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Watch Re:ZERO on Crunchyroll: https://www.crunchyroll.com/rezero-starting-life-in-another-world-/episode-13-self-proclaimed-knight-natsuki-subaru-702425



Watch "RE ZERO 13 14 PATREON FINISH" on Streamable.



Well that thumbnail looks...depressing


When is your next Fairy tail reaction? Im really excited for that one

Cleven Anthony

I remember seeing her say Saturday some where unfortunately lol. with only 2 episodes left in the arc I wish she’d do that first lol


Ep 13 really define Subaru's character that no other anime has done. Rarely will you see the MC and his/her love interest go through a divide like that. As for ep 14, I love the look of shock and horror on Subaru's face, one of the defining features of Re:Zero.

Josh Buckley

There was so much hate on Subaru when episode 13 first aired.


You can pronounce Crusch as "Kr-oo-sh"


for me it wasnt hate (the mans been thru enough lol) but it was just hard to watch cuz u can understand why he called out like, imagine if someone u love or care about is literally getting called a devil for looking like someone else. but in that situation it wouldve been bettre if he kept his mouth shut bcuz it wasnt the right time to do that. and it was just hard to see him getting handled by his own pride and spiraling out of control. hes not exactly to blame bcuz all of this is beginning to take a toll on him, especially the part where he cant tell no one anything and everyone just treats him as a nobody. ofc emilia isnt to blame either since she literally doesnt know anything. to her, subaru was a random dude who popped up and saved her and shes not sure why. all this time shes been wanting to trust him and open up to him and all this stuff happens. rough episodes but next one gonna get even more rough lol


Julius making a show of beating Subaru to a pulp in front of all the knights was to protect him, like Felix said. It's because Subaru probably would've gotten "punished" or even killed by some other angry knight for all he said. Julius went overboard so other knights would pity Subaru and wouldn't feel the need to do anything. Also when Subaru was all smirking and saying stuff like "there's something only I can do", he was actually HOPING there was trouble, so he could ride in and save the day like he always does. This episode 14 was basically the world slapping him in the face like "is this what you wanted?" Nice reaction btw! :)


Here we go again guys! The legendary episode 15! :D


When is Fairy tail???


She said "end of the week", but if you want specifics, join her discord and ask there (her words, not mine!)


This was the same cult that attacked the Demon village. u rem the name?


There is so much I think I'll have to do a comment for each episode: Episode 13: First off gotta love Felt's energy. The head tilt into the "how about that?" with the music makes her so badass. I think it's even more apparent in S2 but OST is amazing and they use it so well. Also love how Reinhardt, with his image of being this super role model of knights, follows her. Oh boy, lots of Subaru cringe here. I think the best part about this show is that you can see both sides of the story. But it's clear Subaru is tripping. He's got a feeling that he can do everything so of course accepts Julius challenge and gets his ass beat. You see how truly selfish he can be when it comes to certain things. Julius pushed his buttons and instead of ignoring it, he went out of his way to do things that (emotionally) hurt Emilia. When Emilia comes to the duel, he doesn't even look at her and tries to use it as an opportunity to attack Julius. Little note: looking at Julius' actions outside of Subaru's POV, he's not that much of an asshole. He still appears snobby, but him, a knight, kissing the hand of their potential queen, is pretty normal. Also him getting offended when Subaru basically commits their equivalent of stolen valor, in front of all the potential queens is also normal. Another thing about Subaru, is that when offered rewards in the past from Emilia, Puck, and Roswaal, he requested basically nothing, and even he has stated that it was 'unequal compensation'. Now we see into that, when he's basically "I did everything so you should just be happy that I was there" kind of mentality he gets with Emilia at the end. Also solid performance by Emilia's VA. Goddamn she sounds so betrayed, angry, and sad. Also very minor background lore: Puck is stated here to be the great spirit of fire, despite using ice attacks like emilia. This is because fire magic in re:zero is more like temperature control. Water magic is good with healing, both Rem and Felix are known to be healers. Ram uses wind. Roswaal has master of a few elements, which combined allows him to fly, which is partially why most people can't fly. The other reason is cause it's very dangerous and most people figure it's not worth trying to learn.


