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Hey guys I just want to let you know next week there will be more Devil Part Timer I am Also going to finish Kaguya Sama and Start Maid Sama by the end of Next week.

The next two posts I have before I took down my recording stuff and packed away will be Fairy Tail OVA 3 and Konosuba before I officially move out.

*I just wanted to update so you guys didn't think I dropped it after episode 1 because I am excited to continue on and see what it's all about*

Also I plan on Fixing all of my links to Kaguya, Toradora, all of the Super Mecha Squad links since my vimeo got terminated from bleach and Jojos/GOHS (which I cannot repost those specific ones because of the takedown notices before) and I will just make a single post with all of the links from Violet, Kaguya, Toradora, Bunny Girl for each anime so it's more organized.
Those should be fixed before the month ends.



maid sama is a great one


From what I was told I think I will really enjoy it! I am excited to start it! I will be sad when Kaguya is finished though because I really enjoy this one too