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Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/368871861/f4893a4aa0

Mega: <iframe frameborder="0" height="360" https:="" src="&lt;a href=" width="640">https://mega.nz/embed#!sZE0WaQb!0d_mlKzVzsVJMkrKlPed27QQwCC0SEg_mk73Pi2awGo" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hey guys uploads are back, I had to compress the files because I ran out of space in both vimeo and mega.

Demon Slayer will be uploaded later, Wolf Children will be mega only until sunday when vimeo refreshes.


OP 889

This is "OP 889" by Mechy Frieza on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Tfw you see the new upload load seconds after checking. 👀❤


The game has changed, Jams!


One Piece is just killing it with all these mysteries!!! Oh I LOVE IT!!


lads she is here

Hairy Potter

My favorite moment of this reaction: "Omg my god, this mother effer" -------SMF


The Throne the at Doflamingo was referring to was the War for the Throne of the Pirate King! That is why he called it the greatest struggle for supremacy in the history of Pirates.


I despise the Celestial Dragons “GO REVOLUTIONARIES”


Luffy vs Rob Lucci was my favorite fight for so long but was knocked to the second spot after God Katakuri appeared


Shanks is evil yo


shanks working with the government makes you think...


Can you please DM me the discord link? It won't connect from patreon.


The day when Luffy and the Revolutionaries drag the Celestial Dragons down from their high horse, I’m going to have a bottle of lotion on stand by.


Let me know if you like my added notes to the reaction, It helps me collect my thoughts but also gives me things to go back on and edit once the story changes.


can you send me a message first for some reason your user doesn't show up for me


People hate doffy because they are jealous, you love him too much 😂


first time I hear of doffy hate. Doflamingo is actually a pretty beloved character.


Well, if you saw uzumaki khan reaction about ace father, now its time to see their shanks reaction in marijoa :D

Tevin Logan

Imu a person who has more power than a celestial dragon now that's scary

Prime Echo

Aye.. The after credits thumbnail pose had me in TEARS 😂 The notes are very endearing to me. It reflects your passion for the series so much. Keep up the great content. Enjoy your future break and see you in Wano :)


I think Imu is a female ... imagine if she is Luffy's mom lol


The videos are not working...


Both Mega and Vimeo dont have the video


So...should we let her watch opening 22? XD

Arjun Senpai

I'm loving these notes on screen you have between episodes. Really good to follow along if you're not familiar with the show already.


She's reuploading a smaller file to make space for DS, she posted about it.


She's reuploading a smaller file to make space for DS, she posted about it.

Joseph Dailey

might as well or she wont be able to watch it for about a another 6 months maybe more id say let her get to kadios secret and then watch it the only other thing is hard to catch unless you go through the opening slowly


Sayo's Notes * Bonney and Kuma are from the same kingdom * Kuma might be a slave because he let go of the strawhats. He was tasked to take them down but he did not on multiple occusions. As a results alot of big events happen because of them. Even that yellow admiral said he will get in trouble by the dragons of he doesn't take down luffy at the war. But luffy was not taken down. As a result that they made kuma a slave to calm down the dragon's wrath. * They might target Shirahoshi because of her ability as one of the great weapons Forgot the rest of my notes (In case SMF miss anything)


sorry i dont know if its comming from me but i cant watch the last video i did try all the link


Looks like you forgot to edit the very end of the video, love the thumbnail poses :P


Think she's reuploading a better compressed video cas her Vimeo space is running low


something happened with Vimeo, I can't see the video.


so for the next reaction you'll want to record to 894, 5 episodes from now, as 895 and 896 are a "side story" filler interruption and it would be awkward to have it intruding in the middle of your reaction (if you recorded to 4 next time) or at the end (if you went to 3). Better to have it starting off your reaction if you're gonna record it at all and/or react to it in order of airdate.


Loved how you striked a pose at the end! I giggled

Muhd Solehin

When we thought the 5 elder star (Gorosei) is the last boss but then Imu show up and change our mind about everything.

