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Just an update on Fairy Tail. People constantly nagging about it are slowly making me not want to watch it. People are also annoyed with my comment sections everyone begging for episodes even a day after it posted.

I get a lot of you are passionate about the show but there are a lot of people here not for Fairy Tail.

I make the Fairy Tail on the lowest tier of Patreon to go along with my posts on YouTube. Like I did for One Piece.

This might make me remove the lowest tier on Patreon because people expect me to put aside Fairy Tail over any show when I can see just from streamable views that Re:Zero and One Piece are what make up most of my supporters.

Your comments ruin it for the people that enjoy my reactions.

These comments are making me feel Fairy Tail burnout.

I love the show but damn... I am just one person and I make it available for $1 the lowest you can possible go for everyone to have access.

Most if not all reactors have base patreon tiers of $5-$10...

Again this is really frustrating to not only me but those who are here for more than Fairy Tail.

Why would I feel comfortable recording a reaction pretending to be happy with the fairy tail community when you are coming at me with pitch forks.



👏 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


just get rid of fairy tail

mathias danielsen

just pls try to ignore all the tryhard fans like its my number 1 anime and i love your reactions so i would love for you to continue


Damn. I never read the comments for the fairy tail videos but now I'm glad I don't. I would just ignore those dudes. Worst case scenario they stop giving their 1 dollar.


I think it’s a schedule problem cuz people are waiting without knowing when it’s coming out don’t make a big deal out of it


😌 getting my popcorn 🍿 and preparing for the salty people that are about to complain


It’s not on FT though, it’s on EVERY SHOW I WATCH all the comments are about FT even when I posted them consistently


I’ll admit I pledged to your Patreon only for FT but that’s because a lot of the other anime’s you’re watching or have watched I haven’t seen. I love FT and your reaction to it. I do get that things come up, so take all the time you need and not listen to the others. 😉


That doesn't mean they get to nag about it. It's hard enough trying to keep up with all the shows with technical issues and a life. Fairy Tail is available for 1 dollar a month. They can afford to wait


Kinda sad that this really had to be said. Yall need to chill, Fairy Tail is posted more than anything else here and people still complain. If you are not satisfied you can always unsubscribe and shut up

Jabrone Taylor

Sorry your going through this I barely comment and I see people do that and I know it can be annoying as hell even tho I do enjoy you watching this series if they can’t chill out then switch it or get rid of it even tho I really love watching your reaction to it I rather you be at peace


You've done like +100 eps of fairy tail make those bums wait some more lmao u gotta better stuff to watch anyway


Idk if it’s the ft community or fan base but Jesus it’s worse than I thought


Yeah and I don’t want to ruin it for people like you. I do enjoy the show but lately all of the negative energy from a lot of the FT fans have made me not want to watch it


Try to keep FT if you can, but I think getting rid of the $1 tier will help alot (Just get ready for the YT comments...)


Appreciate your honesty, tell it like how it is. People just keep bitching cause you don't upload Fairy Tail all the time. I like like seeing your fairy tail reactions but I enjoy your other reactions also. I didn't support you just for fairy tail reactions, I support you cause I enjoy all your anime reactions. You do what you gotta do, the real fans will stay.


You are constantly putting two reactions of fairy tail every week so i don't get why people are getting so annoying but🙏 don't stop watching ft and just ignore those idiots.


I hope this doesn’t make you get rid of fairy tail cuz honestly I’m here just for that show but I don’t comment I just watch it cuz I love the show and love your reactions. Stay positive Jaime!


Yeah I see those comments all the f* time. Just relax people. You pay $1 to support the creator, not to get x number of episodes a week. I'm like damn tell them to get their $1 back and go away. Now what they did in One Piece post is beyond disrespectful. And they're the same peole time and time again.


I'm not defending their actions because commenting and nagging for it is bad but I know they want you to watch it because of the cliffhanger of the last episode. They are just impatient because they want to see your reaction as do I but I agree that it is not right for them to constantly nag you about it. I'm willing to wait however long. I'm sorry people have been rude to you because you deserve nothing but respect for all that you have done. Thank you for always making my day with your reactions.


Thats unfortunate. I hope they realize they're screwing themselves as well. Well I hope you keep following the show its my favorite anime and its the main reason I started watching your videos. You're so close to my favorite arcs but I understand the break if you need one. Hope you feel better about the situation!

Zoheb Satta

Sorry to hear that. I love the fairy tail reactions too but if the comments are getting too toxic then you probably should just take a break or cut the reactions entirely

Ultra Instincts Shu

I’m only subscribed for fairy tail n im not in no rush take your time with it. It looks like your 2nd popular series rn so Ig see why ppl mad

Shijio Hirojima

Punish em by not watching fairy tail for 3 weeks 😂, nah just ignore em hopefully this doesn't grow and it remains at a low. I pledged so I can watch your reactions on any show even if I like it or love it, there are people who like those shows and I don't want to be trouble for them so react accordingly and don't make sacrfices for others. Have a great day


dickheads are everywhere I guess. you do you Jamie and ignore the others. I admit I only got into your channel because of FT and recently your patreon but only because I don't watch the other animes. I really enjoy your reactions and I'm in NO HURRY for you to post FT vids, I'll get what I get whenever you decide to post :) even if it's one episode a month. just please don't drop the series because of impatient assholes

Brandon Sanders

I think its more like people complain when a reaction isn't posted the day it was said it was going to be.


I noticed she been getting alot of complains about people wanting more fairy tail didn’t know it was getting out of hand, people do need to calm down and wait, specially that she’s made over 100’s of episodes on it.


True I've seen those people in literally almost any anime reactions 😂 it pisses me off that they complain on a one piece reaction the most. In this community I feel like one piece holds a special place in our hearts and should be respected.


Stop reading needy comments and enjoy the show!


Coming from a ft fan, i feel you so hard, i watxh some of the other reactions aswell and i see alit of fairy tail comments like, do people not realis that you work on so many other shows, and there alot more people watching youe rwactions to other shows than fairy tail, its frustrating i believe you 100% these people need to chill

Brian Gerald Ford

I'm sorry you have to deal with this. You should be able to create content without being hounded by people to continuously make more. Especially since I feel you put out more FT reactions out than other reactions. I say if it continues delete the $1 tier or get rid of the FT reactions. If people can't respect your time, effort and life then you shouldn't have to deal with it. I enjoy your reactions because of how much you love and enjoy everything you watch, if you feel you can't enjoy FT anymore stop watching it screw what anyone would say.

Jonathan V

I love your fairy tale reactions. They are awesome. I am here for One Piece and Fairy Tail. I don't care too much about all the other anime that you reacted to recently. But those two I love. You are doing a great job. We all appreciate in what you do. All those people that are doing that is mostly Fairy Tail haters. They are pretending to like it so that they can make you stop. They always ruin it for everyone. Please ignore them.


Is this issue more prodominantely on Patreon or YouTube?

