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This is "OP 915 PATREON" by Mechy Frieza on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Its happening ^^


Luffy finally got what he deserved.


RIP Luffy




In the manga, kaido actually sighed with dissapointment after turning back to his human form cause he was sad luffy couldn't actually hurt him lol. It was hard to tell in the anime


This fight was greatly animated. In the manga Luffy didnt hitting him as much as in the anime. But it was great since it showed Luffy using most of his arsenal and most powerful attack on Kaido without even scratching him. Keep in mind Kaido didnt use any haki and took all the hits straight on showing how weak Luffy is to him. The Aurora around Luffy is just how the new studio decided to animate it but it was just Luffy being super angry since you know that's how he is in situations like this. In the manga Kaido sighs in disappointment that Luffy didnt damage him and then one shots him.


in the manga the way kaido defeated luffy was different too, kaido used superspeed


i think that weird aura is the way the animation studio shows haki in a way. i'm not sure though. just like when it first happened in the manga, i said rob lucci beat luffy in a hit first time they met. he's the comeback kid and always learns from his losses

Tevin Logan

Luffy should have known better if gear four couldn't even make big mom flinch what made him think it would work any better on kaido Luffy going to have to power up majorly in this arc

Ian Kirk

Wow I totally didn't think that the sword Luffy's carrying around could be the cause for his red aura. I automatically just assumed it's just another change in the style of animation. I REALLY hope your theory is right because I don't care for the massive changes they've been using in the anime. Just throws you off but if that sword was part of the reason for Luffy's out of control animated scenes then I'd be totally on board with that. I'll be honest though I really doubt it. Maybe if they put a bit of emphasis on the sword in this fight I might believe it.


The anime added a ton of filler in this fight and made it seem like Luffy could actually pull it off. Kaido never hits luffy at all in his dragon form and never clashes with him in the manga like they show him in the anime. He just stays there and takes everything Luffy throws at him. After Luffy throws everything at him Kaido gets up like nothing happens then Luffy has and "oh shit" look on his face and in a blink of an eye Kaido one hit KOs Luffy. Luffy never even went for the kong gun. And as far as the cursed sword goes, Tenguyama does tell Luffy it's a cursed sword but it doesnt have anything to do with this fight. It's just the huge gap between Luffy and a yonko. Same thing happened when Luffy had that one brief clash with Big Mom. Big Mom easily blocked Luffy's gear 4 punch and was unphased by it.


I personally think Kaido was letting Luffy hit him to see what he can do. I don't think Luffy's attacks did anything to him.


I think everyone forgot Kaido's first appearance. He was trying to die, to me Kaido was seeing if luffy's attacks would do anything to him. ( Also remember Kaido mentioned Whitebeard )


Y'all ain't ready for Soba Mask lol just wait on it


Kaido said "You've called down the thunder, well now you've got it!" The running joke once this happened in the manga was that this chapter was the end of One Piece and Oda would start a new show with Katakuri as the main character and have him go find the One Piece lol


luffy about to spend his Christmas and new years in kaidos prison...


I'm worried about you. Go to the doctor, take care of yourself.


who else remembers big Mom blocking a punch of Luffy's with armament haki, while kaido here taking multiple powerful punches of angered Luffy like it's nothing and by the end of it he baby-shakes Luffy.


Kaido was just enjoying the gatling massage , that's why he didn't attack at first ;)


Not really a spoiler to say i hope; Her idea would be cool but it is just an anime only visual effect, probably symbolizing Luffys anger through his Haki or something idk.


I think the aura was supposed to represent his haki


I was waiting for this part before i fully judged last episode compared to the manga and i have this to say; it really isnt as bad as ppl make it sound, the general gap in power is still conveyed. HOWEVER, i still think it was conveyed in an inferior manner to the manga chapters, mostly during Kaidos dragon form. In the manga he made no effort to retaliate against Luffy while transformed, the only action Kaido took in the manga was the one swing bop that ended the encounter. I think the anime making Kaido fight back at all before then lessens the impact, but its saved from being a horrible adaptation by making the attacks he did in dragon form basic bitch stuff like whacking Luffy with his tail hair or clashing with elephant guns with just his nose lol. But yeah in this case, less was still more in the end and i understand they gotta fill the episode time but they couldve done more to convey Kaidos drunkness instead or something. The king kong gun clash i dont mind since it didn't last long and if anything shows the gap even more since its Luffys strongest move currently. So that was fine TL;DR: anime version was aight but manga was more impactful


