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Hey guys so I decided not to record demon slayer tonight I am so sleep deprived right now I just can’t focus on an anime atm. I plan on getting sleep and recording it tomorrow and then I will post it tomorrow as well.

Also I will post my full MHA reaction this weekend as well. I think that airs tomorrow or Sunday morning I’m not sure.

Again guys I am really sorry! I am really trying to fix my crazy sleep schedule.



Get rest. You deserve it.


Health comes first!


No need to apologize. Rest up


Don't worry we can Wait 😁


Don’t worry! Rest well :)

Ali M

Take care of yourself pls


dudee soon as i saw u post the one piece reaction i snatched my wax pen and had a great morning LOL ur amazing u can go to bed


All of the kind comments thank you 😭🙏🏻❤️

Prime Echo

Oyasuminasai :)


No need to thank us, just get some very well deserved sleep you did enough today with your One Piece reaction


No problem! Sweet Dreams :)


wtf are you doin that makes you that sleep deprived? like what is goin on over there

Chris Poveroni

Sleep is good! Thanks for always keeping us in the loop.


Your One Piece reaction was all we needed today. Get some rest


she's doing all kinds of recording of several different series at once, not to mention the One Piece binging that she's no doubt doing to try and be ready for Stampede, all of which has to be edited for both Patreon and YouTube. On top of that she has a life, possibly even a 9-5 job. Don't know how much help she has with any of that, but I have no doubt that it is hard work all the same.


Yes, with all the content you've put out recently you deserve a rest. On a related note I was wondering what happened with Wolf Children. There's no rush, I was just curious as to where we were on that.


No problem at all Jamie, have sweet dreams and a nice long sleep :)


Do what ya gotta gurl, cant have that lovely body of yours crashing for our entertainment


Discipline is an important asset in order to keep being successful, set up a good schedule to be able to maintain your health and your anime schedule. Use K-pop artists as an example, with a different perspective. I'm sure you'll understand what I'm trying to say.

Pom de Terre

Yeah, schedule is important in order to keep things aligned, even if it means something might get delayed for a few hours. Otherwise, you end up staying up to wait for something to finish or get up to start uploading another thing, etc, and it completely ruins normal human functioning.


No worries, your health and well being always have to come first. You've already put a lot of effort with OP so you totally deserve it. We can all wait an extra day or two for another great reaction ^ ^


Get a rest you needed it ^-^


Don‘t worry. Sleep well.


Sleep is important, though I'm good at neglecting it myself. Also MHA Hype!


Rest well. You’ll catch up with OP soon at your current pace, which should normalize your schedule some.


dont wanna be rude or anything, but this was posted friday night, its sunday now, any updates on DS and MHA?


Not gonna lie, this is really unprofessional. It sucks for people who decided to watch the show along and are now just waiting for you to upload. I mean, this is more than just a hobby. You are earning more money from this than most adults in full time jobs. A little professionalism should be possible.


Where is Demon Slayer? No updates on twitter either!

All Might

I mean, you don't know the full story. She's only human.


of course. she might have a reason but its not the first time. In fact, she usualy uploads a day late. My main issue is that she doesnt update us on the delays properly. If you have this many followers and do this basically as a full time job, you should do it properly. Thats my opinion on it.


its not that hard to keep a simple schedule accurate. Especialy if you have the same schedule for months if not years at this point.

Joseph Dailey

lol i love how shes over worked when she has a job where shes just has to sit for 4hours max a day watching anime and editing yet yall baby her ass so much if this was my job id at least stick to the schedule this work is easier than what most americans have to do yet she cant keep a decent schedule oh and dont forget its only around 4 hours a day if she recorded one piece that day if not its like two and a half hours it really not that hard to keep to a schedule when this is your job


exactly. if she is sick or anything like that she can let everyone know but the delays are just without any good reason. I mean its crazy already that she only has days in her schedule. Every youtuber who gives any kind of effort, has the time aswell. If the pc takes too long to render her videos, get a new one already! it has been months since she reached the goal for a new pc and she definetly earns enough for a monster of a machine

Quinton Teratino

This is what happens when you put most of your focus on one piece, and now you let other anime viewers suffer. How about you take a break from one piece and start giving other anime some love?