Farshat Khalegjar

Wow im suprised. In my Opinion u post very much FT. Maybe FT is a Show almost no one reacts on Patreon and this people are probably the first time here.


I love ur FT reactions (and OP) and it’s a shame that people don’t understand that shit happens or u just need a break from a show, especially with longer shows like FT sometimes u can get burned out. The biggest problem with FT is the fandom is super toxic and I feel bad for u and ur other fans that the FT community is acting like a bunch of spoiled brats just because u haven’t posted a video in a few days when u don’t have do these reactions at all.


I think the source of the problem is schedules. If you aren't promised a date, then there will be less complaining. Still complaining, but not as much. I get why people are nagging. I'd be lying if I said I was never disappointed when I really looking forward to an episode after a work on a particular day and it gets postponed, and it happens more than once. I get it. But still, maybe not promising dates might be for the better. I understanding things go wrong all the time and schedules aren't met. That's the kind of job I have working in animation. I'd like for you to enjoy this series at your on pace. I'm not a huge fan of the series as a whole, but I really like certain moments in the next main arc that I would like to see your reaction on, given how much you like the show so far.


It used to be just on YT, hell a day after I posted a FT reaction on YT I got a lot of comments asking where the next episode was on other videos. But now it’s flooding patreon as well

Ernesto Martinez

I'm paying just $1 for new anime reaction content basically daily. This is still a very sweet deal, I came here because of bleach, and I stay because of the rest of the content. So I hope you can continue doing ONLY shows you enjoy.

Monster Zero

She will get there soon no need to be annoying about it


I think people also forget I run a YT channel too. I have to edit videos for that. I post on Patreon practically every day and Youtube everyday. My life basically consists of Recording and editing now. I don’t even feel like I can ever take a break without being attacked


I agree it all went a little bit overboard and probably unnecessary toxic. But Jaimie u brought it up on yourself by continuously keep saying things that u werent able to keep in the end. And for me its really not all about Fairy Tail. If u dont want a schedule, fine. If u dont want to watch Fairy Tail or whatever anime fine as well, but say so and stick to what u said. Dont raise expecations by saying I will do this and that just to fail them... A lot of things lately just dont add up. Delays everywhere but u keep adding new animes to your pool still and say that this month will probably be better than the last one but its actually getting worse. When u make "promises" that u will post it on this and that day (and that goes for all animes) when stick to it, if u need a break when say so and stick to it otherwise it just gets more and more annyoing same for u as for us. With that said I know u put in a lot of work into your reactions and for the most part u do it alone. So Ig et it if its upsetting if people are nagging. But if thats the case than sometimes its better to do a few steps back, rethink, reorganize and maintain what u have. Do it great or even greater rather than trying to force it and move forward in the wrong direction.

Brandon Sanders

If she raised it to a higher tier they would follow it and then it would be expected to a have a guaranteed dedicated day/days for reactions


See the thing is though, I love Fairy Tail. It’s one of my Favorite shows atm. But damn the toxic comments are getting to me


Tell it like it is SMF

Monster Zero

She is giving FT all the love & defending the series but some doesn’t appreciate


I am here for one piece and you I watch anything you react to , but yeah FT fans getting cocky becuse one good known reactor reacting to the show they are starving lol I suggest to take a break from Fairy tale and watch some other animes and when you fell like you missed the show back to it .. but I don't think the comment will be less idc alot of ft fans are brain dead 🙄


I'm not a big FT fan, but I definitely do enjoy watching you reacting to FT series. That being said, please do enjoy this series at your own pace. Don't let these toxic people get you and keep up a good work!

Quinton Teratino

It sucks that some fairy tail fans are so obnoxious in the comments. Really puts a bad impression on the fan base. I like her fairy tail reactions but I started off watching her one piece reactions and tbh I thought one piece community was bad. Do what you gotta do jaime, it sucks but if you have to take a break from fairy tail then go for it. Most of us will still be here.


Well that’s a big sad


So are you stopping it or havent decided?


I can only imagine the YouTube comments about FairyTail knowing how big your fanbase is with over 250k subs. If it's bad here on patreon well YT section would be an anime fandom war on FT. I hardly comment and I read the comments sometimes on the series I watch that you react to except FairyTail but daum it's always "where's FairyTail" "You should watch the next couple episodes in 3-4" or "cant wait for the next episode, please upload it by tmr" on a different shows comment section like chill there is only soo much she can watch and upload. SMF has other things to do as well. She uploads this videos herself without any help just think about all the editing and time she goes through every video that she has to cut out and add on to her video. It's not that easy even when you upload them she has apologized soo much and yet y'all give her shit for it. I respect her for still giving us content whether some of us watch the shows or not, but you guys are pushing it! I feel for her and it's upsetting that she has to go out of her way to address this issue, so if she takes away the $1 tier then y'all deserve it sadly. I'm sorry if I sounded upset or rude but dont ruin it for others who enjoy her other videos she has to offer. Have a great day fam!!!

Pacific Caleb

I feel ya. I like your FT reactions and I hope you continue but I completely understand if you don't. I have seen some comments like that on both your stuff and other reactors stuff. People join the 1$ tier and act very entitled thinking you have to cater to their will because they pay you. Like you said you are just one person and you put out a lot of content, which a lot of people I think don't realize is a fair amount of work. Either way I and many others still support you!


Your Reactions on Fairy Tail are so good and you love the Show, so its really sad that some people have no chill to wait some time . Its sad that these negative comments had such an influence on Fairy Tail overall and break the experience itself. I just hope that you find more positive feedback and maybe more joy again in watching Fairy Tail. Because like you said a forced reaction where you cant enjoy the show itself because everything you do and how or when you do it is wrong for some people, then its not fun to watch for anyone. ( sorry for bad english )

Tim Kane

Drop FT from the $1 tier and just do it as a YT series that you can proceed on a pace that suits you. A hard part of business is recognizing that not all "customers" actually pay for the cost of serving them and having the courage to fire bad customers

Markub El Jaden

Bleach reaction: isn’t here for a couple of weeks Bleach fans: ehh FT reaction: is one day late FT fans: comments “WHERE IS FAIRY TAIL” in every single video on this patron


lol thats me im here patiently waiting for the fullbring arc :)


People need to learn that fairy tail isn't the greatest series to most people...if you want someone to react to a series that gets as much flack as fairy tail you can't afford to be toxic like that


I recognize a lot of names from when she first started it. They aren't haters. I don't like deflecting to "it must be haters" because it ignores the problem


She hasn't even been taking a break. They just want her to drop everything except fairy tail. It's ridiculous


She didn't promise a schedule this month. Guess what. There isn't less complaining. Stop acting like Jamie is the problem here ffs


Stop making this like it's a Jamie problem. For every one of you there are two people saying the opposite: that she needs a schedule. Shut up or go fuck yourself and take your $1 with you

andrew howell

Just ignore them. I was really wanting to see your reaction to possibly my favorite anime FT. If you fall behind don't worry about it just make up for it the next day. I see no issue with how you have handled FT this far. Now I'm not in the first tier but maybe those in it just need more shows and if that's true you could post completed shows like demon slayer or SDS and/or maybe raise the $1 tier to $2-3 instead


Not only FT fans, in the last weeks/months I've seen enough stressful comments like "What about bleach" per example, but I understand you totally, it's annoying..