The Bird of Hermes

Please call him Im and not Imu. Im is the official manga translation and Imu is funimation. Please for the sake of everything that's holy call him Im and not Imu


please fix mega links :(


For some reason I can’t watch it, says I don’t have permission to see the video


We do call Akainu "red dog." That's literally his name. It's just in Japanese. Most people can't pronounce the new guy either, so people are just saying Green Bull.



Jesus Gonzalez

personally I think the voice acting in the English dub when Robin says I want to live and when Luffy goes all out in Jet Gatling Gun to defeat Lucci were much more impactful than in the original Japanese voice acting. You can actually feel the emotions behind the screams.


Mingo was referring to the Pirate King "throne". He literally said in the next sentence that Whitebeard stood in front of the throne and took the reigns (because he didn't want to go to Raftel). The Empty Throne at Mariejois is a somewhat common knowledge, at least all kings from the affiliated countries know about it.


It's funny because most people call this arc in the manga the best whilst this arc in the anime so many consider the worst.


Hard disagree for me, but I respect your opinion. Those 2 moments are absolutely amazing in Japanese for me. Robin screaming I want to live and take me out to the sea with me will always make me emotional. Same with Luffy screaming Gatling Gun against Lucci, you can feel the emotion in Luffys voice so clearly.

Jesus Gonzalez

No Spoilers. But who here is up to date with the manga? Don't reply with that's going on or anything just say Me or give this a like haha


The thing is, Shanks is so badass that he can walk both in the middle of a war and in the Room of Authority and do whatever he wants, only because it's him. It was really interesting that the Gorosei said the exact same thing as Sengoku at Marineford, "only because it's you". I am really curious why they're so permissive with him


1:15:50 No, it really wasn't. Luffy really didn't mature nor grow at all. He just acknowledged he needed to train and then once he did, he was cocky and reckless all the more.


I'm 99% sure he has some kind of speedhack Fruit or something, since before that scene, he was somewhere else. Also during the War, he managed an impossible distance directly from kicking Kaido's ass, which he wouldn't have had the time to travel, at least under normal time. Also for SMF, it earlier showed captions with "King of Sorbet Kingdom" under Kuma's name, while under Conney it stated "Queen Dower of Sorbet Kingdom"; so either she's their daughter or his wife, who knows, since she can alter her age at will. Either way would let her to have such a perfect disguise, since even if she was the daughter, if she looked identical to the mother, she could pull it off by aging herself.

Jesus Gonzalez

Notice how the guard recognized Jewelry Bonnie as Queen Dowager Conney of the Sorbet Kingdom, and Kuma is known as former king of the Sorbet Kingdom. So its safe to assume Kuma and Conney or Bonnie were King and Queen once married. Kuma was actually known as THE TYRANT before he became warlord, but I wonder what happend to make both Kuma and Bonney become pirates. Also if you look back at Marine Ford, Jewelry Bonnie even then seemed to have a personal issue with Blackbeard that could also tie back to Kuma and the Marines. Something happened to their past.

Jesus Gonzalez

Imu-Sama might be from the void century itself and the original king of the world. Remember how Doflamingo knows about the secrets of the world, he also knows about the eternal operation that the Op-Op fruit can perform, giving someone eternal life in exchange for the devil fruit users life. Also the "light" can be someone or even a country, if you go back to Robins backflash of Ohara they do mention an Ancient kingdom that is no more.

Jesus Gonzalez

Reverie is a short arc but so much happens that just makes the One Piece world so much bigger


yet we still dont know how it concludes, oda just keeps teasing it, so its probably something major


I feel like Imu knows the prophecy of the will of d. And it probably scares him. So hes probably trying to figure out the person whom will carry all of history on its back. He probably thinks its either Blackbeard or Luffy. I think he might know that Shirahoshi is an ancient weapon, because why else would he care about her? Also he probably really distust Vivi's family since they didnt stay as one of the 20. There has to be a reason they didnt stay right? And it looks like their family is trying to ruin the balance of power by getting rid of the 7 warlords system. So thats why I thinks hes looking at those four in particular.


