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I might watch the English dub for this because they do have Law, Doflamingo and other characters dubbed I’m interested in hearing. Since I think this is pretty much Dressrosa reanimated.

Unless a lot of you just want to see my reaction to the subbed. I can watch the dubbed on my own time. Let me know.




Go for it


Subbed please!!


I actually never saw this myself, so I’ll be interested in hearing this dubbed as well, either way works for me


Do dub


Subbed please, the original voices are much better


Might as well try out the dub. We've been listening to you listen to the sub for dozens of episodes. Might as well do something a little different. Especially since its for an arc you've already listened to in sub


It would be awesome to see you react to the Dub for this!! 😁


Whatever works for you. I've never been a fan of the dub but I've already seen the sub various times so I won't mind at all.


Yeah but I think this is stuff we’ve already seen. It would be interesting to hear all of the voices in dubbed don’t ya think? Even if it’s bad it might be fun


Subbed please ;; <3

Muhd Solehin

I'm good with both as I watched Sub and Dub


Dubbed. It’s basically a recap. Also it’s something different for once.


I'll probably skip the dubbed. The choice is yours. Not much a fan of the dub voice actors. That's just my opinion and what I listen to so do as you desire! :) That said fun little side with more on Sabo!


Try it 😉


Do as you wish but pls turn the caps on if you can ^^


After this comes GOLD, which is pretty fun. Both good movies.


I Like the fact that at least you always try to make up so you can stay in track . (Y)


Don’t forget about Film GOLD. It’s not the best out of the op movies but it’s pretty solid.


It's a movie so DUB is okay. It gives you the opportunity to experience something new without ruining the fun of the canon anime. If you were to try doing a few episodes of the anime dub just to see how it is, we'd all be going berserk. So doing dub for a movie is more than welcome. I haven't seen this movie yet so looking forward to watching it with you.

Jimmy Orchid

Jamie, for MOVIE and EPISODE OF, you should do dub. If the dub is done by FUNimation, it should be good, they are known for their dubs.

Fernando Gonzalez

I honestly think that Episode if Sabo didn't add much, it really is just a recap


Get One Piece Heart of Gold and then watch Film Gold


Have already watched it sub so i want maybe to hear it dub


dub is going to be horrible, but please do it!


The dub for Coby's speech during the Marineford War was awesome. One Piece dub is actually quite good. Check it out here if you're interested https://youtu.be/o6Tv1UvhsqE


What about one piece film gold?


She would have to wait till after Dressrosa as well for that


As a dub fan for a lot of animes, I will say that the sub for One Piece is just flat out better. That said, since it's essentially just a remake of something you've already seen, it might be better to do dub just to keep it fresh and interesting.


Is that the chapter where we can see how sabo actually grow up with Dragon? i cant remember if that chapter is an OVA or a current episode from one piece or maybe even a film? PS: soz for my english :D


afaik the past of sabo with dragon/revos is an episode shortly after the battles ends in dressrosa. But i guess those scenes will also be part of this OVA.


Do dub, their voices are different but it would be interesting


I vote sub, dub of any anime shouldn't even exist.



Michael Moritz

man yall some whiny bitches, if she wants to do one damn episode thats really just a recap in dub, let her. you lose nothing even if you skip it.


People get really tilted about sub vs dub, but the OP dub actually has really good Voice Actor castings. I think you'd be pleasantly surprised.


woudnt watch it right after dressrosa --its a recap of dressrosa + flashbacks... watch something like one piece movie 3 :)


A dub for once won’t hurt anyone. Every other reaction is subbed so a one off reaction in dub isn’t the end of the world even if some people act like it is lol


Try dub since we already saw the scenes in sub. Just will be different. If there is an option for subtitles with the dub voices do that.


yep dub sounds good too.


The current DUB is great IMO, I actually enjoy it just as much as the SUB.


Honestly doing a episode of dub is a good idea. Go for it SuperMechaFrieza. I wanna see your reaction.


Sub is better for OP but if you are curious plus it is just a one shot, go for it. Some of the characters dubbed are actually pretty good


Dub sounds more fun

johnny reefer

Just do the dub. Its a freaking recap movie anyone who gets upset is a loser.


I don't like dubs for OP but in this case i would wanna watch it with SMF. Go for the dub Jamie!


only reason i don't watch the dub in one piece is because its so far behind the subbed


You do you, SMF, but I have to admit - the only English dub I find borderline offensive is the OP dub. It just feels like so much is lost in translation.


Watch sub and you can rewatch dub maybe?


I think the OP dubs are really painful. I normally don't mind dubs if they're good, but One Piece just doesn't get the vocal character right, imo.


Dub luffy sounds like he's doing #2 in the bathroom and at the same time on the verge of dying from smoking related lung disease.

Marquis Mattocks

Dub is so great and makes the joke scenes even more hilarious. Especially in the movies and specials where I think its arguably better. Please do the dub! :D


Okay dressrosa 2.0 lets gooo !