Kevin M

Big Fan of FT and love ur reaction for it. i am always eager to watch ur reaction of the show. but i know u have other anime u watch and react to and have more support with the other anime. Some people need to understand to u have other anime to react to and need to wait and not be so toxic. They need to understand and not ruin it for the rest of us.


Honestly, I'm only here for FT these days, OP is not my cup of tea, so I can kinda get where the whiners are coming from. I wouldn't pay them much attention thought... just focus on what you're currently doing and we'll get our FT eventually.


I came on board at YouTube for your batch reactions to One Piece. Not a huge fan of the series but a really good friend recommended to catch up by checking your reactions. I joined Patreon for Bleach and then Konosuba kept me here and now Re:Zero has solidified my stay more. I absolutely love Fairy Tail as a series and not too many reactors give it a go with your level of energy and respect. Price doesn't concern me and I understand reaction burn out. I had a reaction channel for over a year until copyright killed it. I even used Patreon for early access content at the time. I never understood all the complaining and begging from the Patreon comments sections. People don't realize that even though this a business that only one person is involved in content creation and editing. There is a schedule that is followed but things happen and while as customers we deserve content that we pay and subscribe for, but we should also be respectful and deserving of said content. There is asking, and then there is begging. Clearly one carries more negativity with it. As subscribers we should be much more respectful than what we have shown. Grow up, people.


im here for bleach and one piece, just waiting for next bleach arc


This is not FT related but please dont remove your 1$ tier i think there are good amount of people who watch one piece with that tier including myself Maybe consider moving FT higher? In my opinion its easy to pay 1$ and be kinda toxic and beg for more reaction etc

andrew howell

If this helps take a break from Fairy Tail till the end of the month. FT doesn't really fit the October spirit and you can watch a short seasonal show in it's place. It's all up to you.


Do these Fairy Tail fans not realize they already get most of the reactions and the faster she goes through it, the shorter the reactions will last? Tbh, I would be HAPPY she takes a break every now and then, cause it means the journey continues for longer. There is no need to rush. Let her enjoy it at her own pace. Grow up and learn how to be patient.


My solution would be just to ban people who complain and are on the $1 tier. I don't watch her FT reactions, but understand there are some patient fans who can't afford to pay for a higher tier.


Raise it to the next rank if you feel that's what best.


I’m happy for you to replace FT uploads with Overlord content :P


I dont know about the others but if I have any right to "complain" than it would be about the communication and the actual upload shedule.If it was said that FT is coming twice a week its like , ok alright and good, but if then "we" FT watchers dont get anything in a week or more the only question is "where is it " and why dont we have no one saying that there is nothing coming this week etc. I mean like you could use twitter to communicate with the people and say that there is nothing coming and this would be it . And without to spoil know I wantey to say that the actual hype was build up for the upcoming 2 episodes for the end of the recent Arc, and people just waitet for it to get reacted. Peace


I love fairy tail, but I love you more, stop the reactions or continue on your on pace, don't care for those who comment, make it at 5$ or10$, I will continue to support you no matter what, it's your channel, your patreon, if you are not happy then it's not worth it, do what makes you happy at the end, me and others who are loyal will stay with you, the rest don't matter if they can't appreciate you.


I’m subscribed only for fairy tail and it bugs me how toxic other FT watchers are in the comments! I and a lot of other ppl are okay with waiting and it’s unfair to us that because of those toxic ppl, Jamie doesn’t have the motivation to watch it anymore ): Please take your time Jaime and don’t listen to them!!! Although it doesn’t seem like it, the ppl who are bitching about FT in the comments only make up a small percentage of your FT watchers! The rest of us are supporting you <3

Liu Antonio

I actually remember seeing when you said you just endured a big earthquake, someone was like, "wHeN iS fAiRy TaLe ReAcTiOn" like, the absolute cheek of some people. So very pushy and inconsiderate.

Markub El Jaden

lmao, don't try to to pin this on Bleach fans, we don't get half as many videos as you do, yet we don't complain half as much as you do. There's an entitlement issue and it's not coming from us.


I want to say sorry for the FT community, a lot of people that love Fairy Tail are not toxic but the stupid people tend to be the loudest... I follow you since you start watching One piece and always respected your other reactions, just so you know that there are more people that like everything you do than haters... We love you


Literally every piece of advice in these comments is a "damned if you do damned if you don't" kind of solution and people don't realize that is what it is. They think they're giving her a silver bullet but their just handing her an extra bottle of poison. They're even advising her to do WHAT SHE USED TO DO and guess what? IT DIDN'T WORK THEN. Seriously stfu with your unfounded advice. Y'all late to this party and are just contributing to the problem.


Please jamie dont stop fairytail. I've seen most of those nagging comments about it and i get what you mean. Just take your time! We will wait! And ofc you can change it to under 5 dollar. Im pretty sure that would delete few naggers. And im sure many of us would still be watching it.


Honestly nowadays, I don't a shit about any shows nor do I watch any reactions. I cared about maid Sama which we didn't get for 3 weeks and after you posted it, I just lost the motivation to watch it and I see lots of people saying its the FT fans fault for asking about their moneys worth. So I'll be that one person to stay neutral and say its your fault and theirs. firstly don't go on saying you will do it now, then later, then another time because if you say that then people would logically come back asking for it. 2ndly, what you are doing is kinda a business you provide Service and get paid in exchange to put it in simple terms, in a restaurant if you order a dollar's worth of things or more, you just can't wait for days just to get your order just because the restaurant staff are saying well there are other people who's orders are worth 50 or 100. 3rdly, don't go on disrespecting people by saying (not exactly this but meaning this) that its only a dollar so chill and I'll give you what you want whenever I feel like it because yeah they maybe 1 dollar if you look at it 1 by 1 but if you combine them it's a lot of money that you get and not provide what you said on time. 4th if you don't like people asking you for it so much or if you want to actually quit it then just come up and say it to all FT fans that you are not going to do and they should stop supporting you for FT because legit this shit aint healthy for you, for the fandom and for them. so it'll be best if you cut it off from the roots before it becomes really toxic. I can go on to point more things but I'll stop here


she could have just uploaded more fairy tail episodes instead of complaining about other people complaining


I apologize that you have to deal with the toxicity of the Fairy Tail community. I know it hard to ignore them because they tend to be the loudest. I hope that they won't ruin your enjoyment of the series.