Wait when did you start taking notes?!?!? Yassssss i'm so down for it


Well I feel that it's probably in reality a massive troll move by Oda, that it'll turn out to be none of those whose pictures were shown. If that's the case then I have a couple of ideas on what the target really is. First is Dressrosa by means of Rebecca. That theory is that they will either frame Rebecca for some terrible crime (like killing DonQuioxte Mjosgard) or else somehow force her to do it. Then they would use that as an excuse to take care of Dressrosa by claiming they sent her as an assassin. That would would let them take care of two birds (the embarrassments of Mjosgard striking another Celestial Dragon, and the rest of the world seeing Fujitora apologizing to Dressrosa for allowing DonFlamings run things there) with one stone. The other possible target would be Fishman Island. The reason they might be targeting it is because they found out that they were planning to have it protected by Luffy and his flag. As he has already caused them countless embarrassments, including Dressrosa and Whole Cake Island, they probably want to do to Fishman Island as they did to Ohara in order to send a message; "You associate yourself with this pirate and you will meet the same fate." In a twisted way this would fulfill Sharley's prophecy that their island would be destroyed by Straw Hat Luffy. Even worse is the fact that she destroyed her crystal ball, so she would be unable to see the Buster Call coming until it's too late. Anyway, those are my theories, we'll just have to wait to see how close my guesses were.


they are saving the backstory of bigmom and kaidou for later. actually in the manga, they just talk about their backstory, their relationship and what/who is rox in the end of september so it's gonna be a while before it's animated.


sorry I can't see the vimeo video


In the 2nd to last episode they said "Kuma King of Sorbet Kingdom", while for the Conney they "Queen Dower of Sorbet Kingdom, so she might be his wife or something.

Joseph Dailey

you missed the fact that kaidou and big mom under someone else in the past they wernt the captain

John tran

the two strongest pirate crew. Roger Pirate and Rox Pirates

Joseph Dailey

kuma was king of the sorbet kingdom and old bonny aka conney is the queen dowager of the sorbet kingdom that the only connection we got atm


Wait that's not why I hate doflamingo, I couldn't care less if she loves him, this motherfucker literally killed his dad and his brother (corazon) :( made a lot of people go trough hell, why not hate him... I don't mind him dead really, I feel like that's not enough to make me satisfied :) but everyone has their opinion, and a lot of people might agree with me and a lot will not so... Fuck doflamingo 😂


When I see Shirahoshi I always think at her as a cute giant mermaid, and I always fortget she is a weapon whit the power to destroy the world.


Rox is roger's older sister, Gol D Rox


it's a tiny tiny detail, but when they were televising the Summit war, you can see Bonney crying, and here again she's crying after seeing Kuma. Her disguise was recognized by the guards as the Queen of the Sorbet Kingdom, who Kuma was the previous King of. Maybe she's blood related? Daughter maybe?


Hmm Im wondering if Im had those specific people because, like some already said, Luffy and Blackbeard are probably the biggest contenders and also their connection with the D's. As for Shirahoshi and Viv, Shira is an Ancient Weapon Posiedon and we also know that the Nefertari family holds the Ponelgyh connecting to another Ancient Weapon. I feel like that has to be part of why Im is targeting them.


SMF The embedded video works on here but the link for Vimeo is still having issues, just figured I would let you know.

James Bender

Love the small note and you talking about it.

Mr Evol

Not only are Bonney and Kuma from the same kingdom, they title cards call Kuma the king of the Sorbet kingdom and call "Conney" the queen of Sorbet kingdom.

Morgan Hellström

Its not even rox. its rocks. goddamn i hate translaters


I personally love it.


Kuma and Bonnie are from the same kingdom. Probably king and queen.