Joseph Dailey

theres only 35 ep left might as well finish it plus it not a problem with her doing a lot of one piece it that she dose not know how to stick to her schedule or she stays up all night and get sleep deprived it like when ever toei hits her for her youtube channel and if shes stop and has to get a real job again this kinda of work attitude wont fly her youtube is her job atm this isnt just a hobby she need to get her life together shes barely has to do much work in the first place with this job


It has nothing to do with her watching One Piece, just bad time management.


Update for those who don’t use Twitter: she said that it’s uploading and will be posted soon today. That’s all I ask for, updates on scheduled videos if there are delays.


Well, usually I would agree, but shes trying to catch up so she can watch One Piece Stampede when it comes out in theaters on the 24th. I'd give her a break this time.


A lot of these comments are worrying me. You don't know what she may be going through so calm down and let her rest. You guys are disgusting.

Dont make me Whoop yo Ass

Isn't she in a relationship as well? I dont know much about it, but having a girlfriend i hard work. That alone takes away all your free time

Joseph Dailey

im tired and im clinically depressed i still go to work a 9 to 5 job every day


Honestly, I can't complain, for just 1 euro, there were 29 full length reactions of many episodes in just 30 days. That's way more contents than what I could ask for seriously... I watch her and Allona's reactions. Others reactors I would watch ask for 5$ or 10$ at least to watch full length reactions and for fewer videos. I already consider spending too much time a week watching reactions, I really don't understand people complaining it's not enough yet.

Joseph Dailey

it not the amount she could do less i really dont care it just if she has a schedule and it says today im going to get to see demon slayer or one piece and she like im tired so im going to take a day off if she was sick sure but no i stayed up to late last night and the night before and the night before that one so imma take the day off

Clauberth Weerner

Relax guys, https://twitter.com/SMF_Frieza/status/1183464235273048065

Joseph Dailey

when you get a gf/bf are you going not go to work you do that and in most jobs youd be fired after you do it twice or they take your vacation days away and you dont get payed but with patreon theirs no rules to stop someone taking advantage of the system


That was 5 hours ago, so probably not the best idea to paste it now lol. But I am happy for the update regardless, as I said in my previous comment.


wish some of you people could have some more kindness and empathy like my boy tanjiro


oh snap and its 3 episodes. #blessed


she is an adult, working full time as a content reactor. how are we disgusting for pointing out that she is not putting in the effort that she should?


Its not about the amount of money that you or me are spending. I mean think abou it, she advertises her patreon with a schedule and certain shows that she watches. People are subcribing to watch her content and paying her for it (content on youtube thats often times WAAAAY more time intensive is for free btw). If she had no scheudle at all, we had nothing to really complain about. Its the subscribers decision to deal with irregular uploads in that case but she has one and she should be more fair towards her subscribers and give them what they are paying for :

Joseph Dailey

watching anime and reacting for less than a hour unless shes doing one piece then just re watching her reaction and cut non important parts out for youtube is not anywhere near a hard or even a semi hard job its borderline easy not to mention it should only take her about 2 and a half hours most days to do this job she watches 3 ep of most things thats including editing if she dose one piece it would be around 4 and a half hours she barely dose 5 hours a work a day the majority of Americans work 8 hours a day yet she can barely keep up with half of it with a super easy job so where in all this is she putting in effort half the time everything comes out a day late she cant even keep to her own schedule


She is a content creator lol, one of the perk of being one's own boss is having the freedom to do whatever they want instead of being tied down by someone else. Maybe she could've let us know a bit earlier, but at least she's putting out content way more consistently than some other people.