Daniel Burgmann

Maybe it'll lighten your mood when i say that your reactions are just so entertaining to watch that some fans are so eager to watch the next one that the disappointment about not being able to watch it results in toxicity... :x Not a justification for toxicity of course, just a compliment. Regardless, don't let these nagging comments get you. I enjoy your FT reactions a lot and i hope you'll continue watching (and reacting to) it. Maybe take a break so your reactions won't be tainted by the nagging. And please don't put information about videos into comments of other posts (just saw the FT information in the comment you made below the OP post, and i only looked there because of people complaining about FT comments below the OP post). They get very well hidden behind a bunch of "Load more comments" buttons.

Kay M

What is wrong with ppl why is it so hard to just be patient? Why are there so many ppl on here who are constantly being unreasonable with the demand like they own the place? For whoever is unsatisfied you are not obligated to be here. If you have a problem you can just leave instead of bombarding SMF with complaints. She is doing her best to make sure everybody gets the best content for each show she's watching. It is unfair to expect her to devote all of her time to a single show especially if it only makes up a portion of her supporters. It makes way more sense for her to focus on the content that people pay extra money for in the higher tiers. I am a $1 tier patron myself but even I understand that much. And as much as I love Fairy Tail I would never try pestering her until the reaction comes out when she clearly has other shows to work on. Anyone who is doing that needs to calm down and stop ruining the experience for her and everyone else. SMF you are doing just fine your content is great and we love it. Don't ever let the haters get to you. Your real supporters have your back and understand whenever you need a break ❤️


I think taking a break would be best, for those die hards that can’t wait we can hope they’d be gone by the time your next reaction for fairy tail comes up, I’m not big on schedules, people have lives and they don’t always line up with everyone else’s


I say drop fairy tail from Pateron, and do it only on YT when you want to. Maybe replace it with Black clover on pateron? :) Think about the husbandos, Jamie, the HUSBANDOS! Lol jk do what makes you happy and your true fans will support.


I’m cool with whatever decision you decide to go with.


I'm a $1 tier because I'm mainly here for Re:ZERO and kinda need money as a student, but yeah those Fairy Tail comments are quite annoying. I hope you move FT up a tier if you want to do something instead of removing the $1 tier altogether, but of course it's all up to you.


I really don't care about Fairy Tail. I lost interest in the show back when it went on hiatus for over a year. This post seems like a great way to address those who are bugging you for Fairy Tail reactions, but one thing rubbed me the wrong way. You say that you make those FT reactions available at the $1 tier, which is lower than what a lot of other Youtube creators require to view reactions, but you've got to look at the amount of content some other creators pump out. My sample size is small, but every other creator I've subscribed to on Patreon that charges at least $5 for reactions pumps out way more content. Even the ones that have one person editing and posting the reactions do. Maybe it's time to rethink some things? Raise the barrier of entry? Outsource things like editing if you don't already? Whatever you decide to do, complaining isn't a good look.


do a whole ft arc in one ep queen UwU


Yeah, I notice that your community is a bit toxic. I watched other streamer react to anime as well. They are less toxic. TBH u guys really need to chill. I don't watch Re zero until recently because she reacting to it. Just enjoy every anime she reacts to. If the anime is not what u after, just skip it and wait till she upload a new reaction or watch a new anime. Sometime I even wonder does she even have social life? To streamer.... it sad that u are in stress but nice that u sound out to your community about this issue. I'm sorry that this become more like a work than a entertainment to u because of the constant pressure from your community. Just wanna say enjoy what you are doing and you are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.


I honestly hope you don’t post fairy tail for a while now because with the attitude these people are giving ya, it’s going to affect your mood while watching the show and the moments you’ll like will not be enjoyed as they should.


U fucking fat weebs chill crying over fairy tail she’s not a robot, i dont even like this show im here for other reactions so wait for the schedule bitch..i really hope she changes fairy tail tier to 5 or even 10

Natsu Uzumaki

If possible I'd suggest getting a top tier member or someone you trust to moderate and kick the idiots. As an avid FT fan I really do hope you continue to watch but only if it's still enjoyable. I've seen a couple people suggest taking a break, and since you're close to the end of the arc it dosen't seem like a bad idea. But I'd suggest taking a week of completely to recharge a bit


I‘ve never written a comment on any of your posts. I‘m here to support the creator I like and not to discuss the anime with other people (which of course isn‘t a bad thing). After reading this whole section I‘ve come to the realization that many people think very poorly of the tier 1 sub. To the people that think that way: The viewers who BOUGHT the tier 1 sub are not any less of a supporter than you are. This should be a communtiy where everyone can just watch the anime they like and maybe discuss about it in the comments but these have now become a toxic environment where some (not everyone) tier 2 or above sub think they are superior in comparison just because of the sole fact that they have more money available to spend on a creator and that is disgusting. The tier 1 subs still give a portion of their hard earned money to a creator they support. You can‘t act like this doesn‘t mean something. To Jamie: I hope we are not here in the no criticizing zone but I think you will be able to handle this criticism. There is no correlation between the tier 1 sub and hate comments. If you want to delete the tier 1 sub then delete it but don‘t pretend it is because of the fairy tail comments. Just because some viewers are mean in some comment sections doesn‘t mean that every tier 1 sub has to suffer from it. If you actually have to blackmail your community by saying „the mean comments need to stop or I will delete the tier 1 sub“ every time something doesn‘t suit you then there is really something wrong with the relationship between the CREATOR and the SUPPORTERS. But in my opinion you do owe them the content they paid for. If you have trouble providing the content then just write a short post with something like: „Fairy Tail will be postponed to next week“ or something similar. If you think your content is worth more than „just“ 1 dollar/month then raise the prices. But everyone should know that behind this scheme is more than just „getting rid of the fairy tail comments“ as if every tier 1 sub watches the fairy tail reactions. Money plays a big factor in this plan. This isn‘t something bad. You are self employed and you want to make more money (like everyone would) but please just be a little bit more transparent. Instead of getting rid of the tier 1 sub you could just drop fairy tail (which is much more plausible) or watch it in your free time but this doesn‘t seem to suit your idea of deleting the tier 1 sub. The tier 1 subs still support you. They don‘t get to see the content for free. Please don‘t look at them like they are and their support means nothing.


Sorry that they made u feel that way, i love fairytail, its why i joined the community, and i have been waiting patiently, they're just exited to see ur reactions that maybe it.


You're missing the point. Their support does not entitle them to spam flood her comments on every other video demanding more fairy tail. If your "criticism" costs more than you pay you should leave


Damn, I've seen some of these comments on the Fairy Tail reactions but I had no clue it was this bad! Please don't stop Fairy Tail, I found your channel from the JoJo reactions, and when you started Fairy Tail, I decided to watch along with you, bit by bit as you released the reactions. Unlike some people who don't have the patience to wait a few days, I don't care how long it takes to release as long as it's semi-regular and enjoyable as always. To THOSE people in the comments, stop ruining the show for her and everyone trying to enjoy it with her, we've never really had to wait much more than a week for an episode, most reactors post 1 video of a show per week, and in the 43 weeks we've been getting FT reactions we have 58 videos, with over 120 episodes worth, it would take most of the reaction channels I watch over 2 years to get this far. Lets just all be quiet and enjoy our goofy wizards win using the "power of friendship".