Fun fact: Im sure u didnt notice but both Vice Admiral Tokikake and Gion had a brief cameo appearance in the movie Gold as well. After the time skip both were highly considered as a candidate to become one of the new admirals (which means they both have to be really strong). However both didnt make the cut, since Fujitora and Ryokugyu were chosen instead. Even their alias follow the scheme of the admirals' code-names being a color and an animal. Gion's alias Momousagi literally means "pink rabbit" and Tokikake's alias Chaton means brown pig. Well and both appearances are based on a real actors as well. Tokikake asked Momousagi out 100 times but was rejected each time^^ And Tsuru and Gion are currently the highest ranked known female Marines. Tsuru even treats Gion as her little sister.


what are you talking about? xd We don't know anything about Rocks, other that he's male

Pom de Terre

I wouldn't say it's safe to assume. Kuma seems to have been around for much longer whereas Bonney is a newcomer and part of "the worst generation". So my guess is that she came to be queen after Kuma lost the throne due to becoming a pirate and a member of the revolutionary army. But – both are plausible.


BTW in manga, they showed Kuma was the "King of sorbet kingdom" and when Bonny was introduced in old shape she was also introduced as "Queen of Sorbet kingdom"

Laugh N Half

Nice touch with the theory notes. I really like that!


Liars?! the Government? nahh you must be trippin! XD


Gonna be at least a year before you find out more about Rocks in the anime.


Venmo link isnt working still?


I know right, the way the anime was going until last week it will be more than 1 year. Probably around 1 and half or 2 years because the manga took almost 1 year.


Sabo spending a lot of time flashbacking to stuff he wasnt around for lol


The Vimeo link is still not working Jamie-chan :(


For everyone saying that Bonney is Kuma's Queen, she's the Queen DOWAGER. Meaning she's a widow. Which shouldn't be the case because Kuma isnt dead-dead. Its possible she's actually his mother, if the elderly form is her real age. And her husband who was the previous sorbet king died and Kuma inherited the throne in his place. Im just spitballing but i doubt the 2 are married, she's likely not as young as her normal appearance gives off

Pom de Terre

Don't jinx my main man like that, I don't even wanna think about it :agony:


I wish it was Rox though, that sounds and looks way cooler than “Rocks” lmao.


Shirahoshi and Rebecca are the most annoying characters in this entire anime/manga.


One piece propaganda at its finest. fake news. IM sama sitting on the empty throne/iron throne and the five elders kneeling before him

John S

Kuma is one of the most mysterious figures in the World of One Piece. He went from being a King to being a Pirate cruel enough to be called "The Tyrant" to being a member of the Revolutionary Army who was described as gentle and kind, to being a Warlord, to then volunteering to lose himself and be modified by the Navy. Not to mention helping the Straw Hats escape Kizaru and protecting the Sunny for 2 years as his last request before he lost himself. He also has connections to so many different people. I cant wait until the mysteries behind him are revealed, but I feel we are pretty far out from that. Maybe the Straw Hats will eventually visit the Sorbet Kingdom?

Kay M

yeah it says I dont have permission to see the vimeo link either. I can just use the mega link but idk if the vimeo thing is a settings issue or something


'this motherfucker' I guess I didn't see that coming


I think the smf notes was a really cool addition to your reactions.. I hope it continues to be a thing!!


some say that Imu-sama is luffy´s mother XD


Copy and paste the vimeo link if it doesn't work when you click on it. Didn't work for me either till I tired copying. So I had a though while watching this.... what if Vivi is one of the weapons like Shirahoshi??? Just hasn't awakened the power yet???


It's possible, but in an SBS Oda said her age is around 22 (pre-timeskip). So unless he's trolling us (he could be), she's definitely not Kuma's mom. She could be his daughter, though.


I tried that but it didn't worked either 😩 i wanna see those episodes so bad!


Yeah, for me too and i won't gonna watch further until i can watch this one