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Watch One Piece on Crunchyroll: https://www.crunchyroll.com/one-piece/episode-940-zoros-fury-the-truth-about-the-smile-796643



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As a manga reader, they’re doing this section very very well - I think better in many ways (especially emotionally) than in the manga even. The weird parts are the oden/scabbard silhouettes but it’s really well done otherwise


Caesar made a bunch of devil fruits called Smile and it allow you to smile only and laugh. Nothing else. So Kaido gave those fruits to the hungry people and let them eat it and now they can’t stop smiling or laughing. It’s like the Joker laughing gas

Monster Zero

RIP. My heart is so broken


Declan, it told us in this episode. I don’t read the manga. I only put what I know so far and with this episode.


Yeah, they are truly living in hell. Orochi is pure trash!

Declan Gastineau

All the anime had is Hiyori saying they can’t smile because of the Smile fruit Kaido and Orochi brought to Wano. Nothing about how it works or why the people had been effected by it.


Declan what do we know about devil fruits? It gives you powers. So why can’t these people stop laughing even through a sad incident like death? It’s because of the fruit. So if someone can laugh through anything, that’s pretty much a power to me. I figure out from what they told us. You don’t need oda to explain everything to us. It’s called using logic from the information they gave so far and coming up with a theory. So that’s what I did. Who knows if my theory was correct.

Declan Gastineau

I’m not saying it’s impossible to theorize it, I’m sure most people have, just that you said it as if you were stating a fact, not making a theory. Obviously if someone makes a theory and asserts it as if they are speaking a fact, no “I think” or anything similar, if they get that theory right it’d come off to others as being a spoiler rather than a theory. Came off to me as a spoiler because you stated your theory as if it was a fact, which implies knowing that what you are saying is true. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Yeah my fault I see where I mess up on

Declan Gastineau

No fault, I’m just very aggressive about anti-spoilers. Hate getting spoiled myself and hate seeing reactors or other people in general get spoiled.


Not quite. The Joker Venom (the name of the gas he uses) forces those who breathe it to laugh until they suffocate, their face stuck in a gruesome smile. The SMILE fruit, however, are artificial Devil Fruits made by Ceaser for DonFlamingo to sell, and while those who get powers from them are capable of expressions other than laughing and/or smiling that doesn't seem to be the case for those who don't.


what's messed up watch punk hazard again after watching this arc, seeing Kinnemon beating on one of the artificial dragons at Punk Hazard makes so much more sense deeply rooted hate and trauma of dragons now

Jesus Gonzalez

DO NOT watch the new opening until next year since there's so many spoilers that happened recently in the manga and probably wont be adapted to the anime until like summer of next year, and yeah after you watch THIS episode then you can watch the previous opening.

Jesus Gonzalez

you know what's crazy the very first time SMILE was mention in One Piece was WAY back in episode 398, go and rewatch that episode when Disco is talking to Doflamingo on the snail telling him how they are going to war with the Whitebeard pirates.


I’ve seen that scene a lot with Doffy chillin on an island on the snail. XD


Your face looks so dissapointed and like "wie really?" :D more than sad


How is otoko as fast as Zoro pls explain


the colors on the background feel a little oversaturated , kinda blends together with the anime screen