Jamie: Fairy tail fans yall are stressing me out to the point I don't wanna react to fairy tail anymore Fairy tail fans: Proceeds to be even more obnoxious and annoying as possible Yall REALLY don't want fairy tail reactions do you? Just leave already!


Also I want her to enjoy all of the Re:Zero reactions, without having all the stress of this impacting on her.


Unfortunately patreon doesn't have moderators so she cannot physically do this


That is not physically possible for her anymore. It is not economically feasible either considering the percentage of her patrons that support her for fairy tail is significantly lower than those that support her for other shows yet somehow yall feel entitled to more than the other shows. Sit down!


I really like her reactions to Fairy Tail cuz it's one of my favorite shows! I don't want this to be ruined by others bugging to much.


was just kidding @assimilater :( but if she decides to stop reacting to ft cuz toxicity i understand & def enjoyed the journey. still gon luv ft 👆


Bruh what the fuck, this is getting out of hand, can't yall just chill a bit? It's really not that hard to wait for abit I personally ignore all notifications until my off days and binge watch as much as I can, how hard is that?


Sorry jokes like that are easily lost in this sea of idiots who are dead serious lol


Yeah! You tell em! I totally support you! Thanks for being totally honest with them and not bottle it all up like most people would! It's healthy to be this way! And these people who are building toxicity in your community need the discipline and the tough love!


This comment section is 2020 in a nutshell 😑😑😑😑

Hate Us Cuz They Aint Us

Think it because the next 2 episodes are just crazy people are getting hyped for them. Dont worry just get the content out at your own pace


I say if the whole Fairy Tail comment situation has stressed her out enough to where she feels the needs to take a break she should do so. A previous comment I saw recommended taking a month break after the current arc finishes which if needed would be a good place to pause at as it would at least give the arc completion to those who patiently wait for Fairy Tail reactions. For those who are only here for Fairy Tail and Fairy Tail alone if she were to go through with this decision it would be smartest if she let her patrons know before the month ended that so those paying solely for FT reactions can plan accordingly by canceling their pledge for that particular month and picking back up the next month after if moneys worth of desired content is a worry to them. Yes I am aware there would still be complaints regarding the apparent lack of FT content but lets be real no matter what is done those will always exist people complain that's just internet culture it seems. The thing of main importance is to let her recharge so she can actually enjoy the content she is creating because if she isnt enjoying it we wont be able to enjoy it either because she isn't enjoying it. Lets also understand that like you and I she is a normal human being who will have good and bad days, may not always make that desired deadline she originally planned, may make mistakes now and then but that's normal no ones perfect and life doesn't always go as you planned it to. We also have to remember she is only one person and she is doing all the steps required for the content creation we receive by herself. I have done a little bit of video editing and from my minor experience it takes quite a long time especially if you are being meticulous about it. That all being said lets try to wait patiently for our favorite shows and not push her to churn out videos at a speed she may not be able to meet without wearing down her mental state.


Yeah i break after she finishes this arc sounds good, to be honest the next arc is my least favorite arc of FT so im ok with that


I ain't in a hurry. I got along fine w/ FlamingShark's insanely chaotic timetables when he still reacted to Fairy Tail, so I can easily manage more accurate timetables, ahaha. "I've had training" -Bruce Wayne, presumably

Ian Kirk

lol do it. FT is mediocre level shounen at best. Be nice to be rid of the younger crowds. They're the most toxic after all.


Jamie not only has the cheapest FULL LENGTH anime reactions at $1, she also has a very frequent upload rate on top of that, and often in batches of 2-3 episodes. The fact that anyone at all feels the need to make any complaints about anything she's doing just baffles me. Thank you for everything Jamie, you're one of the best reactors out there and I wish people didn't take all of that for granted.

Oliver Segelhorst

I will be honest. Currently I am just here for One Piece and Fairy Tail, since the other shows do not interest me that much. But it will change and If I do not like a show you watch I will jus stay away from it and the comments. I am sorry that you have to deal with a lot of toxic people and I can understand your feelings not wanting to watch a show people either hate or asking for more every time. Take your time Jamie.


Seriously thank you! Some of these folks are a little too entitled. A dolla is a dolla.

James Merlaut

Wait really? I mean yeah, I only really got the Patreon for Fairy Tail, but I at leas tg understand at best we'll see 2 eps per week. At worst I might wait 2 weeks or so. I'm here for Fairy Tail but I'm happy to wait for it since I get you have this thing those commenters don't have; a life. Shall I go on a Youtube trolling spree next reaction? To get them to stfu?


the best way to work around the nagging ppl is to prove them/us wrong. i see ppl complaining about u making a schedule and never following it more then ppl nagging about fairy tail. prove the nagging ppl wrong because so far u haven't given us or them a reason to put u in a good light. so instead of getting defensives, offensive or whatever the case may be u should just improve on ur work ethic. alot of youtubers promise they will do it on that day and most of the time they do it because it's their job and they take it seriously. u keep saying "im just one person" ok.... then don't make a schedule that u can't follow. it's that simple. do not misunderstanding this as a hateful comment. u say that u charge us 1 dollar but youtube is free and youtubers like datruth, seereax, etc put out content everyday. seereax said he is going to play 31 horror games for 31 days because of halloween and so far he has been consistent. it's called earning respect. respect are earn and not given.


I think a lot of people are salty cause she's at the last two episodes of one of FT's best arcs.


ur argument would of been valid if she didn't say "hey guys, so here's the schedule for this month" and then Thursdays come and there is still no re zero and another anime that was suppose to be up on wed. the issue isn't the ppl but it's her because she say she do something but rarely do she make those promises.


Hey. I barely comment on videos but when I Do its only positive stuff. And i'm here for only Fairy Tail, but for the lowest price, i'm fine with your upload schedule. I hope you not quit watching the show because of the others.


I want to think maybe people are just over excited because of the next two episodes being important ones story wise. But people shouldn’t comment on the other vids, makes it less fun for others. If your feeling FT burn out though your coming up to a perfect point to give it a bit of a break. I keep meaning to try and get back in to one piece again so might be the excuse I need

Frank Rosales

Everyone has different situations in life that allow them to do different things holding her to another's standards is not the right way to go about it some people have issues that don't allow them to do the same amount of work as others. She doesn't have to prove anything to anyone it's her platform to do as she wants yes people pay but they also can leave as well if they don't like the content.


