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Watch "OP 936 PATREON FIN" on Streamable.



Important note: the reactions I will post and edit before I move will be Konosuba, Fairy Tail OVA 3 and The God of High school (timer reaction for GoHs) I need to finish packing before movers come on Wednesday so I need to focus on finishing moving and taking down my corner. But those are the ones that will go up. Hopefully internet and everything will be ready to go so I can post my next OP reaction when it comes out next Saturday.


Cool, I understand ad good luck with moving out.


Man, I just really wanna see how Sanji would react to Zoro and Hiyori sleeping like that


Komorusaki (Hiyori) pulling out the onlyfans on those guys lmao


I love how Hiyori was just doing her own subtle revenge as Komurasaki by scamming criminals that were bribing Orochi’s officials.


I love how ODA made that change of events happen so naturally to make Komurasaki a saint in that situation scamming those men. She’s like a completely different person now


Lol when you compared your room to the Going Merry, I was imagining you doing the whole 'Vikings funeral'. ... Might be worth the tears xD

Tevin Logan

Forget the girls being jealous how do you think sanji going to feel when he finds out


I am pretty sure that they are just not sure if denjiro is alive or not and thats about it. So they are searching for him as well atm.


What hyugoro said about using the wano power to either cut steel or cut nothing is what zoro learned against Mr 1 the steel guy, that allowed him to cut steel. Been up in the air as to whether it’s haki, and it is, begs to mind how his teacher knew the line “to cut anything but nothing at all” and taught it to zoro


i completely understand hiyori. I would also never pass up an opportunity to use zoro as a pillow you know . its its not like shes on top of him cause she wants to............its all about not freezing to death lol. i'm really glad the story is picking up its pace now. someone should run after law i'm sad that hes sad. anyway great reaction hope you have an awesome day.


Come to think of Hyo it makes perfect sense that he can do it cuz he was the greatest yakuza and all that was really cool

Jimmy Orchid

If the house is a ROCKIN', don't come a knocking. lol


That's an unfortunate autocorrect as your last word of the sentence lol.


WCI SanjixPudding Wano ZoroxHyori


Someone asked me if I was going to burn the corner down and that gave me a laugh 😂


also i wonder why Rayleigh didnt teach him that tho


Is it just me or are the hunter x hunter reactions removed ?


what happen to hunter hunter and jojos on your patreon (cant find em anywhere)


Copyright from VIZ media so I had to remove all of Bleach, Jojos, HxH and my webtoon reactions so moving Forward Bleach will have to be timer reactions for the last arc


Viz media copyright takedowns so I had to remove all VIZ related content even polls... -_-

Muhd Solehin

Hiyori is making that face coz she is holding out her from crying. As the daughter of a great samurai shogun their child must not cry or feel hungry even if they do. Just like momo on punk hazard.