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Here is my Reaction + Review to One Piece Episode 934!  Click on the image for the link!


OP 934 Reaction + Review

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I started watching the new episodes along with you for better reaction. Its great


The thumbnail makes it look like you have a baby face. 😂


Jesus they really are flexing with the Zoro animations. I love it


Toei's budget in wano for Zoro is SO THICC


I also like to watch the episode with her first reaction. I'm kinda used to watching reactions by now that I can't watch the episode like this xd

Hairy Potter

I am so excited about the next ep...lol


Just a clarification, its not a spoiler, what luffy is trying to learn, is essentialy, advanced armarment haki, like how he learned advanced obs from what katakuri was doing now he is trying that with what rayleigh was showcasing.


I know you love one piece and all , but some of us cant watch the newest one piece right away like you do. So lay off the spoilers on twitter. At least a day or two after the newest episodes releases


by spoilers i mean the pictures from the episodes you post. it will definitely ruin the moment for me now, when i get to those scenes.


The flyer that Komurasaki dropped might’ve clued Kyoshiro in that something was going on. But it doesn’t explain how Orochi’s forces know everything else: The link to the moon tattoo, the meaning of the symbol etc.


Kamazo scythe attacks are like kienzan in dragon ball now? Laserbeams everywhere... it's too much sometimes :s


yeah I just wish they wouldnt have split the fight into 2 episodes and even put in random stuff inbetween... They are stretching eveything a little bit too much. Which kind of destroys the fight as a whole.


No they're just flying slash attacks that Zoro and almost every strong swordsman in the series have been doing since ever. I know compared to the manga fight it's flashy and extended but that's what you gotta do with the different medium i guess


Animation was sick but i love how it looked like Zoro moved across a whole valley for that attack when the the nexy shot showing behind him he only moved like 10ft tops lol


ugh Kin you weren't handing them out covertly you were scattering them all over the place some people were picking them up off the street. Yes you put the message in code, but you used Wano code, so while Kaido might not know it, literally Orochi and his people were immediately able to read the code. When Kaido AND Orochi are your enemies you needed to plan for both. Heck let Luffy be in charge of the coded message, he managed to publicly leave a message across the world that only his crew would understand. Also Shinobu hate you...hate you so much in this episode, hated you in the chapter when I read it because your plan was freaking obvious if I could I'd play the clip from Kim Possible where shego is exhasperated by her brother for not realizing the obvious. Shinobu you have no proof that they talked, and your who kill them plan makes no sense because if they already talked and already leaked your plan killing them now would just decrease your numbers further so again you make no sense Shinobu no sense. As a ninja the people designed for covert ops and deception and misdirection you should be the one rallying the troops, and using this to your advantage , if they know the plan and are expecting it then do something else, hell they gathering your troops for you bringing them all into one place, just do a jail break and you legit have an army right there, you could sneak them food if you needed time, the only way this is bad is if orochi was killing them on sight then yeah big trouble but he's not. If they expecting you to do one thing do something else, needless to say Shinobu you are a terrible ninja and getting emotional is just gonna get you and other people killed, but hey your quick to say kill the bear and Law's crew .


Also Nami too far, seriously I don't get you , you legit did the happiness punch in alabasta and charged them for it, who cares if Sanji saw you naked it's not the first time, just charge him like you did before, why do you care!!!


something i do appreciate with the anime and manga, is it shows 100% shinobu is talking out of her ass, orochi's men were easily about to decipher the "secret code" its more likely bepo and co got caught because they were handing out the stupid fliers and were arrested for possession


props to the animators for trying to capture old time samurai movie scenes with zoro and the slasher the slow motion the muted colors strong scene over all


Lmao that inconsistency was the true sacrifice for this episode. They gave us this super extra scene (I mean extra in the best possible way), but they still had to stick to cannon afterwards.


they probably did get caught because they were handing out fliers, but Shinobu's motivation for saying everything she said isn't some left field statement. she is understandably afraid that after 20 years of waiting everything is going to go up in smoke. people who are afraid don't rationally go over every possible reason for why this or that occurred. she was heated in the moment and their plans were discovered, law and his crew were easy targets for an emotional outburst in that moment. she may be jumping to conclusions but it doesn't mean that cooler heads won't prevail later or that she won't be sorry for her accusations


Was I the only one picking up vibes that Komurasaki was diggin’ Zoro?


She didn’t punch him because he saw her naked. She punched him because he was abusing a invisibility power to peep on her.


The animation of Fate series is always same

Monkey bing bong

Remember when you read this chapter in the manga and Zoro did a quick oni giri when he raised his arm to attack Zoro instead of this DBZ bullshit for easily impressed babies?

J Syc

The mask Sanji used on Wholecake couldn't fix that face 😂🤣


Imagine calling someone a child because they enjoyed something that was different lol oh well, I guess you can't please everybody. I'd recommend you just reread chapter 937/938 and forget you ever saw this episode lmao


I wonder if they added filler scenes in this fight? Simmilar to what they did when Zoro fought Hawkins, they made zoro get injured while actually in the manga it was only a few pages, and zoro didn't get injuries, I hate when there's a change of plot from the actual story.


Zoro got that same injury my guy go back and read, and yes they’re adding a lot more because Oda does not have the time to go through every detail like years before. For once it’s a good thing, but don’t go round saying bs like zoro took no injuries 😂

Kimmo Hagberg

if i were to guess. i would say that kumorasaki has some kind of healing devilfruit. really awesome zoro fight


My guess is that that Boss intentionally missed her vital spots.