I rarely post so here are my thoughts on all of this. Most YouTubers I watch usually always stick to their schedules and post stuff on time. Blind Wave, The Normies, etc. There is always that rare computer crash or video error occurring, but for the most part, they always have a consistent schedule. I usually binge-watch a lot of the videos I want, so I don't care that much. People asking where is the Fairy Tail episode is understandable because you promised a day. Just don't do that and post stuff when you are ready. From what I can see, most of your reactions are late most of the time. So I strongly disagree with the people that leave toxic comments, the ones saying drop Fairy Tail, the people defending you, and your whole defensive take on the entire thing. This is your job and you are partly to blame. I do apologize for the toxic comments. I hope you don’t quit watching Fairy Tail. I’m not a huge fan of it but I do like most of the arcs. But take your time and please stop promising days, Jamie. Post when you are done and ready. And possibly disable comments on fairy tail videos for a while.


I love Fairy Tail & your reactions but even I agree the comments have been super toxic. I'd say theres a percentage that are just being absolutely rude about it and there's a percentage that are genuinely curious about uploads. The reason I say this is because I have found myself wondering "oh when is the next upload" though that was more of in my head, rather than me commenting. I slowly started to realize you would post updates in your comment sections. For example, you would post a Re:Zero episode and the first comment would be you saying "Next up is One Piece, then fairy Tail" or something like that. Or someone would ask about FT in your OP reaction and you would answer their comment saying it was postponed a day due to something. I think the problem is that people who don't watch those shows, don't realize you're posting updates for FT under those shows. I myself, only watch FT (occasionally Bleach & OP as well), but I don't watch Re:Zero or any of the other animes you do, so I naturally don't read comments for those videos. It wasn't until one day I realized you posted updates in your comment sections that I thought "ah i should pay attention to the comments of other animes if I want updates too" I think a lot of people might be like me as well where they want an update but don't realize the updates are in the comment sections. Instead you should make "update" posts like this one whereas people get notified and all are aware of what's being posted next, what delays a show may have, issues, and things like that. It gets rid of alot of misunderstandings. I personally think that will make a big difference. This is no way in me complaining btw, its just something I have noticed and think might be helpful in reducing the complaining from people, and hopefully make it so you are less stressed from the toxicity. I noticed you answered a comment a few days ago saying FT will be at the end of the week, and if I didnt read that comment id be wondering where your normal Tues/Thurs FT reactions are. I think a lot of people are like that where they are still expecting the Tues/Thurs releases, so when those days come and the videos aren't posted they are confused. If you answer one persons comment, only that person is aware, the rest of us aren't aware of these updates/delays unless we manually read all the comments of your videos, since we aren't notified or anything. Update posts where everyone gets notified would be a great addition so people know whats going on.


So... people are mean for asking what is going on when they repeatedly dont get what is promised and to get them stop complaining its fine to just threaten everyone in one tier even when lot of them are not here for FT... not cool... But i get where you coming from... people can be demanding expecially when they like about something.... But i think you are not taking all the valid critique seriously... There has been lot of problems lately expecially with the FT uploads with lot of promises to upload next day/weekend etc. then to not do so which in turn makes people wonder what is going on... which i also understand... To me the main problem is breaking promises, which leads to the schedule... in my mind there is just too much in it if you keep complaing about doing it all alone... i would suggest having much less in the schedule and then if there is time adding extra reactions instead of failing to keep up with the schedule... it would make people much more happy while basicly keeping the uploads at the same pace as they are now. The only difference would be how much you are promising to deliver...


Guys at least this is 1$ and not 10 or 15$ like with other reactors. Some people have to appreciate this ^^ I can wait np, just need always an update on Patreon if it gets delayed 👌

Morgan Hellström

There is so far 4 episodes of FT this month. Which is one episode for 4 weeks. That covers this month either way. So her patreon promise is covered. So you cant complain about that. Talking about a schedule. That is true. If you make a schedule you should keep it. And if you cant then you have too many shows to upload to start with. Or just dont put up a schedule. So that critique is valid. Saying you only 1 person or that it is 1 dollar has nothing to do with anything anyway. If you wanna change your price then that is in your full right to do so. But comment setion being toxic? Well, they just like something. So just let them scream in the comment section. As long as you fulfill the goals you yourself have set up for yourself. Then they can scream all they want.

Waffles ^.^

im with u but dont quit yet give another chance.. for toxic spectator just get out of here u fvck!

Waffles ^.^

jamie pls continue do what u do dont listen to them make them even more mad


Since you're enjoying the show just take it to 10-15$ let's see what they'll say then...


You have every right to do so as well

Ludo Phok

though I mostly agree I think your examples of other youtubers isn't perfect as those are groups and consistancy of upload is way easier to get as a group than as a solo creator (not so long ago she wouldn't have any back up to work on if her computer had any problem). Personnaly I don't think schedules should be seen as info on how it's planned than as a promise put I can understand ppl thinking otherway but in that case I think not having any would be worst as ppl would ask about the reaction they want way more than they are now.

Cleven Anthony

I guess it being 1$ is enough for the excuses to be valid. Wonder what’s gonna be said wen u do the same to the higher tiers n ppl get pissed. No one here is upset cause it’s the “first time” lol like thr bleach ppl who got screwed 😭




bruh im at 5 right now, and she didn't post any maid Sama for almost 4 weeks and devil is a part timer was supposed to finish last month had she followed her own schedule but she didn't and it finished a week or so ago. AgainI DON'T WATCH ANY REACTIONS RIGHT NOW AND I REALLY DON'T CARE WHAT SHE DOES, I just don't like the fact that people keep on taking her side and ignoring other people who's money are being taken without giving them something in return.


I really like your content, please continue FT 🙂Yeah these guys are annnoying, first of all you are not the problem, they are. But if i had to say something dont give them oil on fire,something they need to contantly talking about like schedule or something because it's their main arguments for making this toxic shit more justificated... Maybe give it a try to 5$ tier if this shit dont stop.


Let´s be honest, the main problem is the Joni Newgate guy, just get rid of him, raise it to 5$ and the "insects" flooding the comment sections should be gone. Those who don´t have the money can watch it literally for free on Youtube. I don´t see any reason why it should be 1$. And since I saw on Twitter that you reached the Acnologia episode, I can only hope that the FT fans (wich includes me actually) will now finally chill.

Cleven Anthony

You do know a good amount of the complaints are coming from 5 & 10 right ? Hell I’m a 10$ sub 😂 the war of the simps vs I want my moneys worth

Xander Phoenix

Not usually one to ever comment and I’m not gonna bother reading over 200 comments so I’m sorry if someone voices my exact sentiments. Been a follower for a while and have seen you react to a lot of shows i personally love. Seeing you progress in those shows make me so happy as I look forward to those particular episodes. Fairy Tail is one of them. Anyone who has been leaving toxic comments spoils the community and the creator. All this drama for 1 dollar? Even if the amount was different, that’s so petty. Regarding Fairy Tail, after the next two episodes, you should take a break. It’s the perfect time too, if you’ve already watched it then you understand. Moving forward, doing away with the 1 dollar tier might help with mental health as well as it deters a multitude of toxic followers. Just my two cents. We appreciate all that you do.


