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Lets go! I am going to watch ep 1 in like an hour so I just was curious what people prefer since I heard the dub is also pretty good.



Dub isn't so bad but it doesn't have that effect the sub has.


Both are really good. I've watched both


Jamie, no. I thought you learned what happened the first time you asked this question. Just pick one!

andrew howell

Go with the dub it's a little easier to fallow and is extremely good.


So, you decided to watch dragon ball but with objectificaded women over 9000

Ian Kirk

Sorta shocked by this landslide vote for subs. Seeing as the dubs are decent but I'm always pro sub.


i watch both, dub isn't bad but the sub just better


Can you check my message please )


Im normally pretty indifferent (In fact i normally prefer dub) but this is one of the rare cases where one is legitamately infirior. So in this case go sub.


I'm sure that the dub is good, but sub would be easier as we can hear you while reading them.


Dub for code geass when we hit it. Sub everything else.


I watched some other reactors watch it in dub and even they switched to sub since it's simply better. Sub all the way for SDS.


No, not really. Most dubs are inferior but there are great dubs, too. And I don't watch a single anime in dub ^ ^


sub all da way


Seven deadly sins won :o I am so hyped for this reaction :D


Every anime should be subbed they have much more passion when it comes to voice acting

blue snivy

dub isnt bad but sub will most of the time be better


Im so happy that you are watching this animeeeeeee 😆


I have watched in both dub and sub. I personally think sub is better, there is more feel to it. Sorry for bad grammar haha.

Kay M

I also watched both the sub and dub. It’s true that they are both good and I enjoyed the dub but I also think the sub is much better.


Any ideas when it will be uploaded?


She said she gonna watch in an hour so she probs already finished watching it. Upload speed and editing can sometimes take a while so my guess she will upload it later today or tomorrow unless she makes a schedule like every Wednesday she uploads SDS

Sean King

Let’s just clear up a common misconception. Japanese actors are trained to be over the top and hyper dramatic, because their acting philosophy comes from Kabuki theater. If you ever watch any live action movie or tv show made in Japan, you’ll see the actors are almost cartoonishly expressive in their movements, voices and facials. Western acting, especially American, is geared for cinema. Theater never took off in America like it did in the rest of the world, since America is comparatively young. American actors are trained to be subtle, restrained and poignant. That’s why you can have films like The Machinist or Joker, where the it’s the little things the lead actor does that sells the performance. These differences transfer over into voice acting. Japanese voice actors will scream, yell and do all that stuff that you’d never see/hear from a real Japanese person speaking normally. That’s where this “passion” anime fans like to talk about comes from—it’s essentially overacting and chewing the scenery, but that’s what’s considered good acting over there. Good acting over here is considered giving a performance close to real life as possible. Subs aren’t “better” because the original actors are trained to do something completely different from what the (English) dub actors are trained to do. You can say you like/prefer one version, but to claim it’s better when they’re so difference betrays a shallower kind of thinking.


Voted dub but ok with sub, just hopes everyone can just be ok with that not start some heated comments like last sub v dub polls 😅


SUB or BUST!! DUB is so fucking bad pepegga


As expected it was a close vote haha


Nah, even sub has bad voice acting.




French dub with english subtitles duh


At this point you shouldn't bother asking that; almost everyone hates dubs.


Always subs to be safe.


Yeah but one can hope people can just respect everyone’s one opinion 🤷🏽‍♂️, regardless sub or dubbed I’m still gonna watch the reactions, I prefer sub over dub but theirs just some dubs that I kind of like. FMA Brotherhood was one of them but sub won. I still watched it and tbh I still like dub better yet I still really enjoyed the sub as well. I just wish people would just be ok with the fact that some people like dub better than sub and vise versa. Like the show and characters and plot stay the same we all still enjoy the show why do we have to get so agitated that some people like to listen to in a different language. All I know is that people really need to tone it down a bit and just let people enjoy what they want and let them have their own opinion.

Nathan Grenawalt

This is one of those dubs that isn't too bad. You could watch it and enjoy it just fine. But the Japanese voices are superb, especially some of the villains we will meet later on.


If you go dub you won't hear any "Sate sate sate !"


Dub straight up dumpster fire


The butthurt over teenage comedy is strong.

Ghost Tendency

Not really, some voices are good in Dub. There are much MUCH worse Dubbed anime out there. Still, the Sub is definitely the right choice for this show. (As long as you have good subtitles. There are some subs that are just horribly translated.)


Poor Dub never gets any Love...


Poorly DUBBED Anime's suck... but this isn't one of them. Ha, I'll never understand the "logic" of discriminating against literally ALL DUBBED content because you've watched a couple that weren't good, as opposed to supporting the DUBS that are exceptional and exceed the norm in hopes of setting new standards. Anyway... seems I missed another poll :D.


Yes I see that, and I'd be fine with it if it didn't stem from the pretense of: "SUB'S r good dub's r BAAAD!" but unfortunately that seems to be the only rational at play here, in the patreon at least lol.


Not so. I for one would take dubbed Goku over his Japanese VA any day of the week. However, when it comes to reactions like this I prefer subbed (as long as the VAs don't kill my ears or make me feel like losing my lunch) as it's easier to listen to her while reading what they're saying.