It should be noted that trough the entire fight Kaido didnt use haki to shield himself from luffy`s attacks, he only used haki when he attacked using his Divine Thunder move to one shot luffy. (it was called divine thunder in the manga)


Yeah I think that’s his conquers haki around him


This really it ain't it this episode. I don't mind the extra punches and scene added to the anime. (actually that is expected) But the context of the manga was completely changed. They made kaido seemed more incompetent here and luffy more OP. The difference between luffy and kaido in the manga and particularly in this scene, is the different between me and a literal ant. I can stomp that bitch and it has no power to fight back. It maybe even think that Oda made a mistake because i have no earthly idea how luffy is gonna get rid of Kaido unless it's an asspull which people would absolutely hate. But in the anime it seems that Kaido is just super strong but not a literal writing problem.


Kaido was letting Luffy hit with his attacks. You know Kaido wants to die and he was like: "Okey let's see what this kid can do...". Also drunk. To be honest it also felt weird in the manga when you saw Luffy attacking Kaido. But that's how Kaido is.


If you want to read the chapter of this fight, it's the chapter 923. Besides the great animation, I was dissapointed of how inaccurate the adaptation was in these 2 episodes. This arc is gonna be so damn long in the anime, probably longer than Whole cake island


yep, sadly the only thing that improved with the director/staff changes was the animation


I would definitely read the manga chapters of these episodes (922 and 923), you need to see the fight in it's actual canon form, lots of things that happened in the anime never happened in the manga so it gives people wrong ideas IMO.


the anime really did butcher the impact of this fight, animation and all was great like the rest of wano but i really dont get why they didnt stick to the source material... the "fight" in the manga is so well done for what it wants to convey compared to this fiesta, for example kaido sighs after getting hit with luffys organ gun and then without the whole over the top sky shaking build up just smacks luffy out of gear 4. really urge any anime only watchers out there to read the chapter, its 923.


As many people have already stated, this isn't really how it went down in the manga. Obviously they throw in filler to make fights longer in the anime than they were in the manga, but they took a few too many liberties here. My biggest issue is with the final clash. In the manga they don't hit each other. Kaido gets up after eating Luffy's attacks and then 1 shots Luffy. There is no brief stuggle, Kaido literally puts Luffy down with 1 hit to the head that is implied to be too quick for Luffy to comprehend. Luffy is knocked out of Gear 4th and unconscious. It should've looked like when Zoro cuts someone. He starts on 1 side of them, there's a quick cut, and then he's behind them and he's already cut them before they have time to even register what happened.


Yeah the anime is taking way too many liberties now. When they have people theory crafting about that dark aura, which doesn't actually exist in the manga, it's a problem.


I dont mind the anime dragging things because Kaido wants to die. Him letting Luffy kick his ass really makes that desire more apparent.


Swing batta-batta-batta-Swwwwing batta🐉🏌🏿‍♂️☠️


Hey, SMF, I suggested this to Allona, too, so I thought I should bring it up. So, I've been watching Uzumaki Khan and what he started doing recently with One Piece is that after he watches the episode, at the end of the reaction he also reads the corresponding manga pages for a comparison. This way you can still enjoy the anime experience but also check afterwards what was canon and what was not. And regarding the pages, I'd say someone could download them and send them to you or just tell you from which site and until where to read. And since next week there is no episode, maybe do a manga reaction for the past few chapters and discuss the differences compared to the anime?


The sword that Luffy has is a cursed sword. Tama’s master said it’s called Kitetsu || which is the “ older brother” of Kitetsu ||| (Zoro’s cursed sword).


Looking for some constructive discussion on this, no toxicity, no name-calling! SMF said she was disappointed with Kaido not fighting back, and Luffy just getting all the hits in. Even if the anime followed the manga panel by panel, Kaido is still taking all those hits and not fighting back. I get people mentioning how the anime isn't following canon, as to make sure SMF doesn't get the wrong idea about the fight, but I feel like a lot of the comments don't exactly address the criticisms she actually has about the fight.


They don't add these scenes in for the sake of filling out the episodes. They're added in to give more room to work on for the fights. Likely every significant fight in Wano will be this way. This doesn't take anything away from the manga's vision. I don't see how you can say that with an open mind. 1. Make it look like Luffy is beating the hell out of Kaido. 2. Have Kaido take him down in a single move. Those are the things they needed to accomplish. And they did.