Loads of comments here. Just wanted to say that I love your videos! I always check my email to see when you've uploaded something. I don't know much about the topic so I won't speak on it. Hope you're doing well!


yay its our fault now. nice way to deflect critism. how about acknowledging that u re in the wrong?


I can 100% understand why people would be frustrated with her, especially when it was the last two episodes in the arc, but the issue is people shouldn't be being so rude to her over it. That's the larger issue. If you harass her over it it'll only associate negativity with watching FT to her.


When i'm reading this, sad Fairy Tail music is playing :( just ignore them


You guys just do not understand.... bunch of animals, you have no idea how hard Jamie works. Yes, she promised to post Fairy Tail on Tuesday/thursday on her schedule and hasn't done the thursday one yet but that doesn't mean you get to harass and spam her. It will happen when it happens, is that a little inconvenient and unexpected, yes but that doesn't mean you should spam/harass her. We know she likes it so she isn't gonna magically drop it unless you guys make her want to drop it.


I will not define myself as people then. I've been waiting patiently without saying a word u.u shame on you people possibly ruining it for us others! Also, simple solution, if the low tiered people can't handle the wait time, how about you only make it available for us very petient higher tiered fokes.


Rockin with you Jaime.. Not sure if you can see my comments but I've never been toxic (so theirs Atleast some good 😊). Removing the 1 dollar tier will effectively remove me because I can't afford the next up with my current financial status; I dread this, I want to continue following! Please don't jump the gun and get rid of the lowest tier. If you feel it necessary I understand but I hope you reconsider. All love from me and sorry for the hurtful comments from others ❤️. Been with you for a full year and can honestly say, I've thoroughly enjoyed your reactions! Take care


OMG you guys are so annoying!!!! And i don't talk only about the FT community, but the hole community here on patreon. Just STOP with this constantly nagging, complaining, simping shit. A comment section for a posted episode should be there to comment what you liked about this episode or disliked but no you guys are just... and not only for Fairy Tail. The best solution would be to just deactivate all the comment section for all the amines and maybe only allow them for the next anime to vote or an Q/A once in a month. But even there i fear you guys would still be such cry babies over every thing.


Hey J! Sorry you have been having a tough one with the more stupid fairy tail fanbase. Been enjoying seeing someone watch and enjoy despite how much flak the series gets. Hope if you do drop that you at least keep watching on your own and enjoy it to the fullest. ^.^


Wow i didn't notice that this was such an issue. That practically a good thing turns bad. Normally i would say that it should just be ignored but i guess as the creator you notice all the comments much more. If you really don't feel like doing Fairy Tail reactions for the time being i would not be angry. Don't fake reactions and do them only if you want to. Otherwise it's also not fun for us imo. You provide the videos, so it's up to you. I keep watching something from you either way

Joni Newgate

Yeah mate, u know what's worse? You not even being on her side or against her, but just showcasing your slang skills of whatever state u're from, acting like gangsta lol....finna do with ma dolla dolla. Gangsta + shallow mentality clumped together

Darko Petrovic

cant be me cause i never comment lol


What do you expect from entitled communist liberals?? This is why Trump needs to win MAGA


Hey SMF. I really like your reactions, I joined the community because of your One Piece reactions and through you I also got to know many new animes that I didn't know before. at the moment I think I can't enjoy your videos so much because there are just too many different ones. At the moment there are 9 different ones and that's why I lose the fun a bit. I know in the end it's your decision, but I can understand that some of the comunity is disappointed if you publish a Schedule and don't stick to it.


I notice quite a bit of cringe from many fans of anime reactions, not just for SMF but for other creators. Some seem get really mad for delays or even just because the reactor didn't react the same way they were expecting or maybe talked over some dialog and missed it. While it's understandable to get upset for delays, calling names is never acceptable. As a suggestion for those people, something that has worked for me in the past is to stop subscribing for a little bit and re-subscribe once they have released a good number of episodes I have not watched. It's unseemly to make a scene.


i love alot of people making giant paragraphs when they really just dont have to

Marek Pfeifer

If she can't stick to her schedule then she shouldn't make one in the first place. How would you feel if the bus that scheduled to arrive at 9 am never arrives and instead different bus arrives ?


dont worry about all the losers complaining about something you like to do, its not worth your time and its definitely a waste of time for them. I personally watched fairy tail and i liked it as well, i dont care about anything else, let people enjoy things in life like what the hell


I really don't see why FT got so much drama. I mean if you like it, watch the reaction if you don't then don't watch it. And its nothing else but a standard Shonen so yeah you got every usual stuff like "Success through friendship" but it's common to all shonen. One Piece is like that, Naruto is like that, Saint Seiya is like that...it's not knew. So let her do as she want and at the rythm that she want. Yeah she's not a machine and have the right to pause or delay some stuff. I mean I live at the opposite side of the world so all the schedule is already messed up but I don't care. When it's up, it's up. If you don't like it, then pass or don't bother write anything.


Pretty sure people are just salty cause she was at the last two episodes of the arc.


I personally don't care when you upload. I just look forward to your reactions. I just watch your reactions in my own time. Same goes with another person I follow. I have a bunch of videos to reactions i need to catch up on 😂. Its up to you to upload the reactions. Just follow your schedule as you usually do and don't worry about some idiots, who don't have any patience. Also, I hope you don't drop the series because of this, you seem to enjoy it


wooo almost 300 comments! helloooo my ft bretheren 👆


....nm my page refreshed slow .... gg


We are here supporting you because we like what you do. Not because we want to dictate what you do. That you give us a chance to vote and let us be apart of your decicion process is not something you have to do. But something you do because you want to involve the community more. If there are members in the community being toxic then are they truly people we want in the community?

Marek Pfeifer

I am not screwing myself if she stops reacting to the show i will cancle sub and move on it is simple as that.

Marek Pfeifer

Cheapest full length reactions ? You do relize they are reactors that don't charge people for full reactions at all right ?

Marek Pfeifer

"I love fairy tail but i love you more" That's the problem many people here have.


I have watched every episode of fairy tail more than a few times. I really like this show. When i saw a few of your reactions on you-tube, it added another layer to my enjoyment of the show, so i decided i wanted to watch your whole reactions because you really seem to enjoy yourself and have great energy. I subscribed to your patreon as a little donation to your cause because you are quite good at breathing new life into some of my favorite shows. Frankly i don't know how you can deal with the constant crying and bitching and I am surprised it took this long to let the money out of the bag sort of speak. Honestly if you stopped the fairy tail reactions i for one would understand, a little sad, but understandable. It is a really good show, so if you do stop the reactions i recommend watching on your own free time. There is a lot to love in the remaining episodes. Your doing a great job. Keep up the great work.