Episode 14: First off the op, there are very minor spoilers, some characters we haven't seen yet, a small reference to an event. I would say you can watch it next time as I believe the next time it's shown the characters would be introduced. Reinhardt is such a bro. I think as the series goes on you get to see how complex every character is, such as Emilia not telling Subaru that everyone sees her as a half devil. It puts some perspective to Subaru calling Emilia 'Satella' after his earlier deaths, he basically called her their equivalent of Voldemort. This is where we really start to see Subaru slip, it's much more obvious now that he has a hero complex. He completely (and almost purposefully) misunderstands Crucsh and Felix's words. 'Something that he can do' Subaru thinks that he can abuse his power to erase his mistakes. Rather than do something with his life, he's trying to avoid the problems with his death. It's so bad that when he finds out Emilia is in trouble, he smiles. He wants there to be trouble so that he can be there for her. I think before he felt cautious, but since the fight and his need to make things right he has to be a hero for her in his mind. Later on he even says "Emilia is hopeless without me", clearly he's not in the right state of mind. This is another episode where I absolutely love the end sequence. Rem narrating the letter, while Subaru finds her body. The cut to the episode title "The sickness called Despair". It's perfect. I mean what else could you even call Subaru's mindset right now. Also you got very low standards for 'going well' for Subaru lol. He hasn't died, but has made a fool of himself to the most important people in the nation and had a fight with the person he loves haha. Still those reasons are why I appreciate Subaru as a protagonist and appreciate re:zero as 'another isekai' show. Cause it goes further and asks questions that most isekai power fantasy type shows wouldn't.


The suffering begins. I love what these episodes did for the series. These kind of anime tend to give you a protagonist who's a generally good guy that always tries to do the right thing. The kind that people love to self-insert into and identify with to feel good. That's what Re:Zero seemed to give you at first, but he's just not that perfect. Subaru has a hero-complex and every one of his accomplishments have come from "throwing himself at the problem as hard as he can until it's resolved" thanks to his Return By Death. This has had a profound effect on how he rationalizes everything. As long as he "tries really hard" he expects things to turn out well in the end, making him completely ignore critical things like the perspective of others or how he's getting caught up in something that's truly beyond him.


remember when rem thought suburu was associated with the witch cult which was why she went after him? those ppl surounding suburu are part of the witch cult and they didn't do anything to suburu because he has the scent of the witch.


the first time i watched it that scene gave me chills along with the ost that is playing with it.

Matthew B



I always skip episode 13 on rewatches, since it's ultra cringe

Man in the Mirror

Julius truly is a good guy, more than Reinhard; he tarnished his own reputation to help Subaru. Knights are not born, they are made, at least in Re:Zero. Every Knight worked hard to get to this point and they put their lives on risk constantly. Insulting that... they wanted to kill Subaru as shown by their faces. Julius beat up Subaru so bad, the Knights started to pity him, showed by the second shot of the Knights. It was an unconventional way to help, but his intentions where good.

Galen Vaughn

Because you are an idiot. 13 is one of the best episodes of the first season if you have a brain for it


Also make sure you stick around for the credit rolls next episode (episode 15), there's an after-credits scene.

So- NoMonogatari

Great reaction keep up good work love re zero its such a great show 👏 character devoplment is God tier in this show.


i see alot of people have hate for emilia because she basically told him shes done with him. ya she has every right to say it when subaru basically threw it in her face saying their entire relationship is based off of some debt and nothing else. if he did what he was told to do, im 100% sure she would of let him be by her side for selection but instead he brought it upon himself to show her that he cant be trusted even from a simple task, yes subaru was doing it for emilia but he mostly doing it for himself because he wanted to prove only person that can be their for emilia is him hence why way hes acting and smiling like mad man.

Derrick C. Shields

I love that scene so much because I can totally sympathize with Subaru. He's been suffering by himself as far as RBD is concerned, and you can tell he's way past his breaking point. That said, it doesn't excuse what he said, so I completely agree with Emilia's response. It's just nice to see such a "human" response to all the stress Subaru's been under. It's not very often that I have such a trust in a show that it can make me legit dislike a protag - for a while here, I really didn't like Subaru - but I want to keep watching because the show's proven that it can totally handle character work like that. Very good. :)