These filler scenes are putting me to sleep, I highly suggest you react to the manga version of this fight, not really a fight for the manga but still stand as what really happened.

All Might

Don't forget. It's known throughout the world that Kaido can not be killed. He tried to kill helmself multiple times and was "executed" mulitple times. He claimed in a earlier episode that he wants to die.


it's probably all those things: What happened with his crew, the things he saw Kaido had done to the people of Wano and the Minks of Zou, what he did to Tama, the rage of all of it together amplified by the sword (which is indeed said to be cursed). Now someone like Zorro could probably handle such a sword and its curse (as he has another one much like it) but Luffy was likely unprepared for the sword's bloodlust, Luffy is naturally protective of his friends and crew &amp; gets mad when anyone threatens or hurts them, &amp; the sword probably took that rage and cranked it up to 11 (much like how Voldemort's Horcruxes and the One Ring from Lord of the Rings manipulated the bearer's emotional state to their own ends.) That's my theory anyway. Also, about Kaido taking all those hits, part of that is probably indeed due to his being so drunk, but a larger part is likely due to the forms he faced Luffy in. To put it in relatable terms, think of Kaido's human form as being like a Star Destroyer while his dragon form is more like the Death Star. While the dragon form is indeed intimidating, its size and power is more skewed towards wiping out civilizations and fleets/armadas/armies of attackers. However its defenses are less effective against a small yet speedy one-man fighter (or, in Kaido's case, a small and nimble fighter like Luffy) which can penetrate those defenses and attack it with impunity. Of course those attacks would be worthless unless the attacker had knowledge of their target's vulnerabilities and the ability to exploit them. On the other hand, Kaido's human form, much like the Star Destroyer, is better suited to facing smaller fighters. It's not invulnerable to them by any means, but it's better able to react to such attacks and deal with them accordingly. Also, the pounding Kaido had taken from Luffy up until that point he changed back probably helped to sober him up.

Guillaume Feuvrier

remember that Kaido took no damage from those hits :3

SeCo D. Raw

let me be number 1001 to say this but I don't get why they made it look like luffy had some kind of chance to stretch the episode, kaido just 1shot luffy in the manga

Guillaume Feuvrier

Also he is a macho, he let him take these hits seeing if it could hurt him, he used it to judge Luffy's strength


Personally i dont read the Manga but i hear/watch theories of some german Theorists and they showed/told about the page in the Manga and yea... even just that made me a bit sad how it was shown in the anime ^^ cause it really seems that luffy had some kind of a chance against kaido, sure he still got one shotted but... it wasnt that impactful as i hoped :/


ALOT of the hits luffy got on kaido was filler, but again you could see that kaido didnt take any damage of those hits at all. I think kaido just didnt give a damn about luffy hitting him since he didnt get damaged by him anyways, and got bored and just one shotted him.


They stretched the hell out of this. IN the manga, they didn't make it that luffy had a chance to beat kaido, idk why they did for the anime. Kaido after the kong organ, got up, sigh'd in dissapointment because it didn't fazed him, looks at luffy, Speed blitz him with the divine thunder and boom, 1 shot. Somtimes the anime can really make luffy stronger than what was portrayed.


Sorry to hear your cold's continuing to be persistent, no idea what it could be specifically but hopefully it's not the flu. Anyway, I hope you'll get better in time for Christmas at least! Now, time to watch this moment I've been waiting to see in the anime for forever now!



Hikari D Xebec

I feel like the reason Luffy acts unlike Luffy like he usually does is because of the anime extending the fight scene which in turn extend the time Luffy attacks blindly with rage. Within the manga the fight does not last as long as it is in the anime, Luffy straight up uses gear 4 after elephant gatling and the fight is over quickly after that. There was no time for Luffy to stop and think of his action before making the next attack, but since the anime showed a scene of Luffy being silent after the elephant gatling yet still chose go after Kaido anyway it kinda shows poor judgement and a bit out of character for him. Just my thought.


sorry to dissapoint this is just wrong,in the manga luffy got no change and kaido didnt take this hits

Monkey bing bong

Watch Toradora, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Tengen Toppa, Nichijou, Daily Lives of Highschool Boys, Eureka Seven, Bakemonogatari, Zetsubou Sensei, Little Witch Academia, Konosuba, Porco Rosso and Redline.

Mr Evol

Eh, this is the kind of filler that doesn't bother me all that much. It just added Kaido tanking some hits that he would have been able to tank anyway. If anything it makes Kaido look even more unstoppable, just sitting their taking those lumps and not even feeling it.

Morgan Hellström

Now i see that the anime ruined this fight. This anime fight made Kaido look like a little bitch.


No it didn’t, in the manga he still gets hit 😭 with those same attacks, you really think he’s a bitch for PURPOSEFULLY taking all of Luffy attacks before proceeding to one shot him? Without using haki? Without even blocking, he just tanks every attack, including attacks that one shot other major characters... we are watching the same thing right?


Anyone who thinks the anime ruined this moment didn’t even pay attention in the manga, Oda literally tried to show you why Kaido can’t be killed by having Luffy use every one of his high damage attacks on A non haki using Kaido before being one shot, Kaido tanked THE KONG GUN are you guys watching ?

Ernest Mitchell

The red aura you see around Luffy and Kaido, at certain moments, are meant to represent high levels of Haki being dispelled. Wano arc uses a lot of different visual cues than we are used to when displaying familiar concepts, such as haki.


You clearly don't know what you're talking about and aren't watching the manga, yes the anime ruined this moment and that is true in the manga it was clear and simple, and the anime dragged it out as always. everyone with a decent brain would know that luffy even in gear fourth could not stand up agaisn't kaido, Kaido went up agaisn't whitebeard countless time and he's still there standing tall, and marineford he clashed agaisn't shanks, it is clear that luffy even in gear fourth cannot stand up agaisn't a Yonko.

Kimmo Hagberg

worst kind of ending before a 2 weeks break.. that cliffhanger tho. what made Luffy snap was the fact that Otama had been injured. Luffy was on his way back to search for his friends after he delievered the first punch. But after he saw Horselina he went back to Kaido.


I really hope she doesn't do that. She has so many series she is watching right now that she really doesn't need to spend so much time reading manga chapters for something she has already watched just to see what is and isn't "canon". It doesn't change anything and it doesn't make the scene any better. "Oh look, they added filler punches there, there, and there but still the same plot...the end." What a spectacular waste of time.


Sounds like a personal problem. Anime watchers loved the fight, the only people complaining are the manga people because it's not a slideshow of pictures identical to the manga. Nothing changed in this fight except some added punches that worked just fine to convey the message of what was happening. Luffy threw everything he had at Kaido, Kaido shrugged it off and knocked out Luffy in a single hit. It wasn't complicated and the only thing about it that made it boring for manga readers is that you knew what was going to happen from the beginning so you were just waiting for the last attack. For everyone else, it was great.

Nicholas Tamas

An important part of this scene which is missing in the anime is when Kaido transforms back into his human form: he sees Luffy's Kong Organ prepared and allows himself to be hit; after, he gets up, sighs, and speed-blitz Luffy with a one-shot. We take this to mean that Kaido wanted to see if Luffy could hurt him, but is disappointed.


You should pay less attention to the dragonball effects Toei is adding like the red aura or kaidos lightning dragon. It's pointless and misleading and cause anime-only viewers to theorize over nothing basically :/

Daniel Turner

Yeah toei made Kaido look silly and they messed up the thunder bagua when pirate warriors does it right


Thnx I forgot about that and it changes how I view is behavour,we can't forget he tried to kill himself


I think it’s funny that the anime watchers complaining about manga readers are the same people that would complain if their favorite anime was adapted to live action and wasn’t exactly like the anime 🤣

Adam Vialpando

They did it to show just how big the gap is. Did Kaido look truly injured or even worried at all in that fight? Heck no. And he did sigh with disappointment it just sounded like he was breathing hard. He took the Elephant Gatling (which knocked out Hody), the Grizzly Magnum (Caesar), both Kong Guns (Doflamingo), and the Kong Organ (which tore through Cracker's Biscuit Soldiers like....well Crackers) and one shotted Luffy. I think for once I like it better than the manga.


Luffy thought he was "gonna be okay", instead he should have been "perfectly ready" ;)

John tran

Wish kaido beat up his azz more !! :) Need to teach him a lesson in life. The ACE event didn't teach him crap!


Yeah the anime is trash, manga did it way better


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