Let's just all agree to quit bugging her in the hopes she'll put out the episode today, that way everyone wins. :^)

Marek Pfeifer

It's easy to talk like this when you have army of people donating you simple because you do something cute on video regardless what the show is. Do what you will but don't belive that you will get rid of all the toxcicity simply because you stop reacting to one show.


Wow, when I first saw this post and gave it a like, there was only 17 comments. Now there are over 300 💀


You gotta learn to ignore the hate... fuck em

Ultra Instincts Shu

I think everyone is eager for you to meet the jiggle butt gang in fairy tail😂


why do you keep deleting my comments? do i need to up my tier to 25$ so my opinion doesn't get deleted? jesus christ lol. also for people upset about fairy tail......just go to animechans patreon and become a patreon she doesn't have any reactions i believe to the older seasons but she has all of the final season on her google docs if you're craving fairy tail that bad lol. she's super organized and keeps her schedule so check it out. she's also in the marineford arc in one piece but sadly she's been spoiled about ace pretty sure. but thats fine most reactors were spoiled about that or they tried to fake it like belzfam.


true. these people know how to get under people's skin so giving them a reaction they expect from u wont help. i do feel bad for her. it can be tough.


its alright SMF. just let these annogers talk. go at your own pace. i hope you have a goodnight ok. dont sweat it.


Pretty sure your comment gets deleted because of how snarky it is, and that you are promoting someone else because all the fairy tail fans are so rabid. But that's just my observation. Seriously, just because you are a member and pay, doesn't mean you get to act this way. And acting like you need to pay more to be taken seriously is really insulting.


Reading the comments here is becoming more entertaining than the show itself. LMAO


It’s Tuesday and still no Fairy Tail


Honestly that is so wrong from both sides. SMF not delivering as much as promised saying because its just for 1$ is very very wrong. cause others pay 5 - 10$ for watching the show so I don't see how it makes sense. and childish fans who cant understand that shit happens and never try to understand. I don't mind personally if you raise it for 5 or even 10$ its just 2 cups of coffee at the end of the day. and I can wait if a reaction video is delayed. but I still believe its wrong to not stick to schedule no matter how much it costs. if I may offer an advice, either raise the fairy tail cost at least to 5$ and/or Make a lighter schedule and stick to it. I cant see what can go wrong with doing so.

Luiz Gustavo

I started laughing when i read the title. Saw it coming from a mile away. Great job, joni newgate

Joni Newgate

Bruh, I am not even gonna say anything but Jamie we are all waiting behind the fence as we are very eager to see those last 2 episodes and the reaction for them, my boys want to be happy while watching you go crazy and be surprised at that particular instance which is maybe the top thing out of the whole FT, giving the anime, the colors and quality of a top-tier's one.

Joni Newgate

Like please try your best to at least upload it today as the Tuesday that it is, with hopes that things will go back to how they were and why not, maybe a bonus reaction every now and then as a compensation :p

Theron Hunter

If this whole "power of friendship" non sense causes so much drama, I would just drop it if I were you Jamie. Or put it up $5 tier. Get that stonks up.


With your state of mind, she should also drop One Piece cause that's exactly the same way, like every damn shonen. So let her do what she want.

Derrick C. Shields

Man, you people suck. Jamie, you keep doing you.


I wouldn’t mind if you move the reactions a tier up but I think the best solution is to focus less on putting out reactions and focus more on consistency. Currently you react to like 10 shows in total and from what it seems, it’s too much for you to keep up with consistently without feeling burn out. I advice you to cut down on reacting to maybe 5-6 shows in total, make it so your upload schedule balances out your time where your life does not practically consist out of recording/editing. Or get rid of the whole schedule system altogether including posts under reactions like *x show will be posted on x time/day* which creates expectations where you’re not 100% certain to follow through with. But you have to make a separate patreon post where you address that specifically (not under reactions cause the vast majority here won’t see/read it, most people probably still think you have a schedule too) Communication is key and will solve most if not all the issues surrounding people asking where is x series. Of course there still will be people that will be toxic no matter what you do and who you’ll probably have to ban (which shouldn’t be hard since it’s always the same 2-3 people camping under every post) if it’s genuinely affecting your enjoyment of watching a series.


See you guys i'm out for now, i'll be back "when" Fairy Tail comes back no matter 1/5/10$ i'll be back :(


I started following her when she only had 10 people on 5$-10$ tier and I'm actually disappointed on her saying its only for 1$ I mean thats where u started. I started 1$ . I get she's shit happens I dont really care I watch whatever she reacts on cuz I like watching her reactions. We all love anime that's the point but saying it's just 1$ is actually not cool. I get that u have a lot of them upper tiers now but let's not say it's just 1$. And those getting mad about FT come on bruh just wait for it there's no no need for toxic comments shit happens.


386 comments??? Thats alot of income $$$$ and she bouta raise it... good luck ppl


i da only one thinkin she gon ditch laxus for the other hot blonde 😆 def wouldnt blame her tho lol


Do the comments get deleted ?


did your comment disappear or does it say deleted? If it says deleted it was probably deleted by a mod or so. If it just disappers its probably patreons poor comment function. If u edit it too many times or if the text reaches a certain amount of characters it just disappears. Happened to me quite often so that i make sure to copy it before posting it. Because your comment remains for a minute or so but then suddenly just disappears.


More like disappear


I'm not saying it's right to attack her or harass her about not posting fairy tail so often because that is just toxic, but when you set a schedule to react to certain shows on certain days of the week and you decide to take a 10 day break from watching it on the final two episodes of the arc without saying anything, people are going to ask where it is and/or are going to be mad. I understand her reasoning but I also understand the fairy tail fans being unhappy. I just think don't commit to a schedule if you cannot follow through with it, or at least let people know it's going to be late.


The schedule was never a commitment, it was a plan. And it only was set up because people kept asking her when stuff was gonna drop and it was a major problem. She released the schedule never stating it to be a promise but for the most part she kept to it but she had family issues come up once in a while and would make a post explaining delays. But people started flooding the comments of other videos demanding fairy tail. The 10 day gap you mention is 100% the fans fault which killed her motivation to watch and edit fairy tail reactions. Today's reaction would have been up almost a week ago if not for them. Or would you rather she deliver a reaction in which she's pissed off the whole time?


Alot of people upset lol, if she post it, she post it, if she doesn't then she doesn't 😂


it truly makes no sense . lets just enjoy her content. Shows who truly supports her and those who just came to see what they wanted.


I wasn't gonna comment but if you're reading this Jamie, please don't get rid of the $1 tier :') it's fine to move FT up the tier levels (since personally, I am and always have been here for One Piece reactions and I've always figured that your fanbase is mostly OP fans anyways). Where I am, the exchange rate between my country's currency and USD is incredibly bad here so even $1 is about a bowl of noodles here. I really enjoy your content and I'll be here to support you every step of the way for as long as I can afford it so please don't get rid of this tier :')