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Okay so this is crazy, once the upload finishes it will tell me I think when I first started uploading it... I swear I began this around 11 am-12.  And now it is 4:43PM!!! This is the worst omg >.<



I was wondering where the bleach reaction was... Damn what a draaaag


Thanks for keeping us updated 🙏


Shit happens))

Ivan Camacho

It’s all good Jamie we understand, thanks for the update💯


Yeah... it’s coming just omg I can’t take this slow speed it’s killing me

Javier Enrique

Keep calm and have a snickers 🙂


just get some rest u already did enough &lt;3 ^^


I still think it’s crazy you share internet with your building that’s just bonkers


Dang , the internet has been so slow for many due to the massive usage of it caused by all the people who are staying at their places due to the corona virus .


You tricked me, I saw the notification and thought it was the reaction :(

Kevin Kovacs

Man... that sucks Jamie but let's hope it's finished soon enough 😅


Try to turn off all other devices that’s connected to WiFi if u haven’t done that or upload fairy tail instead 😂


I'm currently downling doom eternal and it also is taking forever, hang in there👍


This is part of Aizen's plan


It's just the bleach hype machine - Can't wait for TYBW arc anime adaptation coming in 2021! Try to avoid spoilers though, even just images of Ichigo from that arc count as spoilers.


Who about to watch the Bleach Presentation?🔥👀


Internet speed slowdown Bleach fans: oh shit! Here we go again.

Willo W

Thats seems quite large for a 30ish minute video, have you tried compression to minimize the size before uploading?


Just start uploading your reaction's sooner next time shouldn't be too difficult, especially now that we're pretty much all stuck at home.


Damn virus, look at the things it causes. Not even Aizen dared so much xD


Hm, for you having so many technological issues through the years, I'm surprised you just sit there dealing with such bloated files. You know you can efficiently compress them without losing any quality. At the very least, that thing is unnecessarily large.


Just one episode 293? :(


I assume she uses a video editor before exporting to her hard drive to get the picture in picture effect and judging by the file size she is probably not using the best option to export it. On most video editors like Filmora you can lower the bitrate before exporting that would drastically reduce the file size and you wouldn't notice much quality difference.


It's 3 episodes so about 1 hour and 5 minutes. But still 3.58gb for 1 hour is too much. You can find &gt;2 hours movies in 1080p for ~2go. But I don't know how much time it takes to encode


Yeah, 3.58gb for 1 hour 5 minutes reaction is a lot tho. I don't know myself video editors but maybe she could ask Allona what tools she uses. Allona's 3 episode reactions are a lot lighter, 1.3gb for 1 hour 8 minutes instead of 3.58gb, it's a lot of difference for the same quality. And it would help uploading it faster


I am making my own video. I change the bitrate from 16 to 12 before exporting and the size went from 3.5 gb to 100 mb. But her video is like an hour long and mine is only at 5 minutes atm so idk. Just making suggestions I am definitely no expert on this.


Oh okay, thanks for the information. How much time it'll take you to encode an 1 hour video with what you're using ?


Unfortunately, I do not have any videos in my hard drive that's more than 5 min long she would need to test this out herself with whatever video editor she is using and if it doesn't have this option to lower the bitrate then she simply just need to switch to filmora or another software that does.


Increased traffic due to everyone being home right probably. Especially if you live in a smaller area like I do where internet is more garbage than the typically american internet services.


Oh, not just your apartment router, but the service provider in general lol. Just to clarify in case people thought I wasn't listen haha

Pom de Terre

Thanks for keeping us posted. Much appreciated. It's really all you can do since it really isn't your fault but it still goes a long way. Thank you.

Willo W

depending on the computer, i'd say most could encode without about an hour for any half decent pc/mac, say the size could be decreased to about 50%, with her upload atm it could help. Plus it could allow her to save her files in long term storage encase copyright claims remove em' from video-sharing sites, she doesn't lose the video forever


Have you tried using the h265 codec over h264? It would give you a much smaller file size while retaining the quality of h264


I know. I've read her other updates. But she's also complained about having a bad Internet from the beginning, so it's just even worse than usual. So she should work with smaller files if she can't upgrade the Internet speeds. Only two ways I know how to fix it.


Hugs its happening all over I can't even watch your vids now without a lot of buffering and lag so much net traffic


Why dont you just buy a wifi box or something.


A 8-10 Mbps bitrate should honestly suffice for the Vimeo upload, since it more than likely uses a compression algorithm anyways, although a higher bitrate render would be okay for the MEGA upload


This. You can losslessly compress your videos to a small point, and if that’s not enough you can always tweak the render settings to sacrifice quality slightly in favor of accessibility.