone who sees her as "best girl" is projecting their own weird waifu attraction. Crusch however is top tier, keep that energy. Fuck Rem.

Ryuuji Gremory

Imo the real dick move, and cruel thing would have been to not say it, it was 100% right to be straight with her about his feelings, though it's not like Rem didn't already know them. She didn't say all those things because she thought that way she could get together with Subaru, she already knew he is in love with Emilia, she said those things because she wanted to pull him out of the dark dark place his mind was in, just like he did for her in Arc 2. She basically is the one that encouraged to do this, telling him to not give up, she knew that not giving up would include also not giving up on Emilia, and that was ok with her, it’s the Subaru that is doing his best for Emilia that she fell in love with after all. Though pay attention to his exact choice of words, he doesn’t say he doesn’t love Rem, or that he can’t reciprocate her feelings for him, he simply tells her the one things he is sure of, that is, that he loves Emilia. It’s not really important right now but for S2 it might explain some behaviour. The reason for Subaru’s love to Emilia at this point is similar to Rem’s reason to love Subaru. Just like Rem loves Subaru for saving her back in Arc 2 and helping her overcome her Demons (no pun intended) to some degree Emilia did the same for Subaru. At first it was just a crush on the beautiful girl that saved his life and he spend a fun day with but then in Arc 2 was the point where it changed from a crush to love. While it might not seem like much from the outside the little things Emilia did for Subaru in Arc 2 saved his mind and soul, she was his one pillar of mental support, his one ray of light in that hellish week in the mansion. E.g. the lap pillow, it doesn’t seem like much from the outside but to Subaru it was just that important. Subaru was truly at the breaking point when that happened, without that interaction he would have broken completely. Also he used her existence to justify all the horrific and agonizing shit he had to go through, he needed some kind of purpose to be in this world or he wouldn’t have been able to endure what was happening and he made Emilia that purpose. You might say “but Rem did so much more for him” but that’s not really relevant, he has already completely fallen for Emilia while Rem was still contemplating to murder Subaru (not to mention that Love isn’t based on merit, just like Subaru isn’t entitled to Emilia’s love for the things he did for her Rem isn’t entitled to his love for the things she did for him). When Rem became Subaru’s Pillar of support, he was already deeply in love with someone else and in his with each death further breaking mind, that his feeling went past love straight into obsession. She became his excuse for everything, whatever he is doing and no matter what it is, it’s ok because he is doing it for Emilia’s sake. That is until in ep.18 where he lets everything out, his mind gets a soft reset thanks to Rem and he can see things more clearly.

Beast Boy

The episode everyone hated subaru lmaooo

D Reed

Bringing up the fact that rem killed him twice is and using it to justify Subaru rejecting rem is so retarded, Subaru doesn’t ever think of that moment again After he saves her in the Forest and if he does, It is NOT during this episode, not to mention there’s a 1 month time skip between episodes 10 and 11 so it’s even further back in his mind. Besides you don’t remember Emilia giving him the cold shoulder after he called her satella, or when she broke it off with him in the Capitol because she didn’t understand his Feelings? Remember this episode how rem basically said “tell me, and if you can’t tell me, trust me. Also I believe in you” while Emilia said “tell me, and if you can’t tell me, I can’t trust you” while also not being honest with him. Don’t get me wrong, I like Emilia but don’t use that brain dead “ShE KiLEd HiM TwiCE” argument as if it actually holds any bearing in his decision to say what he said

D Reed

Yea I was rewatching the episode and I WAS NOT happy with this, I guess it could be a thing where the first 8 episodes he kind of fell in love with her and that’s just how it is now, but I DEFINITELY think that he’s subconsciously drawn to her for some reason, His decision doesn’t really make sense (at least not to me) and I get that he’s being honest, but come on, “I love Emilia” like come on, you can’t say “I Feel the same way but I love Emilia “ or something like that? what a bait lol. but If you’re interested there’s a spin-off where she says yes and actually goes with him.


If it is any consolation, there is an if novel written by the author where Subaru runs away with Rem.


wtf are those re:zero normies doing in comments, explaining every single little thing every time, relax

Man in the Mirror

What Subaru said about himself is, albeit not everything, true; especially the part about his life before the transport to another world. He was a neet, who didn’t really do anything, even though he had the opportunity to. However, after arriving in another world he thought he was the protagonist (ironic, since he is lol) and everything would go his way and he would solve everyone’s problems, since that is what an Isekai protagonist does. However, having no experience with nearly any sort of thing, he was bound to fail (I for example could not hope to beat Gordon Ramsay in cooking while having never cooked anything remotely difficult in my life), but failed to realize this; after all, Elsa, the Mabeasts, it turned out alright, making this illusion stronger in his head. Unfortunately, he’s not the centre of the world, despite being the protagonist. His speech had a core, well more than a core, of truth to it and I loved Re:Zero for addressing all this. It is not only a Fantasy Isekai, but a psychological drama as well. And Subaru... while I can’t relate to him for the most part, I do really like him since he’s a good person after all, despite his motives and actions sometimes. I want to no homo give this boy a hug, with all his suffering. By the way, after 18 episodes, the prolog is now over and it’s Re:Zero

Desto Samuels

God Re Zero fans are gonna scare reactors away from watching this anime. The comments are ridiculous, and it's always the same people on every reaction channel writing full on essays. It's a bit mental I hope the reactor doesn't revisit the comments again.

Eddie or Redd

OMG im the same way! I see it as, if i was in his shoes how would i act? What would i think and do? I would lose my mind having to see these ppl i care about die over and over again. I would become desperate to stop the cycle. To have to go through what he does all alone is crazy.

Eddie or Redd

I love Rem. If i were Subaru i would have chosen Rem. But i do believe what how Subaru did was correct. If he doesnt feel that way about Rem than he should let her know straight out so that it doesnt hurt more in the future. Subaru feels about Emilia the way Rem feels for Subaru. So if he changed his mind that easily than i would not like his character. That would be like someone else confessing to Rem and her changing her mind and going for that someone else. Thats just my opinion. Like i said i would 100% choose Rem over Emilia even before Rems confession.


Imo I like it. Re:Zero have a lot of hate because of many misunderstanding so giving context is great. The comments definitely is extensive, but it just shows how great a show it is.


The episode that made Rem the Best Girl.


Rem is best waifu

Kyle Smith

I definitely understand why a lot of people hated on Subaru but i never did. Subaru has always been a way more interesting and human character to me then most anime characters. Yeah he has made a lot of dumb pig headed decisions that were based on raw emotion and not pure rational thought but so does every one else in life. Humans are emotional and irrational creatures by nature. It's why i don't like when people hate on Subaru because he doesn't always make the rational choice. He is way more relatable and human to me then most characters because of this. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone grows and learns from them just like Subaru does in the show. It why earlier on i commented about this show being a deconstruction because its all about subverting the norms in this genre but also about subverting the norms for character building. Subaru is constantly torn down but all of this is so he can be built back up into his ideal self. He is not just immediately granted power and everything he could wish for in this world. He has to earn everything he gets and all the consequences that come with it. I also think a lot of people have already made good points on the reason for Subaru loving Emilia. I also think love is also not a rational thing and even though Rem has done far more then Emilia has it doesn't matter at this point because Subaru already loved Emilia. In summary i think the reason i love this show soo much is because it is soo driven on emotion and not rational logical thinking that it makes it more relatable and unpredictable and less scripted.

Derrick C. Shields

Gonna go ahead and say this has enough winking and nudging about future arcs to warrant a spoiler warning. Don't read unless you've finished S1! It's funny, because I did dislike Subaru, but it was a "fun" kind of hating, because I was like "WOW this show is really going for it, huh?" and I trusted that there was a legit character arc reason for it and the writing would be solid enough to pull it off (it was). However, where it concerns Rem, I was always completely on Subaru's side - and to be fair, so is Rem. She didn't expect to "seduce" him or something. I always viewed the "I love Emilia" line as someone just following their heart. You can't force yourself to NOT love the person whom you love. So I always thought this scene was an honestly very healthy commentary on how sometimes feelings just aren't reciprocated; or perhaps CAN'T be reciprocated (yet?) considering future events. Anyway, Subaru would be a much bigger jerk if he was just like "YOOO this girl wants me like THAT?! Seeya, you half-elf hussy!" That's hyperbole by the way, lol.


i think the whale monster actually eat the memory of people that's why nonody couldn't remember rem


He was so upfront about his feelings exactly because Rem was so upfront about hers. That's him giving her a chance to let him go instead of stringing her along, because he knows sticking by him might be painful for her, & that's why he doesn't sugarcoat it. That word choice *is the point*.


im am shipping rem and subaru soooo much


Not gonna lie it still kind of pisses me off how Subaru rejected Rem after everything she has done for him and after all they've been through but I do understand that a beautiful heartfelt confession won't always lead to a positive result if the other partys mind is made up. I do still ship them and probably always will but him asking for her help immediately afterward was just messed up, it was understandable due to the circumstances but from a emotional stand point still messed up. But yeah i don't hate Subaru but he frustrates me sometimes and yet i can relate to him more than i would like to admit.


And that's why, in this house we say "Rem is best girl"


Why? He literally laid the cards on the table before asking for her help. This is as direct and honest as you can get, just like how direct and honest she was.


No, Subaru wasn't leading Rem on. It was the other way around. Rem always knew that Subaru loved Emilia. Rem kmew that he would never forget that love out of the blue to run away with her for no reason. She knew he was desperate because of some unknown situation so no, there was no leading on by Subaru. Please don't pull a Ruff.


people just look at everything black and white, oh this girl who got bit of screen time sacrificed herself then confessed her love before she died = SUBARU HAS to accept her? people minds have actually degraded over the years, like seriously what makes you think emilia wouldnt of done the same? she literally was trying to go into the forest much like rem was to save subaru but puck stopped her its more REALISTIC for subaru to run away with rem because who COULD take that kind of mental abuse? but at sametime subaru running away defies all what he is, rem knows this and doesn't want him to do that but its NOT who he is, in her eyes


ya the story with to many plot holes, also the what IF rem wasnt actually the same rem we know in the anime and LN because, i can give million reasons why on that one


Subaru was not cold when he told Rem he loves Emelia. It was honest. To say anything else in that moment would have been a lie, and cruel. It is the most self aware, honest, and respectful thing he says the whole season.

Ian Kirk

I need a Rem in my life. I'd suffer anything this world has to throw at me for that. (Yea I know. What a Simp).

Hoshino Aki

MANY People thinks that “OMG Subaru how can you do this to Rem!?” But hey please remember it was Rem who told Subaru “if we run away now, I will leave the Subaru I love behind” right after his proposal to Rem. Rem is not idiot too, she knows that Subaru loves Emilia and that the proposal to run away was not something Subaru really wanted. It was Rem that told Subaru that she love the Subaru that will never give up Emilia. So please respect Rem